![]() 01/02/2014 at 18:27 • Filed to: e23, bmw | ![]() | ![]() |
Time for me to write about ideas bouncing around in my head, and for you to read them!
If all goes well tomorrow, I should be picking up my !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! this saturday.
Right now, the car has a set of staggered !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! off a 6 series. While I like the look of 18's on here, I'm not a fan of the 118's, and I don't want to go back to the !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! .
So, the paint on this car isn't in fantastic shape. In fact, its been resprayed on the back from an accident years ago, which is really obvious in the !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! . In fact, this isn't even the original shade of grey, I think this is "dolphin grey", the car was originally cosmosblau metallic, which is actually slightly lighter with a hint of... you guessed it, blue.
It has a few dings on the doors, typical for 27 year old car. The pass fender has a fuck ton of dents going down it (a dent free replacement is ready and waiting), the roof has a little bit of fade and a small ding, and the hood has a spot on it where guy my friend got it from tried to touch up a spot by rattle can painting it and sanding it down. (Spoiler alert: it didn't work)
(Top right of hood)
So, two options.
Option 1, repaint the bad spots of the car and get it looking decent. Either find a set of style 37's or maybe something like a style 42. I like how these look, I think they are aftermarket style 42's.
Option 2, repaint the whole car black with a decent paint job. I don't need something concourse quality but just to look good for a 27 year old car. If I do black, I am 100% dead set on finding some style 37's for this car.
So what do, stick with grey? Or go with black?
![]() 01/02/2014 at 18:30 |
I say stay grey...I think it brings out the lines better. And easier to keep clean
![]() 01/02/2014 at 18:31 |
Once you go black, there's no going back...
![]() 01/02/2014 at 18:34 |
Black will show every fault. Grey will not.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 18:43 |
That's a pretty shade of grey. I like it. Black will show everything.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 18:47 |
this is what my friend kept telling me, which means I would have to fill in every little ding
![]() 01/02/2014 at 19:01 |
Keep option 1 completely and throw on a black lip wing!
![]() 01/02/2014 at 19:01 |
Keep option 1 completely and throw on a black lip wing!
![]() 01/02/2014 at 19:43 |
Having had 2 of my last cars be black I'm kind of burnt out on it, but damn it if a 7 series doesn't look super classy in black! On the other hand, the grey cleans up nice too. Also there are many, many shades of grey(damn you, book, no pun intended!), and you can have fun choosing the one you like best.
I know you didn't ask our opinion on wheels, but I wouldn't go for m-pars on it. They're a bit too modern and big, and require a really thin tire. I'd go with something smaller; a nice mesh, or something like this:
![]() 01/02/2014 at 21:04 |
Even that is risky. I had a black e39 that had some dings filled in and was repainted by the previous owner. You couldn't tell the car had been repainted except for the fact that as the metal expanded and contracted you could see exactly what had been filled in and eventually the paint cracked around a large dent (3-4 inches) that had been filled. Any ways after a couple years it looked kind of crappy. I sold it and saw it a few years later and it looked even worse with more old scars showing through.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 21:21 |
I have a black 300C. Vast, enormous swaths of black. I am frequently sad about the time required to make said vast swaths look good. Go Grey.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 22:12 |
sounds like bondo
![]() 01/02/2014 at 22:12 |
alpinas are ungodly expensive
![]() 01/02/2014 at 22:13 |
a spoiler? Thats black, and usually I only like them on black cars because it is black
![]() 01/02/2014 at 22:27 |
That's true. Enkei 94's and BMW style 32's have a similar look. I just think multispoke wheels suit the car's classy charatcter.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 22:32 |
it has multispokes on it right now, in the form of some staggered style 118's. I'm not really a fan of these either, the style 37's have been my favorite bmw wheel ever for ever.
I also don't really see to many e23's with them, most people do bbs style wheels (style 5's?). I've already heard people saying 18" wheels are to big for this era BMW so as far as they are concerned its already ruined. I figure if this grey e34 can pull it off, so can a grey e23
![]() 01/02/2014 at 23:22 |
Well, if you love them, go for them, no internet comment can stand in your way, haha. But yea, those 118's I think look weird on it too. They're a very modern wheel and I don't think they jive well with that sharp old BMW aesthetic. If you're not afraid of sacrilege, maybe someone makes smaller style37 replicas, like 17 or 16"?
I wish you luck, I don't recall ever seeing an e23 on the street in the past decade!
![]() 01/02/2014 at 23:50 |
I've seen 5 in person, the one im buying, a L7 in the JY, a 733i at a car meet, and two wild 733i's on the road. One in queens and one in central NJ
If it wasn't for the car having almost brand new tires, I'd consider getting the 17" style 21's, or if they came in 18" I'd try them to.
![]() 01/03/2014 at 02:08 |
Cook meth!