![]() 11/13/2013 at 16:18 • Filed to: fuck this | ![]() | ![]() |
This is a rant. Colorful words enclosed. If this offends your sensibilities, I recommend not clicking this article.
This is a break.
Just how the fuck do you expect to run a company on pirated software?! Not a single god damned system has a single genuine application. Your fucking "server" is filled to the brim with malware, spyware, and every fucking thing ever posted to pirate bay, ever. You really wonder why it crashed? You don't understand why I'm sitting here, twiddling my fucking thumbs, staring at a black screen? You can't comprehend why, after I told you a thousand god damned times, nothing is working? Here is a hint: your shitty ass business practices of stealing every motherfucking thing and hiring, literally, society's castaways is ruining you. Your data is compromised and you refuse to let me do a single fucking thing about it. I've been telling you, since the day I started, that this was coming. Well, you didn't listen and this is your payment. No, I'm not going to fix it. My wages, on par with any McDonalds' shift lead, is just not enough for me to put up with your Mickey Mouse bullshit operation.
Keep running this way. It'll keep biting you in the ass, in increasingly worse fashion, until you are either no longer able to operate or are sued into oblivion. I am fucking done. You hired me to clean up your technology. To maintain your systems and ensure their scalability for your projected growth. Well, when you refuse to heed my warnings, ignore my requests and do the exact opposite of what is proper, there is no growth. This is proven. Your workforce has shrank. Your prospective clients, after seeing the atrocity that is your call center, fled as quickly as their tailored suits would allow. Now shit has hit the fan because you refuse to pay for software. I warned you, bro. I fucking warned you about this.
I am leaving. You have failed to deliver on your promises. This is not me, it is you. You did not learn from the last time we worked together, and it will be your undoing. It may or may not be by my hands. I am not necessarily sorry. My employment is only continuing because the wages you deem "appropriate" for this job leaves me no choice. I am interviewing. I may not give you notice of my departure.
![]() 11/13/2013 at 16:23 |
Huh, guess he never heard of "open source".
![]() 11/13/2013 at 16:24 |
Actually, the big companies have found that piracy actually helps more than it hurts. The more people that use their software, the better. Microsoft really would rather you pirate Windows than use free Linux.
In particular, Microsoft and Autodesk got where they are *because* of piracy.
![]() 11/13/2013 at 16:25 |
Its silly for a business to use pirated software...haven't they heard of expense deductions? Plus you have to know where to get your stuff. I do miss demonoid though..the world is darker now..
![]() 11/13/2013 at 16:27 |
Just a quick note of advice: don't burn bridges.
I mean, I wouldn't blame you, and I doubt it would be a problem but I'd strongly recommend handling the situation in a professional manner. When you quit, give proper notice, be professional about it.
As much of a scumbag as your boss/management/coworkers may be in this case, no need to risk damaging yourself or your reputation over it.
![]() 11/13/2013 at 16:29 |
try signing into d2.vu with your old demonoid account
it literally is demonoid 2. They resurrected most of the site, minus the content.
![]() 11/13/2013 at 16:31 |
Linux admin here... Open source is not all peaches and creme. Every try to read through cryptic release notes? Every think they are using you to beta test their "stable software" ever wonder wtf is going on, a particular glitch lets say and no way to explain it? You pay for software to have the right to ring someones neck when something does not work. You get open source when you want to ring your admins neck when shit goes wrong. On the plus side the world is full of alternatives... There are upsides and downsides to everything. Want to build your own open source NAS/NAT appliance? Sure thing, they have it in spades, want to put it in prod? Hell the fuck no. If shit breaks your literally fuckeeeeeddddddddd....
that is all. its been a long day.
![]() 11/13/2013 at 16:31 |
Expense account? What in the flying fuck is an expense account?! These tightwads won't even pony up for fucking 6 dollar mice. Working computers? FUCK THAT! Let's go buy 10 year old Dells and expect them to run like they're brand fucking nee. Then get pissed off when the stupid fucking pieces of shit puke all over the desks. Then refuse to pay more than $59 per unit to replace them.
This place is seriously sweatshop. They hire nothing but halfway house ex-cons, because they know those people will be happy doing outbound telemarketing for minimum wage because, fuck, it's money right?
They dangled a fucking carrot in front of my face. Talked the business up real good. Talked about six figures. Talked about experience. All I've gotten is a roommate because I can't afford mortgage.
![]() 11/13/2013 at 16:31 |
OMG....If it works....You my friend are getting a Christmas card from me!
![]() 11/13/2013 at 16:33 |
Always a pleasure to be of service!
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Fuck, this mistake isn't going on my resume. I'll say I was unemployed for a couple months because lol economy.
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Open source requires development. That requires spending money on talent. There is no talent here.
![]() 11/13/2013 at 16:40 |
Only a .gif can express my gratitude....
And I totally mean it!
![]() 11/13/2013 at 16:43 |
jezz...Well like another commenter said..keep it professional, think of it as patience practice, and look for work else where.
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Heres more:
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Are you one of the Kinja admins?
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Don't forget about adobe!
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As someone who is in the cinema/graphics/communications industry (from time to time) I can tell you, there's no way in hell Autodesk and Adobe would even have 5% of their clients without piracy. Everybody pirates it and then buy the whole thing IF they get to have a well-running, profitable company.
Those programs cost a friggin fortune if you don't plan on using them for a living, BUT using them full.time and not having to worry about updates, support and/or having to circumvent every single trap gets you even. The whole Adobe package works very nice if you pay for it (multiple programmes cooperate/can use the same files without much hassle).
![]() 11/13/2013 at 17:36 |
Just tried this, no dice. Any chance you have some invites hanging around?
![]() 11/13/2013 at 17:42 |
Linux admin here too, from the rant it seemed like Nibbles's boss wasn't too worried about support and the company sounds small scale so open source would seem like a better solution than Piratebay. I know the tedium that are patch notes lol.
![]() 11/13/2013 at 17:45 |
Every try to read through cryptic release notes? Every think they are using you to beta test their "stable software" ever wonder wtf is going on, a particular glitch lets say and no way to explain it?
That sounds like the standard Microsoft/Adobe/Xerox/Dassault Systems experience... I worked in tech support for 2 years, and I used to get a lot of "uhhhh... we'll send a guy out" from the manufacturer support teams. When said guy arrived, he'd spend hours fucking around doing exactly the same things we'd tried, and go "uhh we'll have to try a serverside reinstall".
As for "beta testing stable software", have you used Windows 8? It is the least polished and production ready piece of software since Vista, and possibly rivals WinME...
![]() 11/13/2013 at 18:04 |
Thank you! Thank you for standing up and saying that open-source software is not the single most glorious thing ever to have been wrought by human hands that will someday lead us into a technological singularity where everything is unicorns and rainbows!
I've been working in the software business for years now, and every time I criticize open-source stuff, I get a bunch of angry neckbeards loudly exclaiming how I need to shut up because open-source is the greatest thing since sliced bread and if it doesn't work, I'm the idiot in the room.
Open-source software can be great — in fact, in rare cases, it can be downright amazing — but many, if not most, open-source projects do not have the resources for a true development team or support staff. If you rely on open-source software for your business needs, you may very well find yourself between a rock and a hard place when you perform an upgrade and realize that a feature you had been using extensively was removed and the notice was buried in a .txt file on some long-forgotten corner of the download site. You may end up finding a game-breaker of a bug or defect, and with no real support in place, you'll be told by a condescending forum admin to "d/l the code and fix it urself if ur so upset about it its free wut do u want?!?!?!!?!" You might even find yourself devoting more of your project time to making your open-source "solution" work properly than to writing the software you originally intended to in the first place.
I'm not trying to rag on open-source as a whole, because I've seen some truly amazing things done with it, but like most things in life, I think the hay outnumbers the needles by far. Yes, working with a large company's paid-for products can be more of an initial expense, and yes, the bureaucracy of large-scale support can be very frustrating to navigate, but at the end of the day, you have someone on the end of the phone who is accountable for your paid-for software, and that's something you almost never can achieve with open-source. I tend to think of it much less as "a big up-front cost versus free, man, free!" and more of "a big up-front cost versus the same amount of money in manpower and employee time spread out over an interminable period of time".
This is probably a little off-topic from the original post, but I'm just glad someone else in the industry also agrees with me on the whole closed- versus open-source debate!
![]() 11/13/2013 at 18:05 |
Thepiratebay is still fine so long as you're not a lobotomized dipshit who sees "BATMAN ARCUM CETY.EXE" and goes "oh it's only 3mb!! that should download quickly!!".
![]() 11/13/2013 at 18:23 |
very true...apparently a lot of people fall under that category lol.
![]() 11/13/2013 at 18:26 |
There's no open source desktop O/S which isn't more costly in retraining than just buying a set of Windows & Office licenses. From the business perspective, that one's a no-brainer.
There are some good pieces of OS software out there, but they're not normally aimed at ordinary users; frankly OSS near-universally sucks balls at anything to do with user-interfaces.
![]() 11/13/2013 at 18:30 |
Do any of the producers of their pirated software offer a bounty? Doesn't really matter, you still have a legal obligation to report them - or at least enough of one to do it as a leaving gift.
Might want to have a poke around and work out if they're doing anything the SEC would be interested in, because they pay a nice commission on any funds recovered.
![]() 11/13/2013 at 21:48 |
Doesn't matter if it's on your resume or not, especially not in today's world. Piss off your boss? There may be ways for him to hurt your reputation down the line.
Again, I think it's highly unlikely but I'd err on the side of caution if I were you. Besides, no matter how unprofessional people around you may be, sinking to their level should never be an option.
![]() 11/14/2013 at 02:32 |
You do realize that if you report pirated software, and they get penalized, you can be rewarded, right?
![]() 11/14/2013 at 06:41 |
![]() 11/14/2013 at 08:20 |
I should. Never used any before. Can't check for another 9 hours or so... I might've had to do a "forgot my password" and have the password reset before I could get in. I don't remember.
![]() 11/14/2013 at 08:43 |
I work in a linux world. What im saying is that its not all peaches and cream. It has its ups and downs. I could care less if vista/windows7/windows8/windows8.1 is the least polished turd around. Its used for 4 purposes for me, console/e-mail/chat with coworkers/web
for those things it works out of the box, properly every time. :)
![]() 11/14/2013 at 09:55 |
I saw something on the internet recently about reporting companies anonymously for using pirated software....maybe give it a google?
Here you go: https://reporting.bsa.org/r/report/add.a…
I would guess one of those will do.
![]() 11/14/2013 at 10:59 |
I will most likely be taking this route.
![]() 11/14/2013 at 11:03 |
It's one thing to snag a song or a tv show, it's another thing to use non-open source software to make a profit with your company.
![]() 11/14/2013 at 16:15 |
Okay cool. Well if you're feeling generous... ill shoot you my email?
![]() 11/15/2013 at 08:52 |
I have an invite ready for sending!