![]() 01/10/2014 at 09:20 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Dating and marriage can be, almost too literally, a minefield of danger. All of us have had an experience with someone (or someones) who made us wish for the sweet release of death. I once explained to a friend that a girlfriend is like a Chrysler. They can be pretty, they can be pretty plain. Sometimes they're not wired up very well. Sometimes they'll be going 80 down an empty freeway and suddenly there's flames goddamn everywhere. Sometimes their turbo only works for other guys.
Oppo, post your stories of dating. Some of us need to be cheered up by others misfortune, because as the saying goes, misery loves a project car on a limited budget...or something.
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My love life can be described with a simple film title.
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Love me some Conquest/Starions.
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When you get to be my age, that title can also accurately describe your sex life.
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The only thing I can contribute here is:
I dated this girl who I thought was great. Cute, nerdly thing, could beat me in burnout 3, and knew how to drive a stick. (Not the only things about her but that's history so let's not drag on about it) And it was going great for almost 3 years. Literally our biggest spat was when she held back playing against me in video games.
And then, going into my final semester of college. While she was away doing her internship. She cheated on me, and dumped me, for a brony.
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First story (of ___)
My first serious, post high school girlfriend was two years older than me. She was...I'll say fun. Not the brightest bulb, but she was mostly a sweetheart.
I, and most of my hockey team got mono late in the season due to somebody and their inability to not touch a water bottle with their mouth. The day I found out from the doctor, I called her to tell her I had mono and that we would have to cool it a bit on the entire getting naked or close to naked thing. She broke up with me right then, on the phone
To say that sucked would be putting it mildly.
We ended up dating again when I was in college. Almost from the first date she started talking about how many kids we would have, and how we'd move back to her home state (Georgia). It didn't last long again.
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Dear god no.
At least you know now her taste was more suspect than you knew.
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Damn, man. *bro-hug*
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Haven't flirted in 2 years.
I started that shit in high school, where I never could grab anything anyway because I was clueless. Managed to flirt with two or three girls, yes, but never managed to go forward.
When I left high school, I started learning a lot more about women via some guys from a forum who had a lot more experience than I did. Unfortunately, the tremendous lack of women (or at least, interesting women) in college hasn't led me anywhere.
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Okay so.....Some may know they I absolutely bash the shit out of my ex on here. I can't remember the last comment I made but it got a few recommended votes and what not. Here is the thigns she did to deserve the bashing.
1. Made me SELL MY FUCKING CAR. I had 12+ grand into it and she convinced me it was time to "Grow the fuck up, and lose the shitty car".....Big mistake on my part cause now I hate the car I have.
2. Signed up for a dating site while we were dating....I found out cause a friend had shown me her profile which had some pictures that I though I only saw.
3. Cheated on me by sleeping with another guy and at the time saying she was raped.....I believed her at first but then when I was breaking up with her she came clean about that part....
4. Told me she was "Going to hang out with friends and needed a ride" so I dropped her off where she was going to meet up with her friend, well found out she went on a date with another guy. Something I found out that lead to the breakup
5. Would sext other guys she worked with, also found this out a bit before I broke up with her. Here is a hint, don't give someoen your facebook password then message guys tellign them to "Text you if they want to see more of you" I also saw a text from a guy she worked with telling her "Jump on this dick" or something.
6. Goes out clubbign without telling me anything about it, just says she's gonna be out with some friends. I get a call at midnight from a friend informing me that he just saw her at a club.
7. Gets high and calls me at 1AM to talk about how high she was, and then denies it all the next morning.
8. The last major thing that caused me to leave her was catching her on a date with another guy, she told me she was at work. I was driving home from the store going past a restaurant when I see her car(The one I bought her) parked there. I call her, no answer straight to voicemail. So I walk in.....Just an awesome sight I saw, and I was quickly escorted out by the management, because I blew up in the middle of a Panera.
So that was my nightmare of an Ex, I'm sure there are worse out there.
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syaleya and I have a similar experience. Dated a girl for about 3 years in college. Things were going well and I was thinking of the proposal as we neared graduation.
The day before finals of my first semester senior year she breaks up with me (well she said she needed some time to figure herself out so we should take a break, then starts dating another dude soon after, bitch).
Second semester senior year I had to see her multiple times a week and converse with her since we were on the same team for our senior design project in engineering. I was the team leader so I had to hold my cool. Took me nearly a year to get over her.
In the end I am now with a much better woman, who is actually interested in our future, and I am better friends with all of my ex's roommates than she is, so I have that going for me, which is nice. Also her boyfriend she left me for laughs like a horse; it's the little things.
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Bitches and hoes... bitches and hoes
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TL;DR: I was the 'other guy' once, but only on an emotional level. Lasted a solid 6 months, started falling apart and then ended with an argument on my birthday where she claimed I never cared about her, which couldn't be further from the truth.
I still haven't gotten over it, that was 2 years ago.
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That's the only reason I came into this post.
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I'm glad that you're able to laugh at the little things as well. We all get that sweet little moment.
I have a similar story as well. I'll keep it short.
Dated a friend I had known since childhood and we got together in my final year of college. A close family member of hers passes away and then tells me she doesn't want to continue the relationship. Fair enough.
Two weeks later, she's back with her ex-boyfriend who she repeatedly indicated she despised while we were together. That immediately cut off any possible friendship between us. Her and I have mutual friends as well so it's difficult to completely cut her out.
I don't hate her anymore, but she's definitely someone I don't associate myself with.
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This might sound a bit odd... but maybe try online dating? That's how I found my current GF. I work in another country in the oilfield. There are 5 women on my base out of 500 people. I had to do something, I was going crazy. Turns out if you choose the right site (eHarmony or Match) then you can find a good lady friend.
Only a couple months in and I found mine, plus if someone talks to you then it is obvious they are interested, none of the playing games crap like in the real world. Try it out!
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People were surprised that I was able to keep up a relationship in engineering school. That last semester though, oh it was rough. Since I stayed the extra semester, most of the people I had started with were already gone and the breakup made my social network complicated since we had mostly mutual friends. And that's not even mentioning the FE exam.
Since everything had blown up in my face, there wasn't much left to distract me from my work anymore. I straight Aced my final semester, passed the FE, and left with two minor degrees and a gpa in excess of 3.15
Fast forward a year plus some, i've no idea where she's at. I'm still single, but i'm in a new town. Got a new to me car (W210 E320) and most importantly, a job in my field.
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Long story short,
Met a girl freshman year in college, instantly hit it off but were both in relationships. Then one was single and one was not, then it would switch and the other was single and the other was not. 3 years later I am living in England. Trying to decide whether to move back to the states or stay in the UK and we both become single. Really thought she was the dream girl (Young and fucking retarded) Moved back to USA dated for about a month until my friend called and said she was over at his house celebrating something called "National Blow job day" with a couple of his roomates. She had no idea the guy playing xbox in the room over was my best friend. However, had I not come back to the US for her, I would have never met the girl I'm with now, nor would I have been inspired to ride my bicycle across the united states. There is always a silver lining.
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I honestly don't have much to contribute. I always went Japanese or German ;)
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Can we just raise a glass to all the best friends out there?
There's always a silver lining.
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Very nice. Same happened with me, I took an extra semester as well. Somehow I found an extremely attractive friend with benefits my last semester. She was seriously a unicorn. it definitely made things better though.
Also for a guy who had over a 3.0, the FE should've been a breeze for ya ;) I was a bit of a slacker and only studied a little the week before, still took two hours less than the alotted time. I took my chances knowing that you only need to beat the lower 30% or whatever the credentials are.
Either way it sounds like things worked out for you and you are moving forward. Cheers
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Hmmm... Last date I went on was with a 5 foot tall, she was pretty, we hit it off, went to my place, had some fun. So you are thinking to yourself, where does the misfortune come in? Well... We wake up and she starts with, I came into town to look at churches, but instead I am laying in your bed naked. I am dumbfounded at this point, thinking, you are trying to get back into going to church? But instead you chose to sleep with someone on the first date? She hung out with me all day, watched a football game with me and then went to a church's late service. Never did see her again. I think she may have half expected me to go with her, but the reason I didn't is probably 1000+ word story. I'll spare you all.
![]() 01/10/2014 at 11:18 |
Same here, I know that feeling.
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Haha hell yes we can! I bought a bottle of JW Black that night and we got shit faced, because what else do you drink when something like that happens?
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You sir, make a very good point. This should be a common ritual among men (and women) who go through the same thing.
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I obviously agree
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I have the story to win this game.
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Go on...
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ooooooooook here we go......
met a girl. Girl was cool. Girl got pregnant because she "forgot to take her birth control, like, for a month". Girl had an abortion. Girl holds that over my head like I put a gun to her head (admittedly I was not on the side of "LETS HAVE KIDS RIGHT NOW!") Things calm down. Go back to normal.
Girl's IUD "falls out" she becomes pregnant again. Doesn't mention this until it's too late. Stupid boy thinks, well, we're more financially stable and a little older now. Fine. Let's have a kid. Marriage ensues. House ensues. Girl is nurse, works a lot of night shifts. Is always tired during the day. Guy is basically free babysitting. Never sees girl. Girl is stealing oxycontin from work. Guy confronts her, she says she'll never do it again, it was just to "see what it was like"
I was going to write the next three paragraphs, but I'll just cut it short - she was cheating on me basically since she met me. She's snorting coke and blowing her dealer. She gets everything but custody via divorce. I was at least intelligent enough to document and make copies of any and all evidence I had. But it's 'murica and women should be protected from the evils of man, so beyond the custody bit she was able to finagle decent visitation, reduced child support, and walked off with the house that was in both of our names - mainly because she made more money than me. Science, it doesn't pay.