![]() 05/03/2014 at 20:35 • Filed to: Emma | ![]() | ![]() |
We spent most of the day undoing the work one of the painters did. There are two painters working on my car. One is really good. The other sucks and cuts corners. Odds are the shit job (runs, dirt, orange peel, etc) the bad painter has done got him fired. I am also wickedly over budget and behind schedule. Panels are aligned and are going to be sprayed tomorrow morning.
I also had a can of miller light. That stuff is crap! I blame my father for starting me on fancy micro brew stuff. And anyways, we're working on a Trans Am, it should be Coors lite.
![]() 05/03/2014 at 20:36 |
This is your final update!!??? A lot more anticlimactic than I thought....
![]() 05/03/2014 at 20:37 |
"Wickedly over budget and behind schedule"
So you have a car project
![]() 05/03/2014 at 20:38 |
As far as cheap beer goes, I like Miller Lite... Although in a bottle.
![]() 05/03/2014 at 20:39 |
Coors…..LITE? Swilling colt 45, puffing a j, chilling on the hood in dickies shorts and a guinea tee, and saying lewd stuff to passing girls who look like they're maybe 18, but probably under is the only way to go.
![]() 05/03/2014 at 20:44 |
Miller lite is the shizznit of light beers.
![]() 05/03/2014 at 20:51 |
There have been so many roadblocks that more updates were needed. If I run the math and find I am out of money. This is the final update.
![]() 05/03/2014 at 20:52 |
I've just been taking a fender off the Ranchero, but I also helped my cousin put the doors and will panels on his Rover, which is sort of like this. It' almost there bondo-wise, though it's now the province of my dad being OCD and no longer me just roughing it in. Another day of fiddling, and primer - probably some time next week.
![]() 05/03/2014 at 20:53 |
Context: I have dangerously close to $0 in my bank now. I'm either 8 months, 5 weeks, or three days behind.
![]() 05/03/2014 at 20:58 |
I would rather be bondo-ing and sanding than honing and reaming edges in cylinders.
Sand too much? Throw more on!
The edge reamer shaved off too much? GUESS WHAT: TIME TO OVERBORE AND GET NEW PISTONS & RINGS. Machine work at a shop is waaaaay outta my budget.
Six pack of good stuff when you're done ;)
![]() 05/03/2014 at 20:59 |
Hey, at least you made progress. The only thing I managed to accomplish today was putting the hood roundel back on - everything else went nowhere.
Also, Miller Lite is ok as long as you don't expect it to be anything other than cold, wet and vaguely beerish.
![]() 05/03/2014 at 21:02 |
Welcome to the world of having someone else squirt your car.
Orange peel and runs aren't too bad on a solid color. If it were a pearl, metallic or both it'd really be a bitch.
![]() 05/03/2014 at 21:11 |
Over budget, behind schedule and pissed off? Yup, sounds like you're restoring a car. It's gonna be worth it though!
![]() 05/03/2014 at 21:13 |
My son in law just started the Z, it has original paint but some problem spots so he isn't sure what hes going to do. Maybe touch it up and buff out the car and see how it looks, he said there is oxidation but still shine on most of the car. He has spent $3000 in the last two weeks. The engine was rebuilt before he bought it so thats sorted. I'm going to be visiting so I will have a look and we can get some stuff for it. Its going to be a fun classic rally car, it came with a roll bar that was custom made for it too.
![]() 05/03/2014 at 21:13 |
I'm sure when the finished project is in your possession it'll be worth all the cash you've dropped.
![]() 05/03/2014 at 21:26 |
why is it that cheap better tastes 20% better in bottles? Is it all in my head?
![]() 05/03/2014 at 21:32 |
Nope, beer is always better from a bottle.
Cans have chemicals in the aluminum to prevent corrosion, the beer leaches some flavor from that. Also, Mtn Dew tastes best from a can...
![]() 05/03/2014 at 21:34 |
I must have a whole lot of em chemicals in me.
![]() 05/03/2014 at 21:47 |
lets KICKSTAR this badboy?? whose with me??
![]() 05/04/2014 at 06:12 |
How much does bore-work cost where you are? I think my Triumph I6 was £80 for honing, and £40 per cylinder for a rebore (which it didn't need apparently).
That was a highly respected 'shop though. They might be getting the sort of volume business to charge those prices.
![]() 05/04/2014 at 06:14 |
That's one of the good things about cars. If you run out of money, you can just put them somewhere protected and wait until you do have money.
My sister's into horses, and if you do that with them it doesn't end so well...
![]() 05/05/2014 at 18:46 |
To be fair, most modern cans are equal to or superior to bottles. This is a good example:
Or this:
The only thing to note is that when you drink straight out of the can, your actually tasting the aluminum top. Pour it into a glass and you'd never know the difference.
![]() 05/06/2014 at 20:13 |
Coors Light? No. Coors Banquet. Coors Light did't even exist until '78.