![]() 05/01/2014 at 21:38 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Throughout my car search, my dad has been great. He’s a car guy too, and he understands the wants that I have from a car. More than that, he’s pretty much willing to fulfill most of them. But there’s one desire that I have that he has said “no” to. Well, two actually. He refuses to send me to school in anything with a blue and white propellor on the front, but that’s another story. But his only other major qualification is; the car must not be fast.
Quick is okay. Many of the cars I’m looking at are quick, like the one I posted about yesterday. But not fast. No, he has forbidden me from driving a high-performance vehicle. And I don’t blame him one bit. Teenagers shouldn’t drive fast cars, if you ask me. The insurance costs are insane. The fuel economy is likely so-so. But most importantly, it’s a fast car. Which means the best case scenario is they get a big fat speeding ticket, the bad scenario is they get their license taken away for racing or something, and the worst case involves them dead in an accident. As a huge gear head, I would love a fast car, but I realize that giving a high schooler a fast car is one of the dumber things a parent can do.
Let me give you an example. I know a kid who had a riced-up bugeye WRX. He totaled it while trying to do doughnuts in the middle of the high school parking lot in the snow. And he isn’t the only one who has a car like that. Just off the top of my head, there are students at my high school with the following cars: 4th-gen Mustang Cobra, tuned (and stanced, bro) ‘05 Impreza WRX STI, E36 M3, several Mustang GT’s, Mitsubishi 3000GT Turbo, some sort of tuned 240SX or Celica (which has so much bodykit I can’t tell what it started as), more VTEC tuners than I can count, and now a pair of B6 S4’s. There are many more, this is just what I can think of off the top of my head.
So why, pray tell, do parents buy these cars for their children? One of the biggest arguments is, “But I didn’t buy it. My responsible baby worked hard and saved up his own money to buy that car!” To which my response is, “Congratulations, do you think the tree at the end of the block cares who paid for it?” Some may argue that their child is very, very responsible. But I would consider myself very responsible, and even I wouldn’t be able to resist the temptation of showing off for my friends or pushing my car’s limits if I drove something fast. Still others just want their kid to be happy and popular. But is that really worth it?
I apologize if there are any parents on here whose kids have fast cars, but I’m just going to say it; In my opinion 16 year-old opinion, giving a high schooler a fast, street-racer-ish car is a moronic thing to do, and a recipe for disaster. These are kids that get themselves into serious trouble in Hyundai Accents. Why give them Camaros? As I said, all of them will probably end up getting tickets and getting in accidents anyways, and that likelihood goes up astronomically with a fast car. And unfortunately, some of them will likely kill themselves or someone else. No matter how much you love cars, it isn’t worth it.
/end rant/
EDITOR’S NOTE: Since the writing of this post a year ago, the author has purchased his first car in the form of an all-aluminum 310hp V8 luxury sedan, in which he has done donuts, achieved speeds 0f over 120mph, run into another car (and a snowbank), and generally driven like a menace to society. He shall hereby be branded a hypocrite, and shall have to chop down the tallest tree in the forrest with a herring.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 21:44 |
I agree...with great power comes great responsibility, and teenagers for the most part are not responsible.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 21:45 |
I think you're on the money here. I nearly killed myself in a 280ZX as a 16 year-old with all of 145 horsepower. There's a learning curve to driving powerful cars and parents need to respect that. Nothing makes me angrier than seeing a highschool kid in a $30k go-fast car. Silliness.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 21:45 |
I agree but no matter my age I would rather have a quick car that can handle than a fast car that can't handle my friend is the opposite.
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Some kid at my school has an 07 Roush Mustang. Two others have 2nd gen F-Bodies, and then the kid with the B5 S4. I'm just waiting to hear one of them have wrapped it around a tree.
Sometimes slow isn't better either. A girl has a second generation Escalade ESV that shes barely tall enough to see into the window. That's kinda scary.
Of course, there are those kids who can make old SC Saturns seem like they have a 0-60 time of like 2 seconds. Anything can be fast if you want it to be.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 21:47 |
Your picture reminded me of when my dad let me drive his '03 Terminator to school sometimes. I am amazed I didn't kill myself with it, but that is mostly because I had enough brain cells to realize I shouldn't turn off the traction control. But god damn was it fun to drive.
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Hater. I bought this with my own money, have paid for all parts, labor, gas, etc. All it does is make me not want to total it. I got her when I was 16 and am now 18 and the car is about two weeks away from being mostly finished. She should be putting out something around 300hp which isn't much but is sufficient for hooning. There aren't many safety features either so if you crash, you die. To be on your side though, many many people in my highschool shouldn't be driving. I have a friend who has gotten in multiple accidents because she forgot to unturn her steering wheel after making a turn.
I've noticed I'm a much worse driver when driving my 2000 2wd Blazer beater than I am when driving the Trans Am.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 21:47 |
As a person who will be entering fatherhood sometime in the next few years, I understand your concerns. While my parents had the money to buy me something nicer, I drove a Chevy Lumina in high school. My dad even gave me the option of having a brand new Cobalt SS or a beater and a project car on the side... we already know the outcome.
Anyway, I'm going to play devil's advocate here: I love autocross. Like... it's a drug. I absolutely love nothing more than wrenching on my car and actually feeling accomplished at the end of the day. I've thought about it long and hard, and this is going to be my stance when I have children that are taking to the roads someday. I'm going to buy them a slow, reliable car that rates high in the safety department just to CMA, but I'm also going to take them autocrossing every weekend that they want to go and say "you race here. If I so much as hear about you driving wrecklessly, I'm selling your car and you will be walking everywhere until you can afford your own mode of transportation aside from what God gave you. Understand? I don't care what Jimmy down the street drives, but 6 days a week you drive your car responsibly and for 6 hours on Sunday you can drive my car as fast as you want to"
![]() 05/01/2014 at 21:48 |
Well said. If I have kids and they decide to get a "fast" car and do "spirited" driving, I'll yank the keys away from them in an instant. Kids thinking they are invincible is a great way to hurt someone, props to you for realizing it at a younger age.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 21:48 |
I am VERY thankful that my parents have never given me a car with over 120 whp (well I drove a truck for a short time with 250 but it weighed like 5000 pounds). I drove like a maniac until recently (seriously, if you go back far enough on oppo you can find me talking about going over 120 in the mini) and I'm afraid of what i would of done if I had a car with more power! I mean, I still enjoy spirited driving but I don't do anything as batshit insane as I used to do on a daily basis. However now that I drive like a sane human being I feel like I can responsibly own a high powered car without being a threat to everyone driving around me.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 21:48 |
TAKE THAT BACK! Very few 2nd gens deserve to crash.
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![]() 05/01/2014 at 21:51 |
The answer is just to make everyone's first car a miata
![]() 05/01/2014 at 21:52 |
yeah dude, you pretty much covered everything but still..... Murica. We can do what ever the hell we want, even let our kids have fast cars, get all fat playing video games, or be all sad and depressed for no reason in a chingon ass nice big house. Crazy stuff dude. Just keep an eye out for these spoiled little losers on the road.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 21:52 |
One of them is a blue green and has I think 19 inch chromed out wheels on it. This is one of those "very few" cars
But the other one is a wonderfully restored one that almost looks like it just rolled off the showroom floor. It also has enough work done to it to where it makes about 400 horsepower. This one doesn't deserve anything but a good home.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 21:52 |
i had a similar conversation with an insurance agent yesterday, pretty much about this.
My choice in vehicle was driven by the fact that I need to be able to insure it. Sure, someone can purchase a vehicle, but buying and affording are quite different.
Teenagers should be aware of the insurance cost when they get their first cars. How tickets, and age, and vehicle choice can severely affect their ability to have a car. Plenty of parents with what they consider "well paying jobs" dont really consider the price to be a learning experience, and thats why many people in my age range tend to purchase cars that are impractical (like a sports coupe).
The insurance cost for me is less than half of many other people in my age range, because I opted for a vehicle that would sit in a lower price range, but still being fun and fairly easy to work on. Too many younger people dont understand these balances, and simply pay the price. Its sad, but it wont change.
Learn the system, take advantage of it. Reap the benefits and try to teach others. Have fun on the tracks where its safe, it'll be better that way.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 21:53 |
Camaros I assume? Hopefully the owner of the nice car takes care of it.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 21:53 |
I think my saturn ha a 0-60 of 2 seconds ;_;
But I know I'm lying to myself.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 21:56 |
Yup, I think they might even be the same year. But I think the owner of it does. It's always clean and he parks near the back of the lot where there are no other cars.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 21:57 |
Shit, my van can out drag a 2014 'Stang that has double the horsepower. /kidding
![]() 05/01/2014 at 22:04 |
I went to a really poor high school. The coolest car in the lot was a 2009 Camaro I think. Before that, I can't remember anything remotely interesting. As far as parents letting their kids have cool stuff they shouldn't have, a lot of parents grew up dweebs like me and they don't want their kids to live the same high school life so they buy them rad stuff like kegs and v8 cars without realizing how dangerous it can be.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 22:05 |
I don't think your first car should be fast, but, I am currently a senior in high school, and I now have an S2000. My first two cars were slow shitboxes, and that's how it should be.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 22:06 |
If only I knew man!
I'm not rich by any means. I was never offered a fast first car. I bought a shitty Jetta that I worked hard for. I wasn't the best student, I wasn't bad but not great.
I never got it though, when that one kid with terrible grades got given a brand new Mustang Gt. Who didn't seem to care at all about cars. While I'm in a beaten old Jetta, caring more about cars that I should.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 22:08 |
To be fair an E36 M3 and some of these other old performance cars aren't very fast by todays standards. Yours doesn't sound nearly as bad as my school, one kid has a CL63 AMG (holy fuck) and another has an S7 (again, holy fuck). I personally drive an 06 Audi A3 which my dad put 100k on before passing it down to me, and it really is nicer and faster than what I probably should have tbh. Also considering many high schoolers, especially us gearheads, get into accidents it makes more sense to give us teens cheap cars that are safe, easy to repair, or easy to replace
![]() 05/01/2014 at 22:10 |
1. A well-off parent will want something new enough to not break down (yet) and safe (below 120mph) Despite reality. There's a good chance they themselves were not reality-immersed. It happens.
2. The kid will present a series of vehicles that are progressively less crazy. The parents will look at list, eliminate the obvious ones, and approve something to shut the thing up.
Resolution: Summer Racing school. The ride is based on performance. Of course they'll cheat. It's in their nature.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 22:15 |
she forgot to unturn her steering wheel after making a turn.
Wow, just... Wow. I have some colleagues who are completely unfit to drive as well, but then again, no one can afford fast cars in Brazil either, so it kinda turns out alright I guess.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 22:17 |
If 300 hp "isn't much" I don't know what is.
A decade ago, that would have been plenty. We just live in a world of high horsepower beasts. 300 hp will be awesome in that car. I doubt any more is necessary.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 22:18 |
My parents have forced me to follow this exact formula for my first two cars, and from it I have learned you never need power to have fun. My first car, a 2002 Dodge Neon ACR that was an ex-SCCA racecar, had 150 hp. 0-60 came in something like 7 seconds, with a strong tailwind. But that car cornered hard enough to tear your face off. Plus, it was FWD. While that meant no sweet skids, it meant I learned understeer, which is far easier to control than oversteer should you get in trouble.
Eventually, my parents decided I should sell it due to the rollcage being a head hazard. So I bought a 1991 Audi Coupe Quattro. This was far safer than the Neon as it is built like a tank, and it also gave me more power (160 this time, I know, I'm straying from the whole "slow car=good idea" at this point). Because its a tank, I get 0-60 in around 8, which gives me all the time in the world to listen to the screaming, wonderfully musical 20 valve Inline 5 that has become famous for nothing except the fast that its reliable, sounds good, and "You should put a turbo on that." And not only due I get to bask in it while I take my solid 4 seconds or so to climb from 3000 to 6500, but I get to shift up, look down and see I only gained like 15 miles per hour over the course of that gear, and get to do it all again in the next gear. And the next. And even the next. If it puts anything in perspective, 55 on the highway is 3500 in 5th (top gear).
The Audi also has the famous TorSen AWD setup that got Audi's Quattro on the map, meaning it is an unstoppable force in the snow and nearly impossible to make it do anything but understeer in the dry or even the wet.
Slow cars rock. Because what's the point of buying a manual if the only time you get to floor it through second is to merge on the highway, and then you have to pop it into 5th and just sit there? And also, what's the point of buying something that only provides fun in the twisties if you have to take a corner at plain dangerous speeds, when you could just have something that always feels like its cornering at plain dangerous speeds?
![]() 05/01/2014 at 22:20 |
Parent buys car they want for self.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 22:21 |
I agree. When I see those things peel out of my parking lot, I'm just sitting there thinking I'm gonna turn on the news and see the worst the next morning. And if I'm thinking that as a classmate who barely knows these people, how do the parents not think the same thing?
![]() 05/01/2014 at 22:23 |
Well, the car weighs a massive amount and isn't necessarily the most aerodynamic thing ever produced. With the maybe 160 it had when I got it, it could barely get out of its own way and reaching 70mph was a struggle.
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I agree with the Saturn thing. I've seen all manner of slow cars being driven out of the HS lot at Indy 500 speeds and thought, "That is probably the fastest a Chevy Lumina/Toyota Matrix/Jeep Liberty has ever gone."
![]() 05/01/2014 at 22:26 |
I wrecked my first* car after 2 months, all 140 HP FWD of it. Kids will get into trouble with anything, and quick is even worse than fast. The car I wrecked would go 130+, but would take forever to get there. My actual first car topped out at 110, but it sure got there quick. If they pay for it themselves, they'll likely have more respect for it (I didn't/don't, but a lot of people do. I'll beat something I paid for, but take care of something someone else paid for)
*actual first car was purchased when I was 15, a big block muscle car that I did drive in high school.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 22:26 |
a lot of parents just dont know any better and buy whatever their kids ask for.... Something about seeing a high school kid driving a terminator aggravates me
I had the second fastest car at my high school, only thing that would outrun me was a bolton SRT-4 (bleurgh!)
![]() 05/01/2014 at 22:27 |
thankfully 2nd gen F bodies are not fast lol
![]() 05/01/2014 at 22:27 |
There are exceptions, but if you pulled a name of a student in my school out of a hat and gave that person your car, they'd total it, and maybe get themselves killed, within a week. I tend to think people who love and respect cars as much as us would be better, though.
Also, that is an awesome car.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 22:29 |
Agreed. There is a time and a place for everything.
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I had a wrx in highschool no issue. 365 hp 420 tq before I graduated!
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You pretty much nailed it. Nobody should have a ton of power until they've learned and proven themselves with a little power.
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I know someone who drives his Jeep Liberty like it's a Ferrari Enzo. You'd think that car was making 500 horsepower the way he manages to get it to move.
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I am now picturing the bro truck kids all driving Miatas. That would make the world so much better. It would probably even make them nicer people.
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Not every teenager with sports car is a crash waiting to happen. I bought and tuned my wrx in highschool and drove it appropriately
![]() 05/01/2014 at 22:34 |
How'd you end up with 3 cars in 2-3 years?
![]() 05/01/2014 at 22:35 |
If someone can get into trouble in an Accent, perhaps they shouldn't even be driving to begin with... Now, I don't disagree with your point of view, but I believe there are cases and cases. While I don't own a fast car, I probably would own something at least a little more reckless if I could afford it. Back when I was 16, I almost got a Dodge Dart with a 318 for my first car, and a year later, I almost got a 69 Chevelle with the 396 that my dad an I somehow located in Porto Alegre. I've been looking into ways to buy a Nova for years. What kept me was lack of funds to pay for the "hidden charges" still practiced in the used car businesses, so, instead of buying a car, I kept my dad's old Fiat Tipo Sedicivalvole, which would probably qualify as quick.
Have I ever gotten into trouble with it? Nope. Have I gotten any tickets? Yes, four; one for unreadable plates (which is bullshit), one for doing 67 in a 60 kph zone, one for doing 83 in an 80 kph zone and one for doing 61 in a 60 zone, so I was obviously not racing and owning a faster car probably wouldn't change that. If anything I'd be even more careful not to break anything, considered the price of that stuff in Brazil.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 22:37 |
See, but when 3 of the 4 people I listed have been seen doing burnouts leaving the school parking lot, they're an accident waiting to happen.
Shit, my van only has 190 horsepower and I still drive it like a fucking mad man. I was able to drive my dad's truck today and thrashed that thing to no end. But I know when it's safe to do so and when it's not. When pulling out of a parking lot full of people and cops, it's probably not the best thing to floor it and leave a cloud of smoke behind you.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 22:40 |
That does piss me off, because a lot of the kids that get fancy cars at my HS are the rich popular jocks and girlfriends of jocks. They aren't that bright, but their parents are so proud of them being the starting quarterback/cheer captain that they buy them whatever new car they want. The most popular new car among rich kids at my school, by far, is the Jeep Wrangler Unlimited. Some of these kids have loaded up, modified ones that cost like $45k. Apart from that, and the fast stuff, there are lots of small and midsize BMWs, Audis, and Mercedes, and a couple Range Rover Evoques/Q5s/X3s. But not all these kids are bad. One of my good friends, and a very humble person, drives an '06 Land Rover LR3 HSE.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 22:40 |
I'm just saying that you shouldn't just assume that a guy is gonna drive like a jack wagon cuz he's young in a fast car. My car has 420 lbs ft and I drive it like a granny, until it's appropriate to let her stretch her legs
![]() 05/01/2014 at 22:42 |
1. Accident 2. Too expensive to maintain Vs it's value.
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They aren't crazy fast, but considering most of the ones at my school are modified to some degree, they're still faster than I think isa a good idea. Also, a CL63 and an S7? Holy fuck indeed! Is it a college?
![]() 05/01/2014 at 22:43 |
I was only basing my opinion on those people, based on what I've seen those people do. I know plenty of kids my age that have fast cars that drive them appropriately.
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Dat Quattro, man. Love it.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 22:44 |
Hmmm, I never thought about that.
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You are one of the few and the proud, it would seem. I'll bet it was a fun car, though.
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It's true, some people know how to handle power responsibly. But at age 16-18, that number of people is considerably smaller, and mostly consists of people on here.
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Same, just because their kid is on the football team doesn't mean he needs a $50,000 Bmw. The Wrangler was the most popular at my Hs also. Oh, and the one football player who I knew who owned a new Bmw got arrested on drug charges. Sucks for him, he's probably somebodies prison wife by now.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 22:53 |
Because people regardless of reality think their little Johnny or sweet Susie aren't like the rest of the kids. I grew up in an affluent area, and knew kids that got BMWs, Boxters, A4 for their first car. A larger number that got their parents 3-4 year old hand me down C,3,S60 class. I know one girl 5' 2" that got a brand new Explorer, could barely see over the dash and ran over multiple parking signs as she couldn't judge forward distance . I got to borrow a minivan. There was no imagination of a street rocket. Also my dad was friends with a number of cops in town. He always said "If you ever do anything stupid, I'll know before you get home, and then you'll wish you were arrested" Ah the days of threatening child abuse. So I studied, went to school and now have a bitchen 914.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 23:02 |
Because theres nothing like getting a blow job, smoking a joint and going over the speed limit in your Mustang?
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still have it! 14k miles on my build zero issues. No plans to sell it, just had an A+ compression test, that solidified it for me.
There's a write up somewhere on here about it
![]() 05/01/2014 at 23:07 |
I think its a matter of how you are raised. I grew up all around high performance cars and rare vintage cars. I learned early to respect the car and what its capable of. don't do stupid things on the street. if you want to go fast save it for a track. Common sense can also help too and if you respect the car it shouldn't cause any problems. I drove a Z/28 Camaro my senior year. you just to get past the ego of other with fast cars to race and its fine. I never got a ticket and was never pulled over. I just got in the car and drove it like a normal car. then out on country roads I would get in it but doing it very gradually learning what I can and cant do as a driver. and what the car can and cant do. its mind over matter really. being a teenager you make stupid decisions but if you can keep your cool and composure you wont have a problem driving a fast car.
![]() 05/01/2014 at 23:32 |
What beef do you have against Accents. Although both my parents agree with you which is why I have one
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It's only about the weight of one passenger heavier than my Grand Prix with the same power. Yeah, it's not much, but it's not truly awful. Besides, we're talking about nearly twice as much power. It'll be plenty.
![]() 05/02/2014 at 00:11 |
Your screen name pretty much sums up what I witness at the end of every school day. Half of the student body all trying to show how fast their Accent is.
I don't have anything against them, but I wouldn't call them fast, bro.
![]() 05/02/2014 at 00:11 |
Its just a high school in a wealthy philly suburb
![]() 05/02/2014 at 04:03 |
Not without going to a racing school first, but this has more to do with the appaling standard of driving here in Malaysia. In any case, you usually won't be driving a car before you leave Form 5 here.
![]() 05/02/2014 at 04:51 |
I had a friend in high school who was on her 3rd new Mustang GT before graduating (had crashed the other 2..needless to say, super rich parents), her little brother crashed his first Evo 9, lost his license with the 2nd one, got it back a week later (guessing his parents have some high up connections) and then a friend dropped the front end through a frozen lake, so it now has a rebuilt engine, and over 500 whp. Both are in College now. However, there kind of is a good reason for giving a teen a fast car. Or atleast a rwd car I'd say. Teach them. If they loose there license or crash young, you make them pay their insurance and for their new car, they will learn their lesson. And If they start diring on a hard to drive car, it'll be eaiser for any other car for them to drive. Example - the 350Z kills alot of people, because 20 some year olds buy it after driving fwd econobox's or parents mini vans, then crash and die because they arent used to rwd. I think the Z is honestly a bit slow, I'e ridden in many much quicker cars, and since my first 2 cars were both rwd, the rwd Z is no problem for me. That said, both of my first cars were (and are) slow. One was a sooped up beetle..still have it... the other was a Explorer Sport..fast for a SUV, but still a SUV, lol
![]() 05/02/2014 at 07:41 |
Sounds like my school!
![]() 05/02/2014 at 07:44 |
Fellow PA Opponaught! Sounds a lot like my High School/area. It's a shame they destroy nice cars. I saw an A7 with the side all beat up driven by a high school girl. Nice cars don't deserve such pain!
![]() 05/02/2014 at 09:03 |
Thinking about how I drove my 120hp Pulsar NX at age 16, I'm glad I didn't have anything faster. I totally agree, while any car is fast enough to kill you, a high HP car multiplies your chances a bit of hitting something going even faster than you would in a slower car.
![]() 05/02/2014 at 09:06 |
My high school football coach was a very large man and he drove a miata. I'm still amazed that he could actually fit in it, but nobody on the football team dared to call it a girls car. If they did, they would be running stadiums hahaha.
![]() 05/02/2014 at 09:10 |
That's a good idea, but the way I see it there are 2 problems. One is that many people with fast cars (at least at my school) are like the kids you mentioned above. Rich parents who will just keep buying them new cars and paying for tickets/insurance. The other problem is that, if you start a 16-year old out in something like a 350Z, they are still more likely to crash and kill themselves than they are in a Buick.
![]() 05/02/2014 at 09:14 |
Probability says teenagers are likely to crash a car, at least once. A more powerful/faster car increases the likely severity of said crash, not necessarily the likelihood of a crash occurring. That does not mean every teenager will crash, or that every teenager in a fast car will crash, but it increases risk. Playing with matches and dynamite if you will.
So, how do you reduce the probability of a crash? That requires proper training and some inherent responsibility in the teenager. My daughter is approaching driving age and I am thinking I may let her drive my S2000. She is very responsible, will follow the rules, and being a girl has much less interest in showing off. Plus the S2000 handles great, is a manual (making cell and texting while driving almost impossible), and seats only 2 (so no car load of screaming teenagers to get in trouble). And under 6k rpm the S2000 is not much more than a 2-seat convertible Civic. You really have to want to go fast to make that car go fast. That wouldn't work for my son though, as he is much more likely to show off or push the car.
![]() 05/02/2014 at 12:09 |
will read the rest in a minute, but you should get this!!
![]() 05/02/2014 at 12:12 |
this^ Before buying my last car, me and my insurance guy talked way more than I think he would have liked. Totally worth it though to be sure you are going to be able to not have to worry about insurance payments.
![]() 05/02/2014 at 12:44 |
So simple answer, find a rwd Buick ;) Im thinking that when I have kids, I'm going to put them in some 80's Toyota pickups, then if the crash..they'll have to live with a crashed Toyota that still runs and moves, lol
![]() 05/02/2014 at 14:28 |
Too many miles, and I'm not allowed to have a BMW. It is cool, though.
![]() 05/02/2014 at 15:13 |
Why no BMW????????? Its slow.
![]() 05/02/2014 at 15:36 |
My dad is says BMW carries an image of a rich, spoiled asshole-kid. He admits lots of BMWs are driven by nice people (TONS of his friends have them) but he says that he doesn't want me to have that image. Audis, for some reason, are totally ok with him though.
![]() 05/02/2014 at 16:17 |
haha, thats odd. But I do joke from time to time that since I drive a BMW I can be an asshole in traffic and park sideways. I can see where he's coming from, but I think e36's are getting old to the point where they are less rich kids, and more enthusiasts.
![]() 05/02/2014 at 17:16 |
Believe me, I know. I have called him out a couple times on banning even the oldest of BMWs for their image, but saying even a newer A4 doesn't give off as bad of an image. Obviously it isn't true, but his most vivid memories are from a time when BMWs were driven by yuppies and Audis biggest competition was Volvo. He gets really pissed whenever I ask him about a BMW, so I just don't.
Sidenote: When you become really wealthy, you take care of your parents. I think when I strike it rich, I shall buy my dad a new BMW 760Li, gets plates that say "NOT POOR" or something obnoxious like that, and then make him drive around in it. He loves BMWs, but hates the image, so he would probably be conflicted to the point of having his head explode.
![]() 05/02/2014 at 19:07 |
Hey, that looks familiar...
I agree, OP, please buy that car from that dapper gentleman!
![]() 05/04/2014 at 13:20 |
I'm jumping in on this! I'm 18, have an ST, which for me is fast. And I see no problem with having a fast or quick car. Then again, my dad was all about getting me a sporty car after I sold my Astra, or at least a more performance-oriented one. I was jumping back and forth form what I wanted, just to give you an idea, I wanted in this order at first:
1. Pontiac G6 GT/GTP
2. Porsche 944
3. V6 Mustang
4. Dodge Dart 1.4 Turbo
5. Focus ST
Long story short, If you've got the money, the experience, or if you're willing to learn, I see no problem with getting a sporty car as a teenager; so long as you know when and when not to hoon about in it. I should also note that I've got a clean record and my insurance isn't hell at all!
![]() 05/04/2014 at 13:28 |
I agree, some teenagers (particularly people on here, it seems) are responsible enough to handle sporty cars. But a large, large, large percentage of us are not.
Also, I realize the Fiesta ST is a quick, sporty car, (and if I could pick any new car to buy as my first car, realistically, that would be it) but for the purpose of this article I was more referring to cars that are even faster than that.
Still, you're right. Some teenagers are responsible enough for fast cars .
![]() 05/04/2014 at 14:21 |
When I was old enough to drive, my father told me I was not mature enough to drive, so he bought me a Diamond Back Topanga 18 speed for my 16th birthday. When I got my head out of my ass at 18, I was gifted a 1983 Oldsmobile Delta 88 2 door with the 305 and drove like a dream, and was the epitome of a "lead sled", and had a front bench seat large enough to accomodate myself and whatever chick was with me at the time down by the river :-D . I, to this day, have no interest in speeding, have no speeding tickets, and am teaching my 17 y/o step daughter to sensibly drive even when I wheel around in my Roush 2 Mustang GT (she drives the Mazda 5 minivan or Saturn Ion, no luck in the Roush yet). We live next to the chief of police and have already scared her idiotic Focus Hatch driving 18 y/o friend when we told them the police were on to her for driving recklessly - which a daycare mom got her plate and was mulling taking it to the cops due to the incident. This kid actually called the cops and apologized prior to them even knowing about her stupid driving, and then apologized to the chief and his wife (daycare provider) in person. I commend her for that, and hopefully that's one less moron driving that way. Damn high schoolers O_o
![]() 05/04/2014 at 17:24 |
I'm 54...when I was a teenager, my father picked out my first car. I payed for it with my own money.....but I had no say in what he decided I would drive.
He thought he was getting me a slow car.....he bought me a 69 VW Beetle.
It was slow at first, but I worked with a guy that tuned VW's in his spare time. After a big barrel kit, a new crank, new dual carbs, a new exhaust plus a bunch of other stuff that all cost more then the car did originally......I had myself a nice little car that could keep up with my buddies that drove Tran-Ams as long as we were on back roads.
I learned what lift throttle oversteer was rather quickly.....it made me a better driver.
My mom drove it for a number of years after I bought my next car. She thought it was cool, but then she used to own a 56 Crown Vic police car that she would put me in when I was a baby and street race it.
![]() 05/04/2014 at 17:28 |
I should add....our 19 year old son drives my old 2000 Saturn SL2 and he's completely happy with it. He didn't inherit the car gene apparently.
![]() 05/04/2014 at 21:21 |
Parents are dumb?
Seriously, seriously that's the only thing I can come up with. As you said, You can get yourself in trouble with any car. I did a BUNCH of stupid shit when I was a teenager in my 86 Honda Accord. I've obviously grown up since then, but if I had a fast car who knows what I would have gotten myself into.
When I was in high school there was a girl who had a Foxbody Mustang GT. She totaled it being dumb. So her parents bought her another one. And she totaled THAT one too. Then they bought her an Explorer. My only thought was they might have figured that it was harder to total? But they also will roll if you drive like an imbecile. I wonder whatever happened to that Explorer and if she totaled that one too.
![]() 05/04/2014 at 21:48 |
Wow, bright parents. & it's true. Ford Explorers will roll if you drive like an imbecile.
![]() 07/06/2014 at 18:32 |
THE DAMN WRANGLERS. I know you posted this long ago, but it just sickens me how every single spoiled high schooler with pathetic grades has one. For that alone I don't want one, and having a Jeep is a Jalop experience everyone has to live someday.
![]() 07/06/2014 at 19:00 |
I went and drove a loaded up $42k Wrangler at some point a few months ago, because I wanted to see if there was any reason to use one as a day-to-day pavement queen for a teenager. I discovered that, despite the leather power seats and the GPS and the nice radio, it was still bouncy, loud, wouldn't accelerate, wouldn't brake, and felt like it would fall over if you turned at anything more than 20mph. And since I'm assuming that none of these kids at my school ever go off road in any way, they are living with extreme discomfort just so they can be cool.
![]() 07/06/2014 at 20:16 |
So much agree! They really are as dumb as they look.
![]() 07/06/2014 at 20:35 |
I wouldn't say they look dumb, unless they have a ton of huge tires/lift kits/lights.bars with no intention of off roading.
![]() 07/06/2014 at 20:41 |
Oh man, in my high school, that exactly like they are. Theres unmodded obviously, becasue why spend more money when you already have the badge?
![]() 07/08/2014 at 13:46 |
You pin pointed the real problem. Parents GIVING kids cars. Make the kids pay for their car, their insurance, and their gas they will appreciate it much more. I know I did. I'm not say parents can't help their kids financially, but a little but teaching a kid a little responsibility is the best thing a parent can do to keep their kid from ending up dead in a flipped car.
![]() 07/08/2014 at 13:53 |
You must go to a BIG school. In my highschool the cool kids drove Lifted 15-20 year old diesel pick ups.
![]() 07/08/2014 at 20:50 |
Guess I'm a hypocrite, since that was two months ago and I just replaced the Coupe with an E36 M3. So....
![]() 07/08/2014 at 20:51 |
Yes you are!
Congrats dude! bring it out to cars n coffee this Saturday morning
![]() 07/08/2014 at 20:53 |
Next local one isn't until September 7th, but I will be ASAP.
Side note: My front seats have been DESTROYED since I bought them, and I ordered/paid for a pristine set of color-matched Vaders like two weeks ago.
They haven't shipped yet. I'm becoming terrified.
![]() 07/08/2014 at 21:13 |
September 7th?
where did you find the car? how far away?
![]() 07/08/2014 at 21:30 |
New Canaan C&C (The nearest for me) is postponed until the 7th. They do it every Summer, and I have no idea why.
A family friend actually found the car on Craigslist, upon hearing of my mad search for a car due to selling the Audi prior to purchasing my next ride. It ended up being about an hour away, and I picked it up. Needs a lot of little things, but the price we agreed upon reflected that.
I'm so happy with it. I don't even care that every review states the E36 M3 as the runt of the ///M cars. I think its an absolute blast. Then again, my first two cars were a grocery getter and an old man's cruisemobile (in that order) with under 170 HP and were both wrong-wheel-drive, so its possible that the M3 just seems great because its my first real, fun sportscar.
![]() 07/08/2014 at 21:51 |
nice... mine is a dakar yellow 95
![]() 07/09/2014 at 17:26 |
My dad made me buy a 68 Beetle for my first car.........I spent a ton of money on upgrades to the motor, transaxle and tires,wheels and suspension.
I ended up with a 2180 big barrel engine, a transaxle with a lot of expensive parts inside and sticky tires. I started ass-backward with the engine first and suspension work last.....I ran on 9 dollar retreads for the first year I owned it.
Scared myself shitless on numerous times and learned what lift-off oversteer was pretty quickly. I was lucky, I was young, drove way over my head and got away with it. If I would have started with a more powerful car.....I'd probably dead right now-I did a lot of stupid shit when I was a teenager.