![]() 09/30/2013 at 12:50 • Filed to: Two Wheels Bad | ![]() | ![]() |
It looks like it to me, but with the trees between the road and the sun, it could be the rapidly changing lighting.
![]() 09/30/2013 at 12:51 |
Looks like it.
![]() 09/30/2013 at 12:53 |
Can't tell if it's the brake light, or just a glare of sunlight off the lens.
Looks like the bike could have brake-checked that LR.
Also, the .gif make me motion-sick sitting at my desk. Can you move it to a reply?
![]() 09/30/2013 at 12:54 |
I don't know if the biker used the brake, but it's certainly possible for the bike to slow like that just from engine braking.
![]() 09/30/2013 at 12:54 |
It does from what I see. I made a comment on FP, but I was in the middle of this pack of riders yesterday. I have never seen the amount of poor, disrespectful riding as I saw with that crew yesterday. Besides there was no reason for the rider to slow down here
![]() 09/30/2013 at 12:54 |
I don't know if the biker used the brake, but it's certainly possible for the bike to slow like that just from engine braking.
![]() 09/30/2013 at 12:57 |
From what I can tell you need new friends. Had I been in the range rover after that I would have reacted in the exact same manner though I would have probably added a 911 call in the mix.
![]() 09/30/2013 at 12:57 |
If you look very closely, it looks like the brake light turns off right before the rear tire of the bike hits the front shadow of the Range Rover...at least that's what it looks like to me.
Still, considering the rider had one hand on his hip and was looking backward, you can tell he was up to something.
![]() 09/30/2013 at 12:58 |
oh I should have said I was in my car in the middle of this shit show
![]() 09/30/2013 at 12:59 |
I guess it isn't just traffic around here...
but everywhere.
Nobody follows the 2 second rule anymore.
Maybe if people didn't tail gate, they wouldn't cause those sort of accidents.
![]() 09/30/2013 at 13:04 |
I agree with ncasolo. You need to find a new crew to ride with.
![]() 09/30/2013 at 13:08 |
I'll post this here, too.
![]() 09/30/2013 at 13:11 |
From what I can see yes, from the video it actually looks like it's the bikers fault as he moved into the Range Rovers lane way to close to the Range Rover and then brake checked him. Seems like it was just a group of asshats riding that day.
![]() 09/30/2013 at 13:12 |
The RR maintained his speed with the other bikers. The biker in question clearly slows down compared with the two bikers to his right.
![]() 09/30/2013 at 13:17 |
You can ignore the brake light. Because the lines on the highway are regular in interval and length, you can tell the biker slowed down by counting frames, or in this case its drastic enough you can see it with the naked eye.
![]() 09/30/2013 at 13:23 |
Brake light may have, brain never did.
![]() 09/30/2013 at 13:34 |
If you watch the video, the biker had just pulled in front of the range rover. There's no way the range rover had time to get 2 seconds behind the biker, especially not when the biker slowed down in front of him with no warning
![]() 09/30/2013 at 13:39 |
The whole video shows the range rover too close to motorcyclists, and motorcyclists too close to each other.
The whole point of the 2 second rule is that if someone slows down in front of you with no warning, you have the distance to slow accordingly also, without hitting them.
Any rear end accident is the fault of the person following, even if it isn't directly their fault, they were following too close.
Someone rear ended my car the other week, because I had to stop due to utility workers in the road.
I had to slow down and stop with not much warning, and it was the responsibility of the person behind me to pay enough attention and keep enough distance.
![]() 09/30/2013 at 13:40 |
damn kinja... not publishing, then double-posting.
![]() 09/30/2013 at 14:04 |
I just watched the whole video...I say the Range Rover was doing the exact correct thing when dealing with a mob of horrible bike riders. You can see in the video they're the type that think it's fun to cause traffic problems when they ride in a group...the Range Rover was continuing in their lane maintaining speed.
I also think I probably would have done the same thing. If I got boxed in, stopped, and surrounded by a large group of angry bikers, I'd plow through them too. I have no doubt he felt he and his family were in imminent danger. He did the only thing possible to get away from them...
![]() 09/30/2013 at 14:13 |
IMHO it doesn't matter.
He was looking back at the RR anyhow. He knew where it was the whole time and could have easily accelerated. Always want to practice a little defensive driving and get away from a vehicle too close to you. that's if I'm being completely neutral in the situation.
personally I think he did it on purpose.
![]() 09/30/2013 at 14:13 |
I swear I wrote that five times in the article before editing it. Best typo I could've made.
![]() 09/30/2013 at 14:17 |
I jsut watched the video and the biker was an asshat. He moved in front of the Land Rover and slowed down, only because he wanted to brake check him.... The Land Rover didn't have enough time or space to get the distance up to 2 seconds....
![]() 09/30/2013 at 14:18 |
I mean, running them over was too much imo... He should've probably just called 911....
![]() 09/30/2013 at 14:56 |
I agree, but not in this case. The bike pulled infront of the range rover from another lane (and behind) and immediately braked. There was nothing the range rover could do at that point.
The Range Rover never had a chance to leave a gap for the biker he hit.
![]() 09/30/2013 at 15:50 |
The guy with the back protector was in front of the rover's left side headlight through the whole GIF.
He was riding like an idiot, but he was there the whole time. There were other bikes in the lane further to the left.
But the riders were riding too closely, and the range rover was too close to all of them for the rate of speed.
the whole situation was BAD, and it is ALWAYS the responsibility of the trailing vehicle to maintain distance from the vehicle ahead, for the purpose of being able to react to the vehicle in front of them.
Whether the person in front is an idiot, or has a good reason for an avoidance maneuver... lack of distance is always the trailing vehicle's problem.
If the range rover had been maintaining at least two seconds distance at that rate of speed, he wouldn't have been so close to all of the other motorcycles as well.
The one decelerating motorcyclist may be monumentally stupid, but the range rover shouldn't have been where it was, in relation to all of the other traffic at that speed.
Leaving more than two seconds would leave an even bigger margin to not run over idiots who cut you off. And yes, I hate idiots who cut me off, but if I rear end them, the police will probably still cite me for following too close, to not be able to react properly or in time.
![]() 09/30/2013 at 16:17 |
Right before the gif started, he pulled into the range rovers lane. That's what I saw in the video. Considering the frame rate of the gif, the Range Rover had no time to give that rider space.
Look at the beginning of the gif, the rider is looking at the range rover because he just powered past it and pulled into its lane
It's hard for us to judge since we weren't there, but that biker is an asshole and brought it on himself, at least that's what I saw. The range rover should have given space, I agree, but these fucking bikers shouldn't have been swarming around the range rover in the manner in which they did, and that biker shouldn't have braked in front of the range rover in the manner in which he did.
It's unfair to blame the Range Rover IMO because this group of bikers swarmed this guy and gave him little or no chance to drive defensively. He was surrounded by motorcycles in all directions, he had very little options at his disposal.
![]() 09/30/2013 at 18:24 |
I'll check out the video when I have more time.
And it wouldn't be the first time squids were idiot riders in traffic.
I like motorcycles, and know how to ride, but there are idiots. Like a moron that wears a back protector, but has bare arms, and thin clothing that would turn the rest of him into a skin crayon.
![]() 10/01/2013 at 16:32 |
The biker wanted to provoke an accident. It was not the fault of the RR driver. Had the RR driver slowed down fast enough, he would probably have been rear-ended. There was nothing the RR driver could do, the bikers were looking for trouble.
![]() 10/01/2013 at 17:44 |
After seeing more footage, including from other cameras and angles, it does become clearer that the motorcycle riders were causing the trouble they got, and the family in the rangey had little recourse.
![]() 10/02/2013 at 11:43 |
Did you see the OTHER videos?? These motherfuckers were all over the place! Driving on siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidewalks! I would have treated them like I was at a monster truck rally,too!
![]() 10/02/2013 at 19:46 |
To say that a collision is always the fault of the vehicle in back does not account for someone deliberately swerving in front of you and slamming on the brakes, which is what happened here. From the videos I have seen, this is a tactic used by these guys to clear the street so that they can perform stunts on public roads.