![]() 12/12/2013 at 03:06 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
All 17...that's over 4000 pages of Spice and Wolf translated into english. Guess what's going to get done over winter break. NOTHING!
![]() 12/12/2013 at 03:57 |
Spice and Wolf is on Netflix, yes?
![]() 12/12/2013 at 04:04 |
Yep and it even has the amazing english dub. Seriously, the Spice and Wolf dub is in small group of Animes where I believe the English dub is better than the Japanese.
![]() 12/12/2013 at 04:08 |
I see you've found them before i checked back to oppo
i found them in two ways - first 6 or so on torrents, then i found the guys who did most of the tl'ing
![]() 12/12/2013 at 04:12 |
I already found all 17 so I'm good, but thanks for telling me someone translated all of it already. Nothing will get done during winter break.
![]() 12/12/2013 at 04:17 |
nothing is being done before break (and i have finals next week XD). seriously, last night i went to bed but wasn't feeling tired. so i ended up reading the whole of volume 5 in about 3 hours
probably why im still up now, come to think of it
![]() 12/12/2013 at 04:22 |
How the fuck did you read 250 pages in 3 hours? I'm an english major and not even I can read that fast!
![]() 12/12/2013 at 04:38 |
Well then, I think I just might check it out. I'm in need of something new to watch on Netflix
![]() 12/12/2013 at 04:52 |
House of Cards. Do it, because it's kinda nice to see Kevin Spacey being a badass.
![]() 12/12/2013 at 06:42 |
i kin reed gud
seriously though, i tear through books. i know how long it took cause my internet history is blank from 1:43am til 4:39am XD
![]() 12/12/2013 at 06:52 |
I recommend it. Though it's probably not as great as I've hyped it up to be. It's just a simple story about two very likable characters and economic. Don't go in expecting a complex plot, Spice and Wolf tries to have a complex plot in one of the arcs and instead of coming off as genius it just came off as convoluted. However when it's just Holo and Lawrence on the cart shooting the breeze trying to make it to the next town, those are the best parts about the show in my opinion. Those are the parts where the they just have witty and extremely well written banter and when it comes down to it that's what Spice and Wolf does best.
![]() 12/12/2013 at 06:54 |
Well I've worked extremely hard to stay spoiler free on what happens past what happened in the series. So as a humble request, please don't say anything about it. Please?
![]() 12/12/2013 at 07:03 |
won't, don't worry. how far does the series go though?
looked at the wiki episode summaries. wow. 26 episodes = first 5 books. technically, we're on even ground right now
![]() 12/12/2013 at 07:06 |
The last arc in the show is the one involving Eve. Also from what I understand. the show does books 1-2 skips 3 and does 4-5.
![]() 12/12/2013 at 07:11 |
nope. definitely does #3. Amati is book 3.
looks like it skips #4. no spoilers though, so i don't get to say anything more :/
season 1: 1 + 2
season 2: 3 + 5
![]() 12/12/2013 at 07:16 |
Oh so they SHOULD of skipped book 3! I don't know how he comes across in the books but in the anime I wanted to murder that stupid 12 year old. He is easily my most disliked character of the entire series!
![]() 12/12/2013 at 07:36 |
Haven't seen the anime, so i cant be sure, but the story probably comes out much better in writing (being able to read Lawrence's thoughts and all that). does a pretty good number on bringing them closer together, too
4's a good one, shame they skipped it
![]() 12/12/2013 at 09:49 |
Um, any chance this source could be shared with me? I'm currently out of a book and I'd love to read the rest of their story.
![]() 12/12/2013 at 17:09 |
The blog is pretty sketchy (almost hentai level stuff on the side bar) however most of the reviews on the actual website seem pretty good.
![]() 12/12/2013 at 17:10 |
Sweet! Thank you sir.
![]() 12/27/2014 at 02:17 |
Yea I have to agree with you on that one the Dub is so much better mainly because their is really only 2 characters that are in almost every scene. I knew of many of the Dubs that Tatum has done and he is always impressive and can do a wide range from someone mellow like Lawrence to a leader like Commander Erwin or even someone crazy like Isaac. The Brina Palencia has been great in everything I have seen her in and kills it as Holo. The reason the Japanese actors were so disappointing to me was more that they casted the wrong people I watched the 1st few episodes in the Dub and wanted to just see what they sounded like in the Sub and both of them sounded much to young Lawrence is 25 so he shouldn't sound like a high school boy and Holo voice actor sounded like she was 14 I know that I her human form she looks like they say she looks like a 15 yr old but in both the anime and the Light Novel she looks more like a 17 or 18 yr old but even without her human forms young age she is Holo the wise wolf who has lived for hundreds of yrs giving her a high pitched and young sounding voice makes all that go out the window she no longer sounded cunning and wise and when she got angry she sounded like a high school girl whining not the anger a fury Brina would bring she killed it as Holo loved everything about it plus the old style of speaking she uses is lost in the Japanese version if you don't know it.
![]() 12/27/2014 at 02:28 |
You should have just paid for them people that translate them are taking away money that the great author should be getting Isuna Hasekura he is the person the deserves it not like he has written a bunch of books and is rich this is the very 1st and only Light Novel he has written plus after reading all the Light Novels that are out so far witch is 13 and I have bought each of them on Barnes and Noble after I read them I found the downloads and read them and the translator got many things wrong and so scenes of them together having a emotional conversation felt ruined by the translator. Not saying anything bad about you but the person that is doing it should really stop its not right the author who gave us this great story is getting nothing for it im not talking about money but just seeing his sales that would have gone up would have made him really happy he always has a afterword in his Volumes that praises and thanks anybody for taking the time to buy and read his work of art. I do read manga's online on Mangahere.co but the only ones I read on their are ones that are and probably wont be published in the US so their is nothing wrong with reading them on their the author would not see his work selling to anyone that couldn't read Japanese in US plus buying them in the original Japanese cost so much but something like Spice and Wolf the US copies only cost at most 12 bucks a book.
![]() 12/27/2014 at 02:30 |
Actually it equals 4 books the 1st season covers volumes 1-2 then season 2 covers 3 and 5 they skip Volume 4 witch is a shame since it is such a great volume that has many emotional moments between Lawrence and Holo and has a good story to it.
![]() 12/27/2014 at 02:41 |
No it skips book 4 not that it really matter Volume 1 is their meeting and coin arc with holo being captured. The 2nd is the story of Lawrence on the brink of bankruptcy and them smuggling gold into the city the 3rd is the battle between him and Amati for Holo the 4th is a arc that they sadly don't do in the anime it is about them trying to learn more about her homeland in a small town but then they come into a dispute between the town their in and the other small town that is trying to take control of the town their in by poisoning the wheat they sell so the town not knowing how it could have been poisoned and sold to the other town blame the 2 outsiders Holo and Lawrence and this causes their lives to be on the line it also has Holo showing another ability or power. Then the 5th was the arc with Eve I would say to any one that is using these illegal translation to go out and buy the books from a store or online its not right to the Author that gets nothing from people reading them online they are cheap only about 10 to 12 bucks a book and the translator your using after I would finish a book I would check his translation and he screws up a lot of things like many of the emotional moments I would see that he did would be no where near as good as the Official translation and he also skips certain parts completely just go out and buy the books its worth these translation are done by people not getting paid so they usually care little for how true they are to the original.
![]() 12/27/2014 at 02:43 |
Yea but it was still a great arc I think nobody liked Amati but still it was a very big step in the relationship between Holo and Lawrence it is where Lawrence realizes how important Holo is to him that he is willing to give up anything to keep her with him even it means that he is going to have to spend and lose money in order to win her back witch is huge for him since up until then profit was his biggest thing in his life.
![]() 12/27/2014 at 02:50 |
If you want it in the best then buy them from your local book store or online were the official US versions are sold sure they are only to Volume 13 but they are doing the other ones every 3 months these translations skip parts of the original light novel and have many, many mistakes all over the place after buying the Light Novels up until 13 I wanted to see how some of them were done by this theft and I read his volume 7 translation and their were about 50 pages of skipped story and then many of the emotional pages seemed ruined by bad translation the books are not pretty cheap no more then 10 to 12 bucks per book plus its nice to have them in your hands and to get to see them every day lined up in your room plus the author Isuna Hasekura he deserves the sales its his 1st and only book to far so support the person that made this work of art without the author this person could never illegally post these bad translation its a shame that someone feels like its the right thing to do is to take someone else's work and put it online to steal sales and money from the author its just not right
![]() 12/28/2014 at 11:17 |
A year ago, when these post were made, most of the books had not been translated. There was nowhere to buy them in english.
Also, seriously, please try and use some punctuation. You're gonna make the english majors cry.
![]() 01/09/2015 at 06:55 |
Not trying to argue but they had up to book 9 done by the time that this was posted not sure how hard they were to buy I know my Barnes and Noble still does not have them but online it should have been easy. Even if it was only one website all you have to do was go to Yen Press and they would have been selling them their, not to mention places like amazon. The only reason I know this was because it was a year ago that a finished the anime and needed to know what happens. So when I went online I found them in one second by just typing in Spice and Wolf Light Novel for sale and it gave me pages full of websites.
I do the same thing sometimes with manga and Light Novels but all but one of the manga I read are not sold in the US so it's the only way possible to read them is on websites and that is attack on titan and the US versions are so far behind that it would be years before I could buy one I have not read.
Right now I am waiting for the next book to be published April long wait but its worth it. Sure I could find it online but after reading all of them on paperback with a paid translator and people checking that after I could never then read someone else doing it not that they are bad idk have never seen them. Even when they are done pretty well their are still plenty of mistakes and if the US publisher has a question about something they can just ask the author or editor of the book the person doing it online cant.
![]() 01/09/2015 at 22:44 |
Where exactly can i download them, i cant find any links
![]() 09/04/2015 at 08:53 |
What site were you talking about? Plz let me know