![]() 01/30/2014 at 11:44 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
It's come up in another thread that quite a few of us don't like the NSFW posts here, for a variety of reasons. Some are religious, others (like me) think they're off-putting to some people, some just think they're boring, and there are probably lots of other reasons too.
People keep posting this kind of content, so it's obvious some of us like it. Would anyone like to explain what it is you like about it - by which I mean about it being here, not what it is you like about pictures of nekkid wimmins - and if/why you feel Oppo would be worse without it?
Let's have the other side of the argument too, from those who feel getting rid of it or (voluntarily?) limiting it would improve Oppo.
Since we're all remarkably reasonable here given it's the internet, I'm sure we can come up with some solution acceptable to everyone.
I won't rule out keeping the status quo, because I don't think anyone here wants to impose their views on everyone else, so much as reach an agreement we're all happy with that makes Oppo the best place it can be.
One possibility that occurs to me is to have a separate NSFW kinja blog, but maybe some people feel that wouldn't work so well for them.
Another thing we might try is to have a voluntary moratorium on NSFW posts for a few days and see if anyone feels like Oppo has lost anything.
![]() 01/30/2014 at 11:48 |
How about a poll, not on any particular policy , but on the hypothetical :
Without the NSFW content, oppo would become a...
[ ] Better place
[ ] Worse place
![]() 01/30/2014 at 11:48 |
To be honest, as a religious person who takes exception to them i do have to say, its not bad as is so long as the rules are followed. I dont like how often they are posted, but hey if thats wht people want to post, go for it...ill just skip it like i do doge posts (which i find way more annoying)
![]() 01/30/2014 at 11:49 |
I could care less about theme days or Acuras or Toyotas or Soviet-era cars, but just because I don't care for them doesn't mean I ask for justification in posting them.
The acceptable solution is to read and comprehend; if the post has a NSFW warning and you don't want to see it, proceed to the next post and go about your day. I don't care about Trabants, so I don't click on posts about Trabants.
edit: Obviously I'm biased since I post tons of butts. Just my 2 cents here.
![]() 01/30/2014 at 11:49 |
I just think if we try to limit one type of post it is a slippery slope until OPPO becomes less of a community about life and cars, to being strictly cars, which I find boring. the music goes, the news updates (which have been helpful), the food. I am not trying to start a battle but the rules about NSFW are pretty well enforced. Hidden behind a cover image, declared NSFW etc. So I guess if you don't want to see the wimmens nekkid, just dont click. I like OPPO as a free for all to share kind of place.
![]() 01/30/2014 at 11:50 |
I'll start. I don't like the NSFW posts because a) I don't see the point and b) I think they're likely to be offputting to a minority - whether because they're women who feel trivialised, gay men who feel marginalised, religious types who don't like being somewhere porn is, or any number of other things.
I think car culture generally is very masculine-centred, and that's fine by me. No reason people can't have generally masculine or feminine pursuits. But it also has some very laddish behaviour that doesn't seem to me to add anything, and if anything puts off some people who would make the car world a better place.
It seems fairly clear to me that we're losing something this way, and I don't see what we're gaining. The internet's full of porn if you want it, so sharing practically-porn here on a regular basis doesn't seem to have any point. I don't understand what you guys get out of it.
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The way I see it is that 99% of the time it's after the jump. If people want to look at it they're more than welcome to and if they don't wantto look at it for whatever reason they don't have to. It's been a good system and it has worked well for us up until now.
![]() 01/30/2014 at 11:51 |
Yep. They are well marked. I don't click on posts I'm not interested in. "Problem" solved.
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Ultra basics about me:
View Oppo while at work (when i don't have anything to work on).
Now as for the NSFW posts. They honestly don't bother me as long as the main image is SFW (which so far all of them have been that I have seen) and NSFW is in the title giving a fair warning. Will not having them at all benefit the community? Eh... probably as much as keeping them tbh. I don't look at any of the NSFW posts here and I don't feel "out of the loop" on any other topics. If people want to look at them then that's their business.
![]() 01/30/2014 at 11:52 |
How much NSFW content gets posted on Oppo? Maybe two per day max on average? I would wager it's less than that. There are a couple of old timers who have a tradition of it (I'm talking to you, Party-Vi!), and I have absolutely no problem with that. Perhaps if others wanted to join in, they could attach to that thread. Personally, I have no problem with it, as long as it remains tasteful and discreet behind SFW lead images. And I have yet to see out-and-out porn on Oppo.
![]() 01/30/2014 at 11:53 |
I think that they are few and far enough between that it isn't a huge issue, rarely are there a bunch stacked up all together, and the restraint shown from posting them as lead images and consistent tagging make it very easy to avoid them if you so choose. Since Oppo is technically 'off-topic' I think that some level of anything goes is good. With that said, I don't think Oppo would necessarily be any worse off without them but I also think that if people want to make them and it's not forcing anything on people who don't want to scroll through them then it's fine. I know I've never personally ended up seeing something I didn't intend to on here.
![]() 01/30/2014 at 11:53 |
As long as it's after the break I don't have any problem with it. Nothing wrong with an imageboard that allows for images of attractive women. Sometimes we even get both cars and attractive women.
Really have to agree with 505Turbeaux that banning content is a slippery slope. I know that NuOppo is moderated, but at the same point it's very different than the moderation in other forums. Sure, we have a guide to posting, but I'd hardly call it a rulebook. I would say utilising good judgement is key.
First they take the NSFW, and then they TAKE MY FREEDOM.
![]() 01/30/2014 at 11:53 |
No, obviously I wasn't clear. The problem is that they're there at all. Obviously no-one who doesn't like them needs to click on them.
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C. No different
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The problem is that they're here at all, not that people are clicking on them and being surprised to find nekkidness.
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I open roughly 50% of the posts in Oppo. I always read the title first. The presence or lack of NSFW posts does not effect me either way.
If you find it off putting, is it because you know it exists? I know when I'm on the internet that there is adult content in every direction. I just ignore it.
Honestly, in the interest of being free to speak your mind, I'd rather allow it. I know when one of my posts got booted for being only mildly controversial, I found it very off-putting.
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[x] The same , though slightly less fun
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As far as I'm concerned I have no real problem with them, as long as they're well marked.
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I misclicked and didn't mean to share anything, ignore this post.
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I'd rather see something more nuanced. I believe Oppo would be better without it, but I don't think it would make a very big difference.
a) Much better.
b) Better
c) Marginally better
d) No difference
e) Marginally worse
f) Worse
g) Much worse
And let's randomise the order so we don't bias the poll :)
![]() 01/30/2014 at 11:58 |
Thank you. Forgot the tertium quid.
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I don't think we have to ban anything. NSFW could be treated the same way as political and religious debates, and just be something we avoided more of the time.
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Yeah, I am religious as well, and while I am not married yet, I plan to be by the end of the year to the most wonderful girl I know, and I also view Oppo at work.
I do appreciate that NSFW posts are tagged, and that does allow me to avoid them. I just don't understand why they have to be here.
It's not a huge deal to me, it's just a opinion.
![]() 01/30/2014 at 11:58 |
As long as they stay posted with a "safety image" and a clear warning in the title, I don't care... I mainly use Oppo at school so I never click them... as long as I can scroll through here without seeing nudity, I do not care...
Do I feel a need for it? No. But some people do enjoy it, so...
![]() 01/30/2014 at 11:59 |
I don't have a problem with NSFW posts as long as it is clearly marked NSFW and the content is in another post replied to the main post.
![]() 01/30/2014 at 12:00 |
well if you get rid of the NSFW posts please also get rid of the camera posts, those polandball posts, and every other non car related posts.
lets be boring, and not have any fun here
![]() 01/30/2014 at 12:00 |
NSFW here is car related, funny and after a disclaimer. It isn't porn nor unsolicited adult content by any means.
Also it's awesome that Jalop itself is quite more adult and liberal than other places in kinja, which leads to a better place overall. For example the "congratulations" posts make my day.
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If anything, I think there's been a bit less lately anyway. I seem to recall days when there were a bunch of posts together, but since I don't usually look at them my memory might be faulty.
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I also agree that it's not good for the community because it drives away some people, especially girls. I value the input of girls when it comes to cars, and we should be very interested in fostering a love of cars.
I'd really like to hear some female voices on this, like from Stef.
![]() 01/30/2014 at 12:01 |
This just really boils down to what the forum is designed for. It's of my understanding that the original intent for Oppo was for discussion, regardless of topic. Nasty debates definitely put a lot of members off, but they're definitely interesting regardless of the vitriol they can summon from lesser members. For NSFW to be treated like other dangerous topics, you'd have to have the support of the majority of the forum or at least the mods, and that's about it.
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Maybe it's just me, but I can see the point in sharing other stuff. I don't really get the point of sharing NSFWs.
![]() 01/30/2014 at 12:02 |
Right. The problem is there are those damn Moskvitch and Lada posts here when I don't think they add anything to the community. How dare someone post something in the off-topic forum that I don't think belongs.
If we want to ask why there are NSFW posts then we need to ask why there are meme posts, or Twitter posts, or gun posts or personal posts or vacation posts or photography posts or............
See where I'm going?
![]() 01/30/2014 at 12:02 |
Like theme days, I think that does happen. But in the years I've been here, it's really pretty rare.
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The batshit babe posts are probably more offensive than the NSFW posts. I think people should only post NSFW stuff if there is a car somewhere under, behind, or around the NSFW part.
p.s. not offended, but could see how it could be off-putting for others.
![]() 01/30/2014 at 12:03 |
Congrats on the soon-to-be marriage! Its less of they have to be here but more of an example of how vast the community here is (which is awesome). For some people posting and looking at NSFW content is their normal. When I lived in South Florida (yeah yeah) a visited a couple garages where "NSFW" content was all over the walls - just another side of culture.
![]() 01/30/2014 at 12:03 |
I agree, it has rules, they are enforced, and if you are not interested, then don't look. Sometimes there is a lot of it, sometimes there isn't. Slow news days and all. Please dont take this as a personal attack, but once we decide that one persons rights, freedoms, opinions, desires... are more important, than I feel the community loses out on the diversity that keeps it together. You know which streets the churches are on, and you know which street the "houses of ill repute" are on, and you decide which way will get you where you want to be, and navigate your way on your own.
![]() 01/30/2014 at 12:03 |
Yup, social pressure.
01/30/2014 at 12:03 |
[ x ] Without me, if (relative)freedom of posting dies on Oppo, I'm out too.
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I've had lots of responses basically saying the same thing. I haven't had any from anyone saying why they want the NSFW posts here in the first place. I don't really get the point.
There's a difference between 'don't have a problem with' and 'like'.
![]() 01/30/2014 at 12:04 |
I have no plans to make a change about this for now....,
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you know, sometimes I think the same way about music and food shares. Why is this here? And then I look at it more like my interactions with friends: some want to talk about food, some about beer, some about how fine this or that girl is, some want to talk about personal issues. Sometimes I don't listen and stare at my beer, sometimes I love it. All that happens here and it feels like a closer community due to it.
![]() 01/30/2014 at 12:05 |
Do you think anyone is put off by them? To my mind they all shape the readership of Oppo, but in a positive way. I don't see the upside of the NSFW posts.
You've implied that you actually like them, but haven't explained why. I'm genuinely curious to hear your views.
![]() 01/30/2014 at 12:05 |
I like some of the NSFW posts cause they're good for... uh, finding new interesting women to look at.
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This is silly.
If you don't like it, don't click it. It's that simple. There's what, 2 or 3 NSFW posts per day? Which are always lead by a picture of a car, and clearly labeled NSFW?
Just ignore it, move on. It isn't doing anything bad to oppo, but making unnecessary rules ruins the vibe here.
The beauty of oppo is and always has been the simplicity. The rules are basic:
Don't be a dick
Seriously, don't be a dick
Label NSFW posts
That's pretty much it. Out of these basic rules we have a community of people brought together by a love of cars enjoying various topics and sparking interesting and fun discussions among each other.
This discussion isn't interesting or fun. I suggest we drop the anti-NSFW campaign for the sake of the community.
![]() 01/30/2014 at 12:06 |
amen , brother .
![]() 01/30/2014 at 12:07 |
I don't think anybody needs to explain themselves to the community for posting nsfw content. As long as the posters respect others by following the rules:
posts tagged with NSFW and/or contain NSFW in the title,
posts are prefaced with a safety image (this is enforced by the admins)
it's part of the community until enough people speak out and make it go away. Maybe over time the quantity will diminish, maybe enough people will ask the admins to prevent it, or maybe the quantity of nsfw content will simply continue to be self-regulating through the free market forces that brought it here. OK, that's not the best analogy, but you get my drift, right?
Your concerns about the content are valid and you're entitled - and welcome - to voice those concerns. I, too, share your concern that it may be off-putting to some segments of our community, but I also like the freedom to post all manners of content that makes Oppo what it is.
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But at the same time, nothing is forcing them to click the labelled links, and nothing is stopping them from posting their own particular eye candy in an appeal to others of like mind. Just label appropriately and keep the lead image clean is my only concern. Sometimes I will be browsing oppo with my son in the room, and if he pops up behind me, I don't want to accidentally click into a unfriendly post.
As to what I like about looking at nekkid women? I'm a visual thinker.
![]() 01/30/2014 at 12:07 |
I don't like NSFW posts. I avoid them at all costs not only because I'm at work when I browse Oppo, but because of other personal reasons.
That doesn't mean I want Oppo wiped clean of NSFW posts. If people want to post them, I think they should be able to, as Oppo is sort of 'anything goes' (within reason). But I think NSFW should be allowed with the following caveats:
"NSFW" MUST be in the title, clearly, to denote that inside the post, after the break are things that will either A) get me fired or B) get me a talking to from the lady.
Secondly, all NSFW material should be after the break. Bar none. Full stop.
As for the AMOUNT of NSFW material here, I do get a bit disappointed when there's a lot of it. It basically means there's threads that I don't get to participate in. The more of those there are, the less Oppo appeals to me on a purely topical basis rather than a moral one. So I'd like to see less NSFW posts solely because it limits what I can waste my time on :P
![]() 01/30/2014 at 12:07 |
Wow, I imagine this is how the Nazi's first steering committee meeting went. "Don't worry, it will be optional"... Just because I never do something or don't like something doesn't mean it should be banned. I don't like stanced cars, that doesn't mean I'm going to try to get stanced threads blocked from Oppo.
The content is clearly marked and optional. If I see an NSFW tag, I have the freedom to skim over it (as I usually do) or click on it and see what it's about. To try to suppress other people's freedoms to post content simply because I don't like the idea of it existing is absurd and should be looked at as a far more significant issue.
![]() 01/30/2014 at 12:08 |
But it's not . People post "NSFW dumps" that are totally unrelated to cars, and really don't enrich the site or the community at all. I'm not against the type of car parts company calendar you see hanging on the wall at your mechanic. As some others have said, you expect some of that as part of car culture. If you really look at what gets posted here, it's way beyond that.
![]() 01/30/2014 at 12:09 |
Fair point. But isn't what you're talking about with your friends kind of laddish behaviour? I'd be really annoyed if my mates kept whistling at girls or shouting ''ello gorgeous' at passing ladies because it would guarantee none would come over and talk to us.
![]() 01/30/2014 at 12:09 |
I'm certain that somewhere, there already is a separate NSFW blog on Kinja.
As to the notion of NSFW in Oppositelock... you have to go back some years to the very genesis of Oppositelock to get a better understanding. Once upon a time, Jalopnik was a much smaller, much more closely-knit community. While the posts were always of high quality, the true gem of Jalopnik was its hilarious commentariat. They were a group of commenters that had gotten to know each other over several years, and were never short of joking about and partaking in good-natured trolling of each other. It was these interactions, combined with the fact that the ancient commenting system forced you to read through the entire set of comments to understand what the hell was going on, that made the comments section such a great read.
The trade-off to those antics, however, was that the comments section rarely stayed on-topic in the context of the original post for longer that ten minutes. After that, it was hilarious shitshow of commenters building off of each others' sense of humor. A certain former EIC, who may or may not be named Ray Wert, always found that to be chafing. Thus, the creation of an entirely separate blog page for us to laugh and have our fun. Oppositelock, as it came to be titled, was created as the off-topic spin-off from the front page where we could post and talk about whatever the hell we wanted, with very little in the way of oversight and interference. It's been that way ever since.
Under the category of "whatever the hell we wanted," however, came the NSFW posts. Initially, there was a community-wide voluntary ban on them, as they couldn't be hidden behind links or jumps. I remember well the days of everybody spamming the hell out of Oppositelock with the intention of getting an NSFW picture post off the front page and burying it. As Kinja was introduced and has evolved, however, it's become much easier to keep the NSFW content appropriately hidden.
As such, I tend to leave it alone, so long as it is done correctly. When I say "correctly," I mean that the cover image that will show up on the main page cannot have anything NSFW in it, and it is very clearly labelled NSFW in the title. As long as those two conditions are met, I am satisfied. Break one of those two conditions, and I'll delete the post. Break one of those two conditions again, and you'll find yourself unable to post.
Other than that, however, I've always favored the interpretation that the spirit of Oppositelock is completely off-topic. It can be whatever it is, so long as certain basic courtesies are followed. That's it. As much as I frequently get annoyed by the myriad of dumbass theme days and the inexhaustible pile of bullshit posts that come with them, I let it go. It is, again, off-topic and pretty much free-form.
If you don't like the NSFW, then the same, age-old internet maxim still applies: don't click on it. It's clearly labelled. You know what you're getting into. Just don't click on it. That is, ultimately, the only logical solution that doesn't involve far greater degrees of oversight which no one really wants.
01/30/2014 at 12:10 |
Nope, original rules of Oppo were simple, no trolling, and no arguments over politics and religion unless they are in labeled posts and no NSFW without warning. Other than that, we can post whatever shit we like. What? We gonna make Oppo follow the rules of every friken religion of the world? As you can see I don't post a whole shitload of them, but I find them welcomed sometimes. Like I said, it is about freedom of posting/expression/speech. Oppo is about living and letting live, not about I don like that, fuck it, burn and impale it.
![]() 01/30/2014 at 12:10 |
I've been working turning wrenches for almost 13 years. I'm at a point in the car repair biz were i'm behind a computer for the first time. Oppo and my career in autos is a perfect match. Though, starring at a bunch of grumpy old men and cool cars all day gets boring quick. A little NSFW give the day a little spice. Whether is stays or goes i'm cool with it. I don't like people being uncomfortable. If we have a vote, i'll vote yes to NSFW but if it goes away, it's totally fine :] We are all rad cool people here :]
![]() 01/30/2014 at 12:11 |
I think we can do better than pretending that there is no difference between "off topic" and so-called "NSFW" (which etymologically is the same thing as "obscene").
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No, it's not like that. All those add something that should be a part of Oppo; if someone doesn't like having to scroll past the occasional post in something they're not interested in, they're unlikely to be a good fit here.
But I'm not aware anyone feels marginalised or offended by posts about e.g. photography.
![]() 01/30/2014 at 12:11 |
sarcasm follows ... I found a cool online community with lots of interesting people talking about everything . but I don't like one thing about it , so it must change to make ME happy , even though the one thing can be avoided if I want . everyone should only like what I like and if you don't , go away . end sarcasm .
![]() 01/30/2014 at 12:12 |
There used to be an NSFW section on old Jalopnik.
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This seems to come up every so often with different topics, being it NSFW or music or anime or whatever.
IMO Oppo is a community about more than cars. It's about the people behind the cars. It's a really varied multicultural bunch of people with one common denominator, their love for anything automotive.
This means other topics will come up, and some people will have mutual interests (e.g. anime, music) which they would like to share with the cool people they've met here.
As far as NSFW goes. I think of it as the naughty calendar in the back of your local mechanics workshop. It's just a fun little thing to break up the day for some people.
I mean, how many are posted? 2 a day at most?
I think the way it is handled now with a SFW image and NSFW clearly put in the title is perfectly fine. People follow those rules, and mods make sure that if something slips through it get's fixed right away.
If you don't want to see the thread, don't open it. Worst case scenario, you read the letters NSFW and most of the time had a cool car related SFW lead image to look at when you scroll past it.
As long as the NSFW content is behind the jump, nobody has to feel offended. Otherwise just going on the internet, switching on you tv,visiting your local magazinestand or gasstation might offend you anyway, since it's also available there in bucketloads.
Now have some silly V8 supercar burnouts/drifting to balance out all the serious.
![]() 01/30/2014 at 12:12 |
not at all. I feel it is more than ok to tell a lady you think she is attractive to her face, and you can rate her all you want if she isnt engaged in the conversation amongst friends. I have enjoyed the company of many a fine lady by engaging her with an honest compliment. Ello gorgeous is just a different persons way of expressing the same thing, though laddish as you put it
![]() 01/30/2014 at 12:13 |
I don't think anyone's suggested any kind of ban. As far as I'm aware we don't ban anything around here except racism and being a dick - other things (like politics, for example) are discouraged and generally voluntarily avoided, but not banned.
01/30/2014 at 12:13 |
Also, I clicked the more posts button 5 times, scrolled each page and haven't seen one NSFW post. I think you're making a way too big case out of their number.
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Some Polandball posts are politically incorrect and may hurt a few (sensible) people.
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This is exactly why I love oppo.
Is it a car forum? Absolutely. But unlike other car forums, we come for the cars and stay for the people.
I've found tons of interesting stuff on here that has nothing to do with cars. I love discussing planes with people, or food, or movies, or TV, or music, etc.
I feel like opponauts are my friends, rather than just people I talk about cars with. I really hope that never changes
![]() 01/30/2014 at 12:15 |
I personally think it's silly to post a bunch of NSFW pics on oppo daily.
My only reason for it is that the internets are full of naked/half naked women and it takes zero effort to find it.
That being said as long as it's not a surprise attack i just scroll on.
Like when I skip posts about stanced cars, or peoples odd obsession with silly weird sounding subaru WRX's.
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but pretty girls go well with cars. less clothes= weight reduction.
naked ladies = raceladies. seems fair to be in a car forum...until i stumbled across someone who posted a buncha dudes, not only was i disappointed, i had to start working out again...but some of the comments were gold.
![]() 01/30/2014 at 12:16 |
I think you might be missing what davdave1111 is trying to convey.
The other day I made a post about a word someone used...everyone agreed, no need to use that around here. My reasoning for that is the same as his for the NSFW posts. We could be creating an environment that is less than hospitable to others.
I see a difference between your dislike of photography posts, and someone else's dislike of NSFW posts. Photography posts don't draw a gender, race, religion line. The NSFW posts do.
I personally am a little mixed on it. I know it could offend someone, however I think the policy in place of SFW lead image/title with proper NSFW tagging is pretty good. If nekkid people offend you, don't look. I mean that kind of just applies to the internet as a whole...
I guess the difference between NSFW posts and derogatory language, is the NSFW posts aren't intended to cause offense...but then a lot of people think offensive words can be used without causing offense...
I don't know...but it's worth talking about.
![]() 01/30/2014 at 12:16 |
The reason for which these posts are called NSFW is because they're not safe for work .
![]() 01/30/2014 at 12:16 |
Thanks, you're one of the few pro voices to explain your thinking :)
It makes more sense to me if NSFW posts are supposed to be car-related - I hadn't realised that was the case. They seem (from the ones I've seen) to be more general near-porn, though I haven't really seen a representative sample.
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Godwin's Law has been achieved.
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Sorry to reply twice to the same post, but this just jumped out at me on re-reading:
"If we want to ask why there are NSFW posts then we need to ask why there are meme posts, or Twitter posts, or gun posts or personal posts or vacation posts or photography posts or..."
I think we should do just that. We ought to continually ask 'does this add anything to Oppo?' before posting. I'd hope anyone posting any of those things could explain why they do, and how they feel it makes Oppo a better place.
![]() 01/30/2014 at 12:19 |
I was thinking about this myself just the other day. To me, the NSFW posts don't add anything of value to Oppo, but they are easy enough to scroll past. They are probably they only off-topic posts that I dislike, because they don't tell me anything interesting about the person posting it, except that they are biologically wired to be attracted to females. It would be one thing if they were "cute girl with neat car" type pictures (hello $kay), but the one or two posts that I did click on were just run of the mill softcore porn like you could find without difficulty anywhere on the internet.
My concerns were more of a legal nature; AFAIK most porn sites have age gates of some type. I don't actually know what the laws are regarding this, but I have seen posts from authors who claim to be in their mid teens.
The other thing that I noticed was that a lot of the pictures I saw in the one or two NSFW posts I viewed was that pretty much all the pictures were watermarked. From my reading on Ars Technica etc, it seems like porn companies are some of the most vicious when it comes to suing copyright infringers. I'd hate to see that happen to Oppo.
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In my opinion, the word that was used the other day is far more offensive than the NSFW posts. I don't know how other people feel about that though.
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I choose not to open these items whilst at work and ... SURPRISE! no problem.
Oppo was originally Jalopnik's Off Topic forum. It came to being because folks were getting steamed about so many OT discussions on the front page. It is therefore counter to the Spirit of Oppo to limit what kinds of things can be posted. Rather, we focus on making sure certain kinds of posts (looking at you, Party-vi :wink:), are presented in a way that won't embarrass the viewer if their mother/boss/priest happens to look over their shoulder.
This is a community primarily about cars BUT who'd want to live in a community with too many persnickety rules? That to me sounds like living in a fucking virtual HOA and those are damn well anti-American!
So, tell me Dave ... WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICA?
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I have to ensure it's accuracy. I'm a share holder.
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I only raised it because it came up in another thread, and I thought it was worth discussing. I don't think we're debating turning the world upside down :)
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I have no plans to make a change about this for now....,
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I don't click on NSFW threads but I don't see the issue with them. Some sites are draconian about these things and I think it's great that we allow it here with the safety of a cover image and NSFW tag. Hell, at Motor Trend we couldn't even use swear words. Fuck that shit. I love the freedom we have here and I don't think we should mess with that.
As 505 said, we don't want this to become a forum solely for cars, as that would be boring. Occasionally I want to share my pets with you guys, or my Legos, or a Knicks win, or whatever it may be. We all have a life beyond cars and we should feel free to share it here, especially since I consider you all my friends. As it stands, I'm not interested in every car post I see so alot go unclicked. It's easy enough to overlook those that don't interest me and NSFW posts are the same.
At Motor Trend, it was a more traditional forum so we had a dedicated room for general discussion. Oppo is different, every post shows up in the same feed, but there is plenty of other content if you don't wish to see certain things.
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" if someone doesn't like having to scroll past the occasional post in something they're not interested in, they're unlikely to be a good fit here ."
^^Then why did you create this thread in the first place? We've had discussions about this previously. You don't like NSFW posts. I get it. I don't like posts about Soviet era cars but I deal with them. Just deal with it.
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Is it a benefit that it's on Oppo, particularly? Would it make any difference if it was on a separate page? Would that feel more like looking at porn in your lunchbreak rather than just happening across a picture of a pretty woman who brightens your day?
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Exactly. It doesn't have to be "rules" at all, but just social interaction.
Dude, what the hell? You're being a lout. Just stop it.
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You'll be lucky if you're able to make one more post about the Knicks winning a game in 2014...
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I think so too...I would put any type of derogatory or inflammatory speech above scantily clad women on the offense scale, but I guess that's just my scale.
Personally, I'd rather look at the nekkid ladies elsewhere if it meant we had more female users.
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You seem to not understand the point that is being communicated to you. You have already answered your own question. They are here. If you don't like them, avoid them. You do that by either simply not clicking on them and focusing on the content that is relevant to you, or by simply not coming into Oppositelock. It's really that straightforward.
I get that you want to see it gone, and quite honestly, I'm also not losing any sleep over it. There are two reasons for that:
1) Oppositelock is completely free-form, and as long as basic community courtesies are respected, then anything goes.
2) The infrastructure to simply combat such posts with fascist-esque idealist zeal just doesn't exist.
I understand your annoyance, but you're beating a dead horse.
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Really? People actually use them for that? Come tot hink of it, I'm not sure that's not more off-putting to some or most women than if they were just gratuitous.
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I don't think that's the case. The few "girls" we have on here, are man enough (no pun intended) to deal with some NSFW labeled and after the jump posts. Hell, go have a look at $kay's posts in every COTD.
Yes, it's a very male heavy community, but I think this is also one of the most welcoming places about cars on the internet. Gender, age, nationality, religion and politics don't matter. We all love cars.
I don't think I have ever seen a disrespectful, misogynistic post on oppo in all the years I'm on here.
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Let's be honest, a lot of us are males between 15-40...
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Not sure about "obscene", perhaps "conextually inappropriate" where the context is whatever you decide it to be. Obscenity, like art, is in the eye of the beholder.
I don't want to get into a word fight over this, I just want to point out that there are many different people here, who come from different realities than our own, and therefore may have different views on the subject.
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I thought I remembered that.
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yup .
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Yeah, I just don't normally look for porn that way. And wouldn't it be nice if there were more non-15-40-males around here?
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yup .
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Smart move. I should have cashed in when the internet was young and people hadn't figured out the rules. Like google shares.
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The less restrictions on Oppo, the better. We've lost good members in the past because they were attacked for bringing off-topic (not even nsfw) posts onto Oppo. Granted, the attackers were not as courteous as you're being now, but limiting Oppo will do just that, limit Oppo.
And those members that we lost also brought some good car content along with their off topic posts. Drop this now before you run off other good Oppoites.
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That was a low blow. But this is what I'm talking abouy. I know for a fact that some of you are into sports and basketball in particular. Why stifle a discussion about it rather than just passing over it if you're not interested?
That said, I don't really post about every win, but some are big and I get excited, I'll usually include a Gulf livery to make it worth it. The exception was Melo's 62pt game, I just screenshotted my Yahoo Sports app for that post. They should win tonight, the Cavs are a mess. I'm actually going to the Nuggets game at MSG next Friday.
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Obviously not everything is car related though.
And personally I have never seen penetration here or anything that could be offensive to somebody (that for some reason is lurking those posts yet dislikes them).
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yeah but you will starve to death if they ban the nsfw posts....
we don't want to loose you here
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I was just messin' around. No harm meant. Actually I don't really follow NBA much but I keep tabs on how the Knicks are doing from time to time.
I need to start watching NHL again. This always happens, I just get too invested in NFL and forget about the NHL. After Sunday, time to watch some NYR :D