![]() 10/13/2013 at 10:40 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
[EDITED TO ADD WARNING - This clip contains footage of someone being shot]
[EDIT 2 - As anticipated, the original clip has been removed from youtube. Luckily I saved it beforehand, and i'm reuploading it now.]
Every biker's worst nightmare. The main issue with motorcycles is they're incredibly easy to steal, and as this clip demonstrates there's nothing between you and anyone willing to make a grab for it. In less than half a minute they've got the guy off the bike, and ready to make good their escape.
Having said that, I have to say, I have no issues whatsoever with how this video ends.
According to the video description, the police wounded but didn't kill the hijacker. More importantly, the motorcycle only suffered minor cosmetic damage. Shame the other biker orchestrating the attempt didn't get caught too, but with his face clearly visible on the footage, there's every chance he'll be found.
Sao Paulo constabulary do not fuck around.
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Well, that's a one messed up country. Just Jeez, out of nowhere everybody have guns and it's funny how this policeman just jumps out of his car, shots thieve, says something and leaves. For him it must be pretty normal to shot somebody, like everyday routine. :D
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It looks like that police officer just hops out of the cars stopped on the other side of the road and puts some rounds in the hijacker. I think they picked a bad spot to rob somebody.
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Jesus, he didn't seem to consider what he might hit behind the suspect, or really, that the suspect wasn't even threatening anyone anymore.
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I was amazed at the number of guns that show up within a minute of the incident.
Also, the guy with the helmet cam getting to berate the guy on the ground...priceless.
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"Everybody"? No, just the criminals and the Police. It's a gun grabbers paradise.
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What a badass. He didn't even give that guy a chance to use his gun even farther, which is good. Pew pew, chalk one up for good guys with guns.
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Well, them's the breaks!
Pretty ballsy daylight robbery. But down there, they brook no sh*t.
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That was very chilling to watch.
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After the ambulance arrives everyone is just like "screw it, he can sit there in pain. He deserved it."
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He also didn't leave. He's still around, but moves his car when that other Police vehicle shows up. Have a to wait a couple more minutes to see that though.
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Wow, that cop just shot that guy, no questions asked. Awesome!!
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That cop was like
Seriously, he came out of nowhere.
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Owning a kickstart is nice. There's a very small percentage of the population that can kickstart a dr350.
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Call me cruel, but if I was the guy on the bike, as soon as the cop shot that kid, I would have gone over and kicked his head in a few times just for good measure.
What a prick.
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I have had three bikes stolen over the years, and this never even occured to me as being a possibility, damn.
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I didn't see it at first:
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Maybe motorcycle laws are different in Brazil but this guy was riding like a tool and had it coming... take his bike AND his license for that. Although on the other hand it's nice to see cops actually protecting someone from crime instead of writing tickets for petty bullshit. PLUS, stealing a bike(or attempting to) at gunpoint is probably the worse crime, here.
Also, I guess this guy could have known he was being chased, hence the "creative" maneuvering.
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Actually, the cop looked skittish, darting in and out, like my wife trying to swat a cricket...
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I was waiting for a couple of well placed kicks.
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That was some swift, satisfying justice. If only all situations with thugs carrying guns ended that cleanly.
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Im not a very naïve (woo extra points for right clicking the change with the accent) person but really, fuck people who steal other peoples shit.
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Any time the crime ends with the criminal lying on the ground in a pool of his blood I see it as victory for decent law abiding people.
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Absolutely no fucks were given that day.
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I just hope he didnt scratch his bike when he laid it down for the thief
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And probably gotten shot in the progress. As evidenced in the video, South American police don't mess around.
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That guy acted quick and decisively.
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Yes, guns might kill people but they also keep people from stealing your hard earned stuff.
That policeman has some outstanding skills. He was able to assess the situation, plan it out and execute all within seconds. His shot placement incapacitated the theif rather than killing, which is better I guess. I never thought I would ever see a guy wearing capris and flipflops get shot. Thank you this video has made my day.
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This is what I would image would happen in Texas. Hate to say this, but you bring a gun to a gun fight you better be ready for the repercussions. Great argument for conceal and carry. Was there some kind of motorcade going on there or close to a station with a shift change going on? seemed to be like three cops the one in uniform and the guys in street cloths just stepped right out.
Also shows that you can take some one down with out killing them that cop was a good shot. He is just like you idiot did you not see the camera on my helmet.
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Have you been to Brazil? If you don't drive, walk or ride like a "tool" you will get literally rolled over.
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That's what he gets for stealing.
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Laws are the same, but look around. I live in São Paulo and I wouldn't stop at that red light as well! Sh*t, I would never GO there in the first place, That's deep East side, really dangerous neighborhood.
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Brazil wouldn't be like this if Ayrton Senna was still around.....just sayin.
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I haven't watched the video yet but I wonder how easy it would have been to pull the spark plug wire..
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Shouldn't have stole his briefcase.
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Christ they don't F around, but that cop should've seriously checked his field of fire...the bike owner was lucky the thief was a good bullet backstop.
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How about a "graphic" warning? I was not expecting to see someone shot.
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I think they would have jumped in also
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Justice served.
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That's a military police unit. probably the cop called backup before leaving his car, just in case things went wrong. They certainly took their time before calling any ambulances.
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Personally, I have no issue with this but you should probably add a warning for the people who dont want to see someone get shot.
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What's the purpose of that? To disable the bike?
If you're unarmed and you think the armed man is going to take your bike and leave you, that's not a good strategy. Don't frustrate the guy with the gun and trap him there with you.
I go armed, but I'd still rather lose a motorcycle than start a gunfight I don't have to. Fights are chaotic, and you can do everything right and still die or spend years defending your actions with your home and family at stake.
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when so many people are armed you have to be a complete moron to do this in public and brad daylight.
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That's a fair point actually. Edited to include a warning.
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For some reason i feel like he would;ve been president by now or something...
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I also love how when the ambulance shows up, the just leave the guy lying on the street. If this were in America, he would be in that ambulance faster than you can spell ambulance
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did you bother to watch the whole video, or just kinda do the cliff notes thing? He got his car out of traffic, while calling it in to the station. You can tell that's who must have been called by the cops that show up later, and you can see him right there.
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If some kid came flying beside me with a gun, I'd accelerate quickly and kick him and the other guy down, and fly off.
Fuck this kid. The biker with the camera displayed extraordinary composure. I'd lose my shit.
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Couldn't have a said it better myself, I've for wanted to move over to the US. First thing to get after the obvious stuff as a house and so? CCW.
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I think it should be noted that in this situation the officer shot to WOUND. He shot the guy in the arm. Here in the USA they would have aimed for the heart and head. Or if the cop was undercover in a motorcycle club, he would have smashed his his windshield.
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hot damn!
no pity for the thief..
but wow, imagine being the dude on the bike, I imagine he's talking to himself as he rides, happily through traffic ( sorry, portuguese is my bad)
and then bammo,
gets ripped off,
and within that horrible empty feeling of hanging around on a corner, with helmet, sans bike, sees justice meted out
Brazilian style..
(or as someone pointed out, Texas style)
what a blended sandwich of emotions : - S
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he didn't leave, he moved his car so traffic could keep moving because you can clearly see him in the rest of the video.
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modern sport bike with a gun in your face? not easy.
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Unfortunately my 72 SL350 is possibly the easiest bike to kick.
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This. My last bike was a KLR650 and it had a bastard of a kickstart, the problem is when it got stolen they just straight up lifted it into a waiting van and drove off with it. Steering lock didn't help stop this, but I have a big-ass chain now that I hope makes it less attractive to thieves.
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Apololgies, added a warning to clarify.
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"And now you're going to die, wearing that stupid little hat. How does it feel?" is my best guess at the interpretation.
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Not sure if we watched the same video, the guy who took the shot was clearly still there at the end of the video... but either way that was some karma in action.
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Welp, video's gone now :(
Oh well, saw it right before it was taken down; justice most definitely got served
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The video is gone.
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I'm in the UK and riding behaviour like that would raise eyebrows with the police, and maybe get you a talking to if a bike cop spotted it and decided you needed persuing, but in general I know i've done worse before.
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Clip is down. :(
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Good damn! saw it before it got taken down!
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Here is the video, the Youtube one is taken down.
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I wouldn't stop at that red light as it only applies to traffic going straight, not turning right ;)
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It's pretty clear from the video that there were enough guns that it [i]should[/i] have been a deterrent by CCW supporter logic. But it didn't stop this guy until the cops showed up, which most gun control countries allow to be armed anyway.
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In this case, civilian gun ownership is what allowed the theft to happen. If he didn't have a gun, he probably doesn't get that bike in the first place. The gun that ended it was a police officer's, and their gun rights aren't really up for debate in most gun control arguments.
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I've remedied this. One of my default things to do now whenever I see something like this on youtube is to archive it to make sure there's a record in case the video gets taken down. People deserve to see what can happen when you try and rob someone like this.
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It should have just said, "Edited To Add Bucc-i WATCH THIS NOW!"
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That has to be some of the quickest karma retribution I've ever seen...
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That's actually normal behaviour here in Brazil... Traffic laws are more a suggestion than actual laws, and the cops don't pull people over like they do in the US and UK. They just mail the fines later on if you screwed up. Or if you didn't, but they felt like screwing you up anyways. Don't believe me? Here's a speeding ticket issued for someone who was doing 880 kph, which I think is slightly impossible.
And here's one for 4800 kph
Vtec must have kicked in yo.
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As an American the videos/pictures I have seen from Brazil scare the shit out of me. That is saying a lot. Who wants to visit here?
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I was planning to go to Brazil for the world cup this summer and all I keep hearing is how dangerous it is. It seems about as dangerous as Camden NJ or the worst parts of Compton CA. Don't know what to think about all the violence except that I cant bring a gun with me to world cup and maybe its a good thing I'm going with my college buddies instead of my family.
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you idiot, this is one of the main reasons why you buy a motorcycle so you can go around a traffic...its normal everywhere in the world only you americans see it as a crime...
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They would have just shot the biker if he'd tried that. Even if they were caught afterwards, they'd get, what, 3 years in jail, tops.
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And that is how everyone that does not want to work for their own stuff needs to be treated. Shot, multiple times.
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You're preaching to the choir here man. Owning and carrying guns is completely illegal in Brazil and you can see the effect that had in our violence ratings: They're through the roof.
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Trust me, thieves get way too much pity down here. From the government, from "humanitarian" NGOs, everyone's hellbent in stopping police brutality, while thieves murder people for 10 bucks.
It's beautiful, really.
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Just for the sake of comparison, in the last 30 years, over a million people were murdered in Brazil. The 27 year long civil war in Angola killed 550 people in the same period.
That's how bad things are here.
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Holy shit, Brazilian ambulances make some weird-ass sounds. They sound like somebody playing every level in Gorf at once
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Would probably be easier to hit the killswitch, but this is on the basis that we know the outcome. If the cop hadn't intervened, he'd probably have been best off letting them take the bike and go. Assuming they weren't planning on shooting him anyway since he saw both their faces and had them on camera.
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That was more satisfying then the video I just watched about the 25 y/o blackhead being removed.
Someone posted that this shows "you can take someone down without killing them". Don't know how the police operate in Brazil, but in the US law enforcement don't shot to wound or kill, they shot "to stop the threat" and shot at the easiest target on the body, center mass.
That said, good shooting on the part of the police here.
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I'm guessing not all Brazilian armed robberies end so happily.
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Owning and carrying guns is not illegal in Brazil. Hard to get, sure. But not illegal.
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In other countries, traffic laws are more of a suggestion.
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Yes good shooting there and I get the impression he held his fire, from my crappy internet connection think that little turd with the yellow baseball cap was actually raising his gun.
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If you know where to go it can be pretty great. There are places comparable to Somalia and there are places comparable to Switzertland. Just Google Moema, Vila Nova Conceição or Itaim Bibi.
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You can tell by the curb rash on the policeman's front wheel that he doesn't play around.. He's used to taking care of business in an expedient manner and continues to go about his day.
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riding with a gopro is necessity these days. though american police for some reason think that riding with a camera on is probably cause enough to pull you over and try to confiscate it. then when you try to tell the police politely that they just can't take your property. They just arrest you for some BS and take it anyways.
as far as motorcycle theft prevention goes. I believe there are devices that will disable the bike, if the bike is a certain distance away from the fob. So you can ride with the fob on your person and watch as the thief gets a few feet away and then abandons the dead bike.
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Motherfucker got what was coming to him. And yeah it's deuchey but I'm glad they let him lay on the ground that long after he was shot. He'll think twice before he tries taking shortcuts in life again.
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That's a police van not an ambulance.
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Lucky that off-duty (I'm assuming?) cop was right there.
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Bikers, in general, appear to be upstanding citizens.
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NOT mexico
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Camden dangerous? Compton? HA! go to Brazil and enjoy a trip like never before. Risk your life any second. Play with Mr. Death Russian Roulette. Breath each time without knowing if you are going to fill your lungs again.
Any gang member from those places will pee himself in rough zones in Brazil.
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I'm all for the bike-jacker getting shot. Immediate consequences at it's finest. I just feel bad for the poor bike, dropped once on each side. I hope the guy has insurance to fix it up and remove any blood stains.
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You're cruel — that's for sure.
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At 1:40 a guy in a dark blue shirt wanders into the frame with a handgun in his hand. Later on he is in the video standing around. Is there any indication as to who he is? Can civilians carry handguns in Sao Palo/Brazil? If the shooter was a police officer of some kind, as is implied, why would a civilian become involved AND display a gun doing so? That would get him shot in the US 99% of the time, I suspect.
And if enough civilians carry like that, isn't sticking someone up for their bike dangerous? Or for that matter if there are uniformed officers *right there* all the time?