![]() 05/09/2014 at 00:35 • Filed to: Relationshits | ![]() | ![]() |
Fuckin' A, Oppo. I never thought I'd be juggling 3 women at once, but here I am.
Lets start with girl #1- Politician's daughter- hot as fuck, rich as hell, smart, and really cool I'm sorta into her and she's sorta into me. She's the closest thing to a girlfriend I got.
Girl #2- Crushing on me hard, really cool, personality wise, probably lifelong friend material if we can get past the sexual tension. Which, personally I dig as a friend, but not as a "friend" friend.
Girl #3- Best fucking friend I've ever had. If I had the cajones to ask her out sooner, I'd be marrying her by now. Can't think of anyone in the world I love more. We've been friends since elementary school, and she wants muh D, which is something I've been trying to get started since I was driving a Bronco, but she's moving to the exact opposite side of the country come july.
What the fuck do I do, oppo?
Have a Disco Volante for reading.
![]() 05/09/2014 at 00:37 |
Girl #3 sounds like a rare occasion of "worth the effort".
![]() 05/09/2014 at 00:39 |
LOL "Relationshits" that's good right here.
If you want to be happy with the person your with. And enjoy them more than anything. And your he type of person that wants to be with your best friend all the time. I'd go with #3. Make It work. It can if you want it to.
But if you want to be maybe happy. And have money for cars. Go with the rich hot one.
I'd personally go for 3. Just my two cents.
![]() 05/09/2014 at 00:42 |
Test out the waters. :)
![]() 05/09/2014 at 00:45 |
Damn you got some game boi! I'd go for #3
![]() 05/09/2014 at 00:47 |
She absolutely is.
Her beauty is only matched by her personality. to keep things fair- here's #1-
and this is a TERRIBLE photo of her
and girl #2-
(the blonde with the huge tits)
![]() 05/09/2014 at 00:47 |
I'll keep this short and sweet. I would say Girl #3 because, from the way you describe her, she seems to be your perfect match. Also, don't get hung up on the fact that she is moving across the country. If she's truly that special to you, you'll do whatever it takes to be with her even it that means quitting your job and moving across country with her. You can always find another job but you may never find someone who makes you feel that exact same way again.
Either way, I hope you end up with a wonderful person.
However, take my advice with a grain of salt. I'm old and terrible at relationship advice.
![]() 05/09/2014 at 00:50 |
Go 3. This way, you won't have any regrets.
![]() 05/09/2014 at 00:51 |
Go for #3.
Trust me, speaking as an old, wise man, go for #3. Don't be me and pass up a good girl, only to end up alone and working on Fiats instead of dating.
![]() 05/09/2014 at 00:52 |
I don't even know you, but if you don't pucker up and make a move on girl #3 I'm going to show up at your house with a cheese knife and BAD PLANS.
The rest of us mere mortals would kill for a girl as you describe.
![]() 05/09/2014 at 00:54 |
Number three, no question. Even if you have regrets about passing on Number 1, it's less emotionally stressful to regret not being "rich as hell" than it is to know that you could have been with your perfect match.
Number Two sounds like a non-starter.
I will be unhappy if you choose any of them but 3. Not that that would mean much to you I'm sure, but I wish I had a cute childhood ladyfriend that was my perfect match. Not because that would make dating easy, but because all I want is a life companion and that is the best start possible.
![]() 05/09/2014 at 00:58 |
Go with #3. Welcome to the Pacific Northwest. It's nice here.
![]() 05/09/2014 at 01:01 |
Usually I only juggling as you're sleeping with more than one of them at the same time. Unless that's the case, then this is more like you have options. But that's not juggling.
Anyway, semantics aside...
If you think you could sleep with #3 for while she's still in town with the understanding that she's going away in a couple months and you're not going to do a long distance thing, then spend the quality time with her while she's still around. You've known her forever. Be up front with her about stuff.
But, since #3 is going away, keep #1 and #2 on the hook in the meantime. Perhaps out of fairness to #3, don't do anything with them while #3 is still in town. But when #3 leaves, you once again have options .
![]() 05/09/2014 at 01:04 |
Yeah Oregon is actually a great place to live. No sales tax, and if you live in the right place no DOT inspection required.
![]() 05/09/2014 at 01:05 |
At least spend some time *cough*getsome*cough* with number three before she leaves, especially if number one is not looking to be exclusive right now. Moving with her sounds crazy to me but hell, go for it if you want. Or just go back to the politicians daughter once she's gone.
Out of curiosity, which is 2 in the pic?
![]() 05/09/2014 at 01:06 |
The blonde with the giant juggs.
![]() 05/09/2014 at 01:07 |
nvm, blond with the tits, right. Have lots of fun with 3 until she leaves then back to the other two
![]() 05/09/2014 at 01:09 |
Correct! Although they do make up those extra taxes. Vancouver, WA is the best place to live if tax avoidance is your thing. It's great.
![]() 05/09/2014 at 01:16 |
do a dd/track/burn for them. The one that gets DD is the one you want, since hypothetically you'll be with them for a long time (like a dd!)
![]() 05/09/2014 at 01:19 |
DD- Kelly
Track- Sydney
Burn- Alyssa
You figure out who's who
![]() 05/09/2014 at 01:35 |
From your description, it's gotta be #3. This is your last real shot to start something if she's moving. Go for it! Worst comes to worst, the other ones will still be around!
![]() 05/09/2014 at 02:25 |
Girl #3. I don't make a habit of replying to these threads, but dear god that is one of the cutest girls I have ever seen. Take it from a guy who's been in similar situations, the hot best friend is the one you want to date/marry in the long run. Sex/flings are fun and all, but you end up spending lots of weekends and afternoons together too...
![]() 05/09/2014 at 02:55 |
This and a '96 teggy GS-R are her rides. She's not even a gear head. #WCW 4 reel.
![]() 05/09/2014 at 03:02 |
Maybe I'm old, but to me, they are all cute - loving the eyes on all of them. Sounds like hanging with all three is kinda neat.
My only comment: find your still point, your quiet mind, the place where serious internal work gets done. You might have to try several times. You might have to try several places (in nature, skid correcting, sitting in a parked car looking at a sunset, going down a mountain 2 lane road, whatever.) And ask *it*, the still point, the question. Just roll the options through your mind, and watch what your body does. Go with the one that gives the most positive (to you) results.
Then, proceed to compromise, because it almost never works if the other is just an extension of you, yourself, and doesn't allow them, themselves to exist. (That's my opinion.. other's may have different experiences. No offense meant. )
[Oh, and btw, Oregon has some seriously wonderful beers. beerlopnik squared.]
![]() 05/09/2014 at 03:20 |
world championship wrestling?
![]() 05/09/2014 at 03:29 |
![]() 05/09/2014 at 04:21 |
Number three.
There's no time like today mate. Go get her. And i think you're not really juggling three girls, since you have one that you really loves and 2 that you just sorta like.
![]() 05/09/2014 at 06:31 |
#3 sounds good and all. But the other side of the country? Long distance relationships aren't much fun.
I'd go with 2 probably.
![]() 05/09/2014 at 07:10 |
3. Make yo self happy before she moves. See what happens. You worked hard on that one might as well enjoy it for however long it lasts.
![]() 05/09/2014 at 07:42 |
The obvious answer is all three. Really the only problem with polygyny is the multiple mothers-in-law.
![]() 05/09/2014 at 07:51 |
Make a move on #3 NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
![]() 05/09/2014 at 08:06 |
Date rich hot girl, use her money to fly to opposite side of the country to visit love of your life.
![]() 05/09/2014 at 08:09 |
All of em. Preferably at the same time. Make a Hot Benny Sandwich.
But #3 is the keeper, but is now getting out of the equation
#2 Run Far away! It won't end well
#1 Winner by default.
I have been told I'm a bit of a prick BTW. Honesty is apparently no longer a virtue.;)
![]() 05/09/2014 at 10:10 |
Without knowing what they look like, every man should answer "The one with the biggest boobs"...which is funny but not fair. Otherwise, #3.
![]() 05/09/2014 at 10:11 |
Why not all 3? Whoever is the best wins! Make sure you use protection though. A friend of mine once did 2 girls on the same night (3hrs apart). He was a hero for month or so. About 6 weeks later they both called him to inform him they were preggers.
Seriously though if chick #3 digs you it won't be hard to sway her not to move. You have to feed the fire starting now. Girls do stupid things when they are in love. I know a girl that sold everything she owned, quit a good job, and moved to Spain for a guy she had only dated for 3 months.
![]() 05/09/2014 at 10:37 |
beat me to it
![]() 05/09/2014 at 10:44 |
I turned my best friend into my girlfriend and it was the best thing that has ever happened to me. Pick #3, you will always regret it if you don't try.
![]() 05/09/2014 at 10:57 |
Oh, to be Mango.
![]() 05/10/2014 at 08:15 |
Hm. This is easy, though.
Option #1 is a nice thing if you are available and don't have other plans or alternatives shadowing/diminishing her overall appeal. You do have 'em, though.
#2 is all nice and shit, but if you don't go for option #3, I won't be able to understand why .
Get this. In the end you'll be stuck with a person you might want at your side for a long ish time, and that makes it worth looking at how they might turn out over the course of a few years, maybe even a decade or so. Although beauty can woo you ever-so-easily (for a good reason, too, I might add), the aging of a body will undo even that at some point.
What's most important then? Do you already consider #1 fully developed in terms of personality? Do you know #2's personality to the same extent, maybe better? Here comes the biggie, though ... you have known #3 for a long time. So you know head and heart, probably more so than men of her past would ever know. You obviously dig her and you even stuck with her without having a real shot at her.
If she moves, you'll be bummed out anyway, as you're losing the closeness of a good friend – if you don't go after her, your friendship (sue me for being so gloomy; 'tiz but personal experience) will become more difficult to maintain and will likely start to deteriorate.
My experience is that if you don't go for the #3 type, you'll always wish you had, regardless of what else you end up with. Even if the alternative is all good and great you'll be asking yourself what it would have been like. Don't let that be taken away from you. I think you know a lot more about how #1 and #2 would turn out, so take it from there and factor in the special constellation there is between you and 3.
Do the math. Cheers.
![]() 05/10/2014 at 08:21 |
Nope. Prison is the best place to live if tax avoidance is your thing. ;)
![]() 05/12/2014 at 16:12 |
Where's #3? And what is moving her to Oregon? Any convincing of her to stay if you make it worth her while, so to speak? Or even a delay in the move so you can see where things go?