![]() 05/01/2014 at 22:00 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
That post several down got me thinking, what would you think if you saw a teenager driving a nicely restored 2nd gen Trans Am or any nice car for that matter? I mean about the driver, not the car. Spoiled brat? I bet he inherited it? He must be a drug dealer? What? Be honest.
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I'd say good taste. It's not hard for an 18 year old kid to afford a 20,000 dollar car.
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In my town there is a guy with a 1980 trans am it is a burgundy like color performance exhaust I think he seems cool I would love to talk to him about it.
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I actually never think stuff like that because I'm too busy trying to talk to the guy.
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Where do you live where kids can buy their own $20,000 car?
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From where I went to high school? Most likely spoiled brat. But I was in that same category.
I applaud what you're doing on your TA, keep up the good work!
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depends on if you meet them at some point, there was a kid in my school that had a restored 69 chevelle that he drove to school and the one day my neighbor actually wrecked his pickup into a cavalier looking at the car. (Kid that drove the chevelle was a jock tho not sure if he or his parents paid to restore it but the car used to be his grandfathers drag car)
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I would think of ways to talk the kid into selling me the car for $5k. If he wouldn't, I would think of a way to steal it from him.
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I got a job at the age of 18 that pays 28k a year. Makes it easy to finance a car when you have zero expenses as a highschool student. Even buy outright. Not saying every kid could do it, but it's possible. I did it.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 22:05 |
Suburbs around DC for one... I swear those kids have bigger bankrolls coming out of diapers than I do now. It's like they earn 50k a year just to shit and drool
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Flat head screw driver + 8mm, 13mm, and 15mm socket + coat hanger = one stolen Trans Am
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Personally, I would find it even cooler than an older guy driving the same car. It shows someone of the younger generation demonstrating an interest in something other than an Iphone. Plus, considering it's far cheaper than the cars that most of the kids I go to school with received, I could never see how anyone would find it douchey. Then again, I'm a 17 year old driving a classic Audi, which is probably even worse.
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What did you do and how did you get this job, if you don't mind me asking?
(17 year old)
![]() 05/01/2014 at 22:08 |
Honestly, I'd think incredible taste. I live in a place where many teens have no budgets (literally) and I see a lot of kids in BMW, Audi, Land Rover. If I found myself at the gas station (which I constantly do) next to a kid with that Firechicken I'd be thrilled.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 22:08 |
Not worse. Awesome.
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I have a friend who's restoring a '69 Pontiac Lemans Custom S Convertible that's literally nothing more than a shell, and that already has a lot of holes in it. His parents are giving to the cause a little bit, but nothing more than they would if they were buying him a car. He's been slowly working on it, but as of right now he's still repairing rust holes in the body. He's put more blood sweat and tears into that thing than I've seen him put in anything else. In the end he plans on daily driving it.
If spending thousands of dollars putting a classic back on the road would cause someone to consider someone else a "spoiled brat" then they have some serious issues. Personally, I commend someone who works hard and puts classics back where they belong, on the road.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 22:10 |
This is my issue being 16 driving a new 203 Honda Civic. Everyone thinks Im a spoiled brat. HOWEVER, Im paying for everything! $200 a month for the car, $100 for insurance, all the gas, any repairs, etc. I get grouped with the damn kids who get everything handed to them.
I feel you will have the same issue I have
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The point of the question was without context or touching back story what would you think. That car sounds awesome though!
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I'd probably think, "Holy shit, is that Bandit?"
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My car will be pretty easy to recognize.
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Every time I've seen a kid my age driving a classic like this, I think, "fuck, that guy is a fucking boss, why am I not driving a car like that?"
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What would I think?
Honestly I'd think he was cool and his dad must be cooler to let him drive... since it's dad's car.
Hate to say that but that's my feeling.
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Car dealership, work your way up. It's a good gig, base pay is 10 an hour where I work but I put in a lot of OT and I worked for my fathers construction company A LOT during the summer and that pays a lot better.
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It all depends to me. Being driven like a human being, alright. Bring driven like shit, Not alright.
I wouldn't judge on who's driving it, but how it's being driven.
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No, that's what I think when I see other kids in old cars. It's sad but most of the time is true.
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An older car like yours, I think it is awesome. When a 17 year old is driving around in a C63 AMG I think their parents dislike them and are trying to have them kill themselves.
In general I think kids should have to buy their first car themselves, or at the very least have a shitty older car.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 22:25 |
Oh my god Bandit! Is that your car? I remember when you first bought your TA. I just got back online after 2 years absence
![]() 05/01/2014 at 22:28 |
Oh hell no. Give it two or three weeks and then it will look like that. This is what she looks like now. Final coats of paint go on Saturday or Sunday. http://oppositelock.jalopnik.com/tag/emma
![]() 05/01/2014 at 22:45 |
When I bought my car people thought one of three things. It was in the family, I restored it, or daddy bought it for me. None of these is correct. I'd worked since I was 14 saving about 90% of my earnings for a car. When the time came, I had enough money to buy my car. This becomes evident once people get to know me and find out how cheap I am. I honestly wasn't going to buy a car unless it was going to be a fun investment.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 22:53 |
It wouldn't get me thinking "spoiled" like a new fast car would. I'd think there was a good chance that the car was in the family for a while, or the kid bought it with his own money and works on it himself. It would depend about 90% on how I saw the car being driven, though.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 22:55 |
I'd most likely put their windshield wipers up when they're parked, so they can blog about it when they get home.
Honestly, it be pretty good to see. It takes balls to drive an old car everyday.
I'm 19 and i have an FRS, occasionally i'll drive my fathers Audi RS7...but do you know when i get the most looks? Driving the Town and Country...a fucking minivan. I'm just that good looking.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 23:01 |
I can relate. my grandpa bought my 68 Camaro but under the condition I help with all the work and I work at his house over summers and during school breaks to cover stuff. I worked from when I was 8 till really nom (22). I was always asked crap about that in high school. I never drove the 68 there I bought another car to drive but it never ended and still doesn't
![]() 05/01/2014 at 23:27 |
I would there a spoiled bitch (then run to my Hyundai and cry)
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Everyone's background/financial history is different, so I wouldn't jump to conclusions about anything. I buddy of mine has parents that aren't rich by any means, but the kid has a 70 Chevelle that he and his dad fully built because his dad flips old muscle cars for extra money.
On the other end of the spectrum, I know kids with parents who are well off and drive around beater econoboxes.
That said, I'd be less likely to hate on a young kid driving a restored muscle car than a young kid driving a brand new whatever.
![]() 05/02/2014 at 02:44 |
I think my student who drives a WS6 is far more cool than a number of his classmates with more expensive yet beige rides.
![]() 05/02/2014 at 04:00 |
It would depend on what the driver is doing behind the wheel and outside the car (like if I overcame my terminal shyness for once and said hi to the driver and asked him about the car).