![]() 11/04/2013 at 17:30 • Filed to: bmw | ![]() | ![]() |
My neighbors have had this crusty-ass E30 rotting on their property for years. Terrible shape, truly. They're old people and have several other, newer cars. If it's still there by summer I kind of want to straight up ask for it. Or for like $100 or something.
I'm no mechanic but an auto-tech class at community college plus a neglected BMW sounds like a good summer to me.
![]() 11/04/2013 at 17:36 |
Would be a neat project. There are a few fairly active communities for e30's (Like R3VLimted), which you can ask for help, a friend of mine from the Los Angeles area frequents R3Vlimited.
My mother has been pestering me to do the same to an abandoned Aero 9000 near a friend's place. it's too rusty to work on imo.
![]() 11/04/2013 at 17:38 |
That's a Baur E30, pretty rare. Rarer than the E30 M3.
![]() 11/04/2013 at 17:40 |
I always assumed it was a convertible but I think you're right (the chrome surrounding the windows). That... changes things. Could be why they're holding onto it.
![]() 11/04/2013 at 17:42 |
Yeah it... converts? haha... Yeah, it converts like this.
![]() 11/04/2013 at 17:43 |
Looks like a BAUR Cabriolet. Sweet.
![]() 11/04/2013 at 17:43 |
"Thou shalt not covet they neighbors wife" I doesn't say a thing about their car.
![]() 11/04/2013 at 17:43 |
Yeah, I just thought it was a regular drop-top. Those were much more common.
![]() 11/04/2013 at 17:44 |
Yeah, I've just been alerted to that fact. Might be why they're keeping it..
![]() 11/04/2013 at 17:45 |
Go for it!
It's the right time of year to walk by and visit for a bit. Be straight up, tell them that you have always liked that era BMW, and that you are wondering if they would like to see it get a good home before winter sets in. Explain that you can't really offer them much, only that you'll do you best to restore the car and enjoy it (mention that you want it for yourself - not to resell).
The car is sitting there because:
A) They used to love it, sort-of hope to fix it up and sell it; but inertia has set in.
B) Saving it for a son/daughter/grand-kid; but inertia has set in.
C) They don't quite know how to get rid of it, and remember that it was once worth a little bit of money, and have a hard time realizing that it is no longer really worth anything, except as a labor of love to fix up and drive.
No matter the reason, inertia has set in. Visiting with them may or may not get you the car, but it will get them thinking about it again.
Even if their initial response is not workable, leave them your name and number and let them know that they are welcome to call if they reconsider parting with the car.
-Good luck!
![]() 11/04/2013 at 17:45 |
Yep, I mean it's not worth a fortune, unlike the M3. I'd imagine he could fetch 3k for it if it runs, looks a little rough and the roof looks rough too.
![]() 11/04/2013 at 17:47 |
I would not be surprised if it didn't run... On top of that, the exterior is horrible.
![]() 11/04/2013 at 17:47 |
For something like that i'd start offering them monies right now. If they truly know what it is, maybe by summer they give you the car just to stop annoying them
![]() 11/04/2013 at 17:48 |
They probably don't know what they got, I'd take it for a grand if it ran. It would be a fun project, I've never owned one.
![]() 11/04/2013 at 17:50 |
I know convertibles reach minimum value right about now, but I'm too wrapped up in school to consider asking now. I'd have to wait until summer when I have the time.
I'd guess A is their reason...
![]() 11/04/2013 at 17:59 |
“You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his male servant, or his female servant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor's."
![]() 11/04/2013 at 18:03 |
I prefer the abridged edition. :)
![]() 11/04/2013 at 18:10 |
it still can't hurt to see what they want for it, even if they tell you to sod off.
You might be the first person they call in 2 or 3 years when they finally want to sell it.
![]() 11/04/2013 at 18:17 |
exactly—can't hurt
![]() 11/04/2013 at 18:30 |
Then go over to visit and introduce yourself , Let them know your busy with classes, and offer them a tarp to put over it till spring (tarps are cheap, have one in your car -and bungy cords- if they say yes).
This way you'll: Make a good impression on them, Find out what their mindset on the car is, and you will put it in their mind that someone cares if the car sits out all winter.
Go say hi. They might not be "all about the money", it might intrigue them that someone just likes the car.
Ps. Be ready if they DO want to get rid of the car. Do you have a place to park it / store it for the next 4~5 months if they give it to you?