![]() 11/27/2013 at 11:39 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Fuck you. No, thats not nice, I'm sorry. But I do envy you.
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Chrysler product?
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Well I am surrounded by Darts and Chargers. :p
It's a 3.6 Challenger.
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An auto-tragic avenger perhaps?
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Sad that I could tell just from that sickly green/blue lighting.
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Isn't it awful? The Charger and Dart make the Chally feel like a dinosaur.
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The row of muscle?
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Black Challenger, black wheels. OOH.
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I am also jealous of these people. And the ones who have Friday off. At least I get tomorrow!
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Woah that place sells Lice AND Fuel?!
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That one has the 3.6. We have another 3.6 with the Redline package and the red wheels on it are sexy as hell.
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Today and tomorrow, baby.
But that's just because my classes are almost over already andmy internship isn't starting again until January. Which is great, I could totally use some time away from that AC-less hospital, at least during the hotter summer months.
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Lol I never made that connection. Tis a good one though.
They have a great setup though, ice in the summer and fuel in the winter. They even made a killing last October during Sandy because people needed ice.
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Yeah, I have off tomorrow but my girlfriend's Wednesday class was moved to Friday. Fucking lucky. I just can't wait to get my new 50inch TV tomorrow night.
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All I get off is Thursday, but I made a ton of overtime this week so it worked out.
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Nice. I'm on a pretty restricted diet as far as OT is concerned.
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Are you in NJ?
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Lame. No Hemi = No sale
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Assuming I only work 8 hours today, I'll be at 49.5 for the week which works out to $604 pre tax which isn't too shabby.
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We have a nice Plum Crazy Hemi...
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Nice! I have no idea how I'm going to get through this week without some OT. I'll probably volunteer a few hours and take a little OT. Cyber Monday is big for us.
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Long Island, hence LI Ice and Fuel lol.
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Where do you work?
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I do the IT and web development.
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Hmm, that's certainly out of the ordinary. I guess there's not much OT to be had in IT?
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There can be lots of OT in IT, but not necessarily in small businesses in general. We only have about a dozen employees, so OT can make a big difference in the salary budget. Sometimes, it's necessary. Usually, I just leave early on Fridays. Out of the ordinary fits me pretty well, I love it here.
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Working the dealership today myself. All day. Friday and Saturday too. Good luck, you're not alone.
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I'm working Friday and my normal 4 hours on Saturday.
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But hey, maybe people will buy things? Commission and all that jazz!
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I wish I got commission. As a detailer, all I get is the overtime on Saturday.
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Overtime. That's something I miss being able to get.
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I'll assume you're in sales?
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Yessir. Internet Sales Manager (don't let the title fool you, I am a grunt and do grunt work). I do everything from taking all the pictures of the vehicles, vehicle deliveries, SEO, App training etc. I love it but man, there is not enough hours in the day for everything I have to do.
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And salesmen work silly long hours as it is so that's saying something. You're a rare species in my experience, a salesman who is also an enthusiast.
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Indeed. I get all excited delivering cars/trucks to customers. Teaching them about the cars features and limits. I truly enjoy learning about others experiences and educating them about new vehicles. Had a man try to tell me that the 14 Impala was rear wheel drive and that was the only reason he was buying it. I, of course, couldn't let him be wrong and informed him that it was FWD but that it wasn't a bad thing. FWD can be fun as well.
He countered with the idea that it wouldn't be as good in slick weather. It just happened to be lightly snowing that day. Rare for NC. I then took him to a parking lot, hooned the brand new, untitled, unsold Impala to show him that it handles slick roads just fine. Not only was it fun, he bought the car.
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That answers my next question, what you sell. I've thought about getting into sales since I have such a passion for cars but I don't know if the sales aspect is for me.
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You certainly do have to be a specific type of personality. You must be patient and you must be perceptive. Things are always how they seem or how they are presented. You have to be diplomatic at all times and be able to read your customer. Never bash any of the competition. Only promote what is unique or superior about your vehicles. Bashing competition only leads to bad feelings. Some people are brand loyal and won't necessarily tell you that up front. Above all, it's not just about the almighty sale. If at some point in the 'deal' process you get the distinct impression that it's going south and is irrecoverable, part as friends. It's ok. It's not a loss as long as you and the customer can part on the same level. It's not right for everyone but if you are passionate not only about the vehicles themselves but also the people themselves, it could be right for you.
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Sorry for the book.
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Yeah it's the whole patience with people that I'm not great with. We just had a salesmen walk out so there is an opening but I don't think the owner/sales manager would take me seriously in that regard. Plus he'd be out a detailer.
My girlfriend would probably be great at it but I'm the one with the car knowledge.
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Haha no worries man!
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Remember, it's not about just brute car knowledge. I think if you approach it correctly, your dealer will understand. No offense, finding a new detailer is easier than finding quality sales people. I think you should at least inquire. Show your strengths and explain that you feel like you are up to the challenge.
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I'm worried that I'd get started in it just to find out I hate it. I guess I won't know if I dont try though. I also would like to go back to school for business so I gotta weight my options.
And no offense taken, but finding a detailer that does so many other things like I do would definitely be a challenge.
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I feel the same way about our current detail guy. He is fast and, well, detailed. We call him Breeze because he breezes through the cars. Seriously, I understand where you are coming from. Don't know until you take the leap though. Keep us posted. No matter what you do, I am certain you will be great!
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Thanks! I'll definitely keep you posted.
And I do alot of different things. We're a small dealership so I've had to take on many rolls, from emptying garbages to occasionally doing tires or oil changes and being a taxi for customers, etc..
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I know the feeling. We have 12 employees. Total. For the entire dealership. Departments are limited to service and sales but really, we do OK. Everyone is multi hat wearing. Kind of adds to the excitement.
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It's definitely different from larger stores. Different atmosphere, different pace. How many cars do you guys do in a typical month? We do about 20 on average, I believe.
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We run between 20-30 retail (on a decent month). Including dealer trades? Somewhere in the 30-50 range.
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We don't do too many dealer swaps. Maybe 2-4 a month.
I think I prefer a small store. Big dealerships are cutthroat, they have no loyalty whatsoever, it seems. My mom worked in the office at a Ford dealership as a warranty claims officer for over 20 years and one day out of the blue they decided to give her job to a service writer. I practically grew up there, we bought all out cars there...
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I understand that. My family and I have bought all of our vehicles from this one dealer since we moved here 10 years ago. Sorry to hear about your mom, that's really shitty of them. I always feel uncomfortable in large dealerships. I won't go to them.
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I've only been to a few as a customer, but plenty of Chrysler Co dealers for swaps. I'd say I prefered the experience of buying my car at my dealership, but it was dealing with my boss so it was different.
And she's moved on from it so it's all good in the end. As long as I'm at Dodge I can always get them a good price when they eventually replace their Fords.
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I'm sure they appreciate that too. Same here. When my mom bought her first brand new car I was able to get her employee pricing and all sorts of programs. Something in the neighborhood of 4 grand off the car. I don't think I have ever seen my mom cry so much. What part of the world are you in? I'm here in NC.