![]() 03/25/2014 at 10:44 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Your TV viewing habits. What shows hold your attention on a weekly basis? What shows do you save for later due to the glorious invention of the DVR?
Monday: 2 Broke Girls
Tuesday: Agents of SHIELD and NCIS
Wednesday: Arrow (not seen on Wednesday due to ATT not carrying CW)
Thursday: Hells Kitchen and Big Bang Theory
Friday: Gold Rush
Saturday: Nothing
Sunday: The Simpsons
Save for Later: Elementary, NCIS Los Angeles, Top Gear USA
Currently watching on Netflix: House of Cards, White Collar, Burn Notice
I forgot to list the anime One Piece that I watch weekly on Hulu on Wednesday.
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Weekly: Top Gear UK if a new episode is out and I have torrented it in time.
The end.
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Tuesday: Tosh.0 and Kroll Show
Wednesday: Workaholics and Broad City
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Weekly I watch Girls, Community, Archer, Adventure Time (I guess not any more though) and Supernatural. I am currently working my way through The Wire & S6 of Mad Men on DVD/download. Most of the time I DVR and watch them the next morning, with the exception of season finales and particularly exciting episodes (D&D for example) that I know are coming up.
Not to cast aspersions, but 2 Broke Girls AND The Big Bang Theory?! What is wrong with you man?!
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How do you feel about the decline in quality of Top Gear UK over the past 4 or 5 seasons? This most recent season was without a doubt the best of the last 4, but when they do things like that hatchback challenge of "evading the police" and Jeremy "drove around full throttle for 14 hours without getting caught (or stopping for fuel)" that kinda crap has lost all humor.
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Only things I really watch are Boardwalk Empire on HBO Go and How It's Made on Science channel. Oh, and F1 of course.
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I don't feel like it has been declining. The hatchback episode was pretty cheesy. I was really excited about that episode at the beginning. I think Hammond's car was too much of a pile and they just said fuck it.
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The only non-sporting event I watch live is Monday Night Raw, and even that is getting rare. Everything else is DVR'd.
Currently it's The First 48, Castle, and Unusual Suspects.
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Wife is a huge fan of 2 Broke Girls. I have to admit I do find it amusing. What does surprise me though is that it is on at 8:30. And the Big Bang Theory is just funny. Maybe you have to be a nerd to get it.
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Also I think Community will need to be on my Netflix/Amazon Prime binge list once one of the streaming services picks them up.
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When I want because DVR: Adventure Time, Archer, Regular Show, Sons of Anarchy. Fiendishly awaiting new episodes: Doctor Who
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Chicago Fire, Hawaii Five-0, Intelligence. Top Gear if it's on (US and UK).
I've been going through Star Trek on Netflix for over a year, but I sometimes take breaks from that.
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It's gonna be hard to remember everything, especially things not on now. I watch a lot
Monday: 2 Broke Girls, Mom, Archer, Chozen (although I'm starting to not watch Chozen), Adventure Time (I think the season just ended though), The Blacklist (I've fallen behind quite a bit)
Tuesday: SHIELD, Legit, Tosh.0, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, New Girl
Wednesday: The Americans, Revolution (behind a few episodes), Modern Family
Thursday: Community, Big Bang Theory, The Aviators, The Crazy Ones, Fantasy Factory (Just ended :[)
Friday: Helix, Shark Tank, Whose Line is it Anyway
Saturday: MLP
Sunday: Bobs Burgers, The Walking Dead, Cosmos
There are many many more that aren't on right now, but are coming back soon.
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The problem for me is the last couple years have been like that. This most recent season being the exception. I genuinely enjoyed the 4C/Quad Bike race. I even enjoyed the "burn fuel challenge" or you're going to Chernobyl, at least until they cut to the studio when Clarkson ran out of fuel. Though I have to say I sat there the whole time yelling open the damn windows. Burma was good right up until they had to build the bridge then it got boring. It would have been so much better if the bridge building had been turned into a quick montage.
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How is The Blacklist? NBC screwed up the promotion for that show and I didn't know it was on until after 3 or 4 episodes had aired. That looks like a really good show that I'd like.
Also how would you rate The Americans?
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I don't really watch any TV live, so I'm pretty much in the land of Hulu's 24-hour delays.
That said, I still keep to a pretty rigid TV schedule:
Monday: Cosmos A Spacetime Odyssey
Tuesday-Friday: The Daily Show and the Colbert Report
Tuesday: Castle
Friday: Community and Parks and Rec.
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I like Hawaii Five-O, but my problem with the show is there's no hook. Other than the comedies I listed everything I watch should be watched in order and even then both of the comedies should be watched in order as well. I feel like I could miss a bunch of episodes of Hawaii Five-O and be fine.
03/25/2014 at 11:02 |
During the week: news, possible good movies and documentaries, occasionally American Pickers and Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations
Weekends: F1, Top Gear UK and USA, news, possible good movies and documentaries and Uutisvuoto (Finnish version of Have I got news for you)
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To me, it's not as much as a decline as it is a "Simpson's Effect" (my own words). Their new material is "good", but it just can't hold a candle to what they were doing a few years ago.
It could be that their budget is declining, Andy Wilman's slacking off, or even that the show's popularity has risen to the point where they've gotten lazy...because they know people will still watch it.
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I can both support and refute that argument. Some of it has just not lived up to the standards from a few years back, correct. However, some of it has been just plain awful (this season's hatch back "evade police" sketch where they end up blowing up James' car and Clarkson rode around at full throttle for 14 hours without getting caught (or stopping for fuel).
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Monday: Continuum
Tuesday: How I Met Your Mother (for one more week, anyway), Archer
Wednesday: Person of Interest
Thursday: The Americans
Shows currently off-season: Orphan Black, Game of Thrones, True Detective, White Collar (behind), Covert Affairs (behind), Legend of Korra, probably some others I'm not thinking of at the moment.
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Is Covert Affairs on Netflix by chance?
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Hrm... Full list below, but Archer and Brooklyn Nine-Nine are the best half hour shows on TV right now, and Person of Interest is the best hour show on TV right now.
Monday: HIMYM, Castle, Archer, Top Gear
Tuesday: Brooklyn Nine Nine, New Girl
Wednesday: Zip
Thursday: Community, Parks and Rec, Person of Interest
Friday: Zilch
Saturday: Nada
Sunday: Nuthin
Backlogged on DVR: Bones, The Mentalist
Watching on streaming services: Breaking Bad, Foyles War, Chuck, Downton Abbey, The Clone Wars (or will be soon,) DS9, Mad Men, The West Wing (re-watch,) White Collar, Burn Notice.
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Don't know. I don't have internet at home, so I don't get Netflix.
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I never really watch TV, at least not in the traditional sense. When there's a new series of Top Gear USA, I'll watch it weekly.
If I just happen to be lingering in the living room, I'll also watch Ion Television (which airs favourites like Criminal Minds and similar shows). I also used to watch new episodes of New Girl, but then I lost track of episodes and stopped.
But mainly, I do all of my show and movie watching via Netflix or Internet Torrents. Via Netflix, I watched most of Breaking Bad (had to torrent the second half of Season 5), Orange is the New Black, and the Walking Dead.
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Okay I watch alot.
every week a new Archer episode.
every week a new Walking Dead, Game of Thrones
Everyday I watch an episode from one of the following shows with my father:
Star Trek TNG, Firefly, Battlestar Galactica (the old one)
I watch a couple of episodes of The Office US a day.
So far I have watched all of the X-Files, Star Trek Original, Breaking Bad and Lost with my father.
I am probably forgetting some.
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Couldn't agree more! I like when they do ridiculous, but realistic things (like the Marauder drive), but the hatchback skit was definitely too far for me. I mean, I know they're just being silly, but that's not the quality of Top Gear that I fell in love with.
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I got rid of any subscription service. I get Top Gear, Sherlock and Dr. Who through Amazon when they are released. I have been watching S.H.I.E.L.D. and Cosmos on Hulu.
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I started when they first put Star Trek on Netflix. Tore throught TOS and TNG. DS9 took a little longer, and Voyager took me quite a long while. I couldn't get past 5 episodes of Enterprise, and it makes me sad because I remember liking it when it first aired.
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Currently? Lost Girl, Face/Off, Ripper Street, Arrow, Supernatural, Helix, Top Gear UK, Vikings. Also giving Believe and Bitten a shot.
When they're on: Game of Thrones, Continuum, Orphan Black, Doctor Who, Defiance, Haven, Warehouse 13, Longmire, Hell on Wheels...
It all goes through the DVR. Some gets watched in a timely fashion, some builds up into marathons just because of time constraints.
Word of warning if this your first time with Burn Notice: The next to last season isn't up to the standard but it's necessary for the completely awesome but totally different story line and massive tonal shift of the final season. Muscle through it for the "Holy Shit" pay off of the final season.
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If you have never watched Chuck before I would like to strongly encourage you to stop with Season 4.
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I'm almost done with Season 6. I've found it tough to slog through. I've found the schtick for the series to be very stale. I watched most of the first few seasons waiting for the first 5 minutes and the last 5 minutes of each episode when it dealt with the overall story. Helping helpless people got old fast. On the flip side I've enjoyed the pace of White Collar which has a very similar story design.
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I'm stuck about 3 episodes in to the last season. May or may not continue. (Most likely won't continue.)
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I'd already seen DS9 before we had Netflix.
So far, I've watched all of Enterprise (I liked it), TOS, and I'm almost done with TNG.
I'll probably start Voyager over the summer.
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I won't spoil the ending, but I will tell you it was extremely unsatisfactory for me. The entirety of the last season is like finger nails on a chalk board.
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Oh believe me, I am a HUGE nerd. I just don't find BBT funny at all! Maybe I'm just weird about these things, coz I feel the same way about 2 Broke Girls. (plus both shows annoy me for other reasons too.) But it seems like a lot of people on this post are watching it regularly, which honestly really surprises me because I didn't think it was very popular.
I think Community is on Netflix, at least seasons 1-4. They used to be at any rate. I would advise skipping S4. It reads like bad fan fiction.
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That's alright. I saw your other Odeck post about the last season.
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I'd argue for putting Community and Girls in the half hour list. I haven't started Brooklyn 99, but I intend on doing so soon. I also need to catch up on New Girl, which I adored for the first few seasons but then stuff got in the way and I got very behind.
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BBT just got picked up for 3 more seasons. It is easily the most popular comedy on TV right now.
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Monday: Teen Wolf, Castle, Almost Human, Bitten, Tomorrow People, Archer, Chozen, Sleepy Hollow
Tuesday: Supernatural, Justified, Marvel Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Wednesday: Psych, American Horror Story, Criminal Minds, CSI, Arrow
Thursday: Community, Suits, Sirens, The Red Road, Elementary, White Collar
Friday: Raising Hope, Hannibal, Blue Bloods, Haven, Continuum
Saturday: Graham Norton Show
Sunday: Good Wife, Cosmos, Mentalist, Ripper, Helix, Walking Dead, Looking
I watch nothing as it airs...everything is scattered during the day. Some of them are watched first thing next morning (Supernatural, CSI), some are saved for binging (Red Road, Justified), some are watched with the snark on (Amell family).
And clearly not all of those run at the same time (I'm sure I've forgotten some off season shows), and some are in their final throes (way to go, Good Wife!).
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Monday: 'the Following' and HIMYM (haven't cared for this season much...but I'm just letting them drag me across the finish line as I've watched since the first episode), and 'Archer' and 'Agents of SHIELD' get DVR'd.
Tuesday: 'Justified' gets DVR'd for viewing the next day, 'New Girl' gets watched immediately, 'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' gets DVR'd (currently 7 episodes back on that one). We'll watch whatever's left over and interesting at the time on DVR.
Wednesday: 'Criminal Minds', 'Justified' from the night before, maybe something a half hour long. 'The Americans' gets DVR'd.
Thursday: 'Big Bang Theory' gets DVR'd, we watch 'The Americans' from the night before. There's something I'm missing from either wed. or thurs. that would get watched here.
Friday: typically we watch Netflix....just finished up all 5 seasons of 'Mad Men'.
Saturday: nothing
Sunday: DVR catch-up from the week before.
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I like Community, and I like New Girl even more for the current seasons. They still aren't quite as good as Archer or B99. I tried 2BG right at the beginning and while there is Kat Dennings, it was pretty... not good. It was too rote. I haven't been able to pick it back up again.
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Season 7 is like a totally different show but with all the same characters.
I enjoyed the first few seasons of White Collar but quit this year when they undid all the character growth they'd built up for no good reason. I was also very disappointed that they failed to Franco the cliffhanger at the end of season 4. Not that most shows don't do the same thing...
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The blacklist is okay, I've lost some interest in it lately. It has an interesting premise and the show is fine, but it hasn't kept my attention all that well lately.
The Americans is fantastic. I love the show. One of the best on TV IMO.
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One day I'll get back to watching Enterprise.
Had you never seen TOS and TNG before?
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I'd watched some random TOS episodes before.
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Monday: Used to be HIMYM. Because my Mondays are always busy with trivia and CBS's web player is awful, I haven't watch it since the singing episode last year.
Tuesday: New Girl, Brooklyn 99
Wednesday: Arrow, Law & Order: SVU
Thursday: Community, Parks and Rec (I'm behind on Parks)
Friday: Grimm, Hannibal
Saturday: SNL
Sunday: Once Upon a Time, Cosmos for its run.
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Sorry, I meant I didn't think 2 Broke Girls was that popular. I know BBT is really popular. Its current adverts on TV keep telling me its "Canada's Favorite Comedy!"
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I just saw the Prince episode and it made me chortle more than anything I've seen in a while. I love Archer too, and I like the concept behind the season, but so far it hasn't quite delivered like last season. Its still quality TV though.
Nah, 2 Broke Girls is absolute trash. HBO's Girls on the other hand is a wicked series! (Sorry, should have been more clear!)
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Ah, Girls. I don't HBO, so no dice on that. I think that Archer has picked up the last 2-3 episodes, so here's hoping for a strong finish to the season.
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Monday: The Walking Dead
Wednesday: Person of Interest, Justified, SHIELD
Thursday:Friday: Vikings, Elementary
Saturday: Helix
And a few other not necessarily weekly
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Way too much.
Sunday: Simpsons, Walking Dead, Believe, Once Upon A Time (don't know why - I don't like it much), Cosmos.
Monday: Being Human, The following (hate-watching it. It is terrible), Bates Motel.
Tuesday: Person of Interest, Justified.
Wednesday: The Americans.
Thursday: Community, Vikings, Once Upon a Time in Wonderland (see it's sister show above).
Friday: Helix, Hannibal.
Saturday: Ripper Street.
Also Nova, Nature, Secrets of the Dead when there are new ones.
Mad Men, Orphan Black, Defiance, Warehouse 13, Under the Dome, Covert Affairs, Falling Skies, Wilfred, Hell on Wheels, Masterpiece anything, Sons of Anarchy, Longmire, Low Winter Sun, Almost Human and probably a few others that I can't remember that are on hiatus.
That's far too much. The only ones I would really miss if they went away (that aren't already winding up which has allowed me to come to terms) are Orphan Black, Person of Interest, The Americans, Justified, the PBS shows, and Walking Dead. The only TV I am truly excited about lately is Orphan Black and Person of Interest.
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Fair enough. It is quite the expense for 2 shows, or one, now that True Detective is over.
True, I'm looking forward to seeing what they have planned for the rest of Archer: Vice.
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I'm a TV junkie so here are the shows that are currently airing that I watch. There are a lot more but a few show I watch recently ended their seasons.
Sun: American Dad, Walking Dead, Comic Book Men
Mon: How I Met Your Mother, 2 Broke Girls, Top Gear, Fast and Loud, Archer, Rick and Morty
Tue: Justified, The Game, Brooklyn 99, Lets Stay Together, Cougar Town
Wed: UFC Tonight, Psych, Legit
Thurs: Community, Two and a Half Men, The Big Bang Theory, Sirens, Gigolos
Friday: Ancient Aliens, Bellator MMA
Saturday: Hillbilly Blood, Space Dandy, Blue Exorcist
I also watch Boxing, UFC, Glory Kickboxing and World Series of Fighting when they are on.
Pardon the Interruption and Highly Questionable are the two shows I watch M-F.
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Did you stop watching Legit?
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It's one of the off season I forgot. Unless it came on season and Hardison didn't grab it...
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You need to add The Blacklist to your roster, especially if you're into shows like Elementary and NCIS. I gave it a go and was hooked in the first two minutes of the first episode, and it keeps getting better from there. You absolutely have to start from the beginning though, you can't just jump in.
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But Blacklist just started ramping up into "oh my balls" levels of crazy plot twists and deception. The CIA mole, the husband's girl on the side, the Texan, the adoption, Reddington's pre-disappearance family, so many big stories going on right now.
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I need to catch up to it. I'm probably 5 episodes behind
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The season started two or three weeks ago, perhaps Hardison needs a slight check up.
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I didn't think it came back until April—thanks for the eidetic heads up.
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It moved from FX to FXX, that's probably why Hardison didn't record it.
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Fucking Hardison, aren't you supposed to be better than us?
Also, FXX? When did that become a thing?
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Last fall I think, they moved a bunch of their less popular shows over there, I think they're trying to show more movies on FX or something.