Holy Malaise, Batman

Kinja'd!!! by "Takuro Spirit" (takurospirit)
Published 10/19/2017 at 19:48

Tags: malaise ; netflix ; neflix malaise and chill ; mindhunter

Came home to find my wife watching Mindhunter on Netflix. So much malaise it hurts.


Its some 70's FBI drama that uses the F-word a lot. I might start watching it just for the cars. Unfortunately we do not watch much TV together, because she skips through the good parts of shows, or gets bored easily. Ah, the married life <3



There’s no IMCDB on it yet, but someone is working on it. http://imcdb.org/movie_5290382-Mindhunter.html

Replies (8)

Kinja'd!!! "CaptDale - is secretly British" (captdale)
10/19/2017 at 19:59, STARS: 3

How do you skip through a TV show and still understand what is going on?

Kinja'd!!! "Steve in Manhattan" (blogenfreude01)
10/19/2017 at 20:07, STARS: 0

Watching Trial & Retribution now - wonder if this series is worth it.

Kinja'd!!! "diplodicus forgot his password" (diplodicusforgothispassword)
10/19/2017 at 20:11, STARS: 0

It’s worth a watch

Kinja'd!!! "Steve in Manhattan" (blogenfreude01)
10/19/2017 at 20:26, STARS: 0

If she says so ... but I will report. Love that retro shit, like The Americans. Show me the 70s!

Kinja'd!!! "Nibbles" (nibbles)
10/19/2017 at 20:43, STARS: 0

The lede looks nearly identical to my great-grandmother’s last car, a ‘78 Granada sedan in the same grey (well blue initially but grey respray). Only diff is the mags vs her steelies w caps.

Kinja'd!!! "Hot Takes Salesman" (normiesgetoffmyboardreeeeeeee)
10/19/2017 at 21:36, STARS: 1

I sent Torchy an email about the series. If he can do a Cars Of for Rick and Morty, he can definitely make one about Malaisehunter.

Kinja'd!!! "Takuro Spirit" (takurospirit)
10/19/2017 at 22:18, STARS: 0

There are SO MANY. She’s only 4 episodes in and I’m over here having a palsy malaise fit from just walking through the room a few times.

Kinja'd!!! "someassemblyrequired" (someassemblyrequired)
10/19/2017 at 22:26, STARS: 0

Mercury Monarch! Confession time/hot take: I think the Granada/Monarch 4 doors are one of the best Ford designs of the 1970s.