Does The Root Not Get That This Kind of Thing Makes it Worse....

Kinja'd!!! by "Lumpy44, Proprietor Of Fine Gif" (lumpy44)
Published 09/26/2017 at 15:06

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Really wish I didn’t have to see the popular bar when cruising Oppo.

Replies (43)

Kinja'd!!! "HammerheadFistpunch" (hammerheadfistpunch)
09/26/2017 at 15:11, STARS: 9

Root knows. Root doesn’t care.

Kinja'd!!! "John-Palazzo" (John-Palazzo)
09/26/2017 at 15:12, STARS: 1

Honest question: Why do you think it makes it worse?

Kinja'd!!! "OPPOsaurus WRX" (opposaurus)
09/26/2017 at 15:13, STARS: 5

just imagine if Gawker came out with a site something like “Cracka, News for White People”

Kinja'd!!! "farscythe - makin da cawfee!" (farscythe)
09/26/2017 at 15:14, STARS: 0

eh... i had it down as satire... bit on the nose perhaps but still

sides... trumps president... worse is the default setting for the foreseeable future

Kinja'd!!! "Sam" (samwellington)
09/26/2017 at 15:14, STARS: 10

Eh, I’ve stopped bothering looking into their articles anymore. They’re literally just straight-up racist shit-stirrers.

Kinja'd!!! "whoarder is tellurium" (whoarder)
09/26/2017 at 15:15, STARS: 4

The Root: Everything here is a race issue.

I am saddened every time I see one of their stories pop up on kinja. Its not wholesome content in any shape or form.

Kinja'd!!! "Rust and Dust - Oppositelock Forever" (rustanddust)
09/26/2017 at 15:18, STARS: 2

What is the “it”, exactly, that is being made worse?

Kinja'd!!! "DipodomysDeserti" (dipodomysdeserti)
09/26/2017 at 15:19, STARS: 4

Right? He kind of justified the need for the article through his post.

Kinja'd!!! "TheTurbochargedSquirrel" (thatsquirrel)
09/26/2017 at 15:20, STARS: 4

There are only 2 reasons I can come up with for why they keep writing these kinds of articles.

1) Shameless need to get clicks by any means necessary

2) The Root is actually designed to bait the trolls away from Jezebel and other comment sections.

Kinja'd!!! "For Sweden" (rallybeetle)
09/26/2017 at 15:23, STARS: 0

None of the Gizmodo Media Group verticals are charitable organizations. They exist to make money, and unique page view are money.

Kinja'd!!! "DipodomysDeserti" (dipodomysdeserti)
09/26/2017 at 15:24, STARS: 2

What’s this “it” you speak of?

Also, I like despite wishing you didn’t see it, not only did you click on the article, but then reposted it for others to see. That’s some next level stuff right there.

Kinja'd!!! "Textured Soy Protein" (texturedsoyprotein)
09/26/2017 at 15:25, STARS: 3

Do you not get that this post makes you look a lot like the “STOP PROTESTING AND JUST ENTERTAIN ME BY PLAYING FOOTBALL” white people on my Facebook today?

Kinja'd!!! "Sam" (samwellington)
09/26/2017 at 15:27, STARS: 6

No true Scotsman, presented alongside a main course of racism. White people are racists and any whites that say they aren’t and care about black people aren’t allowed to say they care because they are white and making it “about them”.

Kinja'd!!! "fintail" (fintail)
09/26/2017 at 15:28, STARS: 0

Move your cursor quickly, and you won’t have to see it :)

Seriously, I make it a point to not let the cursor hover over Jezebel or sometimes even the FP.

Kinja'd!!! "AfromanGTO" (afromangto)
09/26/2017 at 15:28, STARS: 1

I just view it as satire or like the opinion column of a newspaper. Just ignore the people trying to elicit a reaction.

Kinja'd!!! "Sam" (samwellington)
09/26/2017 at 15:29, STARS: 4

No true Scotsman has fucked the left. Together we stand, divided we fall, and the right didn’t even have to do the dividing. We are doing it ourselves for some reason.

Kinja'd!!! "Lumpy44, Proprietor Of Fine Gif" (lumpy44)
09/26/2017 at 15:52, STARS: 0

Divisions between races clearly.

Hoped it could start some useful discussion really.

Kinja'd!!! "Lumpy44, Proprietor Of Fine Gif" (lumpy44)
09/26/2017 at 15:53, STARS: 1

why are they white?

I kid, though I go to football games to watch football and politics to see politics.

Kinja'd!!! "Lumpy44, Proprietor Of Fine Gif" (lumpy44)
09/26/2017 at 15:54, STARS: 0


Kinja'd!!! "For Sweden" (rallybeetle)
09/26/2017 at 15:55, STARS: 1

They called Jezebel Beckies, I’m not sure what that costs.

Kinja'd!!! "Lumpy44, Proprietor Of Fine Gif" (lumpy44)
09/26/2017 at 15:56, STARS: 5

Classifying people as black people, white people, or any other type of people only strengthen’s divides.

Kinja'd!!! "Lumpy44, Proprietor Of Fine Gif" (lumpy44)
09/26/2017 at 15:56, STARS: 1

Beckie with the good clicks.....

Kinja'd!!! "diplodicus" (diplodicus)
09/26/2017 at 15:59, STARS: 2

To achieve that I think you’d need to dose the whole world with LSD.

Kinja'd!!! "cmill189 - sans Volvo" (cmill189)
09/26/2017 at 16:00, STARS: 9

Pretending to be colorblind does a disservice to the experiences of minorities.

Kinja'd!!! "Rust and Dust - Oppositelock Forever" (rustanddust)
09/26/2017 at 16:03, STARS: 2

Still more of the ambiguous “it”.

I think you’re missing the point.

The division has always existed. It still existed after the Emancipation Proclamation, it existed after the Civil Rights Act.

I started to realize it when I was about twelve, and watched Rodney King get the shit beat out of him by four cops, and then watch those cops be acquitted of both assault and excessive force charges. Even when the Fed went after them, two were still acquitted.

When I lived in Baltimore, I saw firsthand that cops would treat blonde haired, blue eyed, white me a lot differently than they’d treat my black friends, even though we were all breaking the same law/ordinances.

Kinja'd!!! "CobraJoe" (cobrajoe)
09/26/2017 at 16:04, STARS: 1

It still separates people by race. (I have not read the article, just basing this on the headline).

Even though it’s probably written as satire. Even though it’s defending the protests against racial inequality. Even though it’s probably making fun of the overreaction from the louder members of the public.

It still outlines an “Us vs Them” argument with the sides defined in part by race.

Kinja'd!!! "Little Black Coupe Turned Silver" (littleblackcoupe)
09/26/2017 at 16:07, STARS: 2

It seems more like you’re breaking the rule of Oppo to not shit stir about other Gawker sites. Linking to them and complaining is pretty not-ok.

Kinja'd!!! "Lumpy44, Proprietor Of Fine Gif" (lumpy44)
09/26/2017 at 16:32, STARS: 0

It’s already been buried at this point, it will die out soon. Been around these parts a while my friend

Kinja'd!!! "Textured Soy Protein" (texturedsoyprotein)
09/26/2017 at 16:46, STARS: 1

I’m sure it’s oh so terribly inconvenient for those mean football players to pollute your football enjoyment with their politics.

Kinja'd!!! "yamahog" (yamahog)
09/26/2017 at 17:17, STARS: 1

LBC is accurate, these type of posts about other kinja realms are annoying and we’ve previously timewarped other ones.

Kinja'd!!! "Lumpy44, Proprietor Of Fine Gif" (lumpy44)
09/26/2017 at 17:21, STARS: 0

Feel free!

Kinja'd!!! "Xyl0c41n3" (i-am-xyl0c41n3)
09/26/2017 at 17:59, STARS: 0

Your comment does not surprise me. Maybe you should read The Root more often.

Kinja'd!!! "CarsofFortLangley - Oppo Forever" (carsoffortlangley)
09/26/2017 at 18:29, STARS: 0

I wish I could have been a fly on the wall in the Giz office after that post went up.

I would imagine that the groups don’t get along.

Kinja'd!!! "For Sweden" (rallybeetle)
09/26/2017 at 18:31, STARS: 2

There was probably some accusations of Jezsplaining and Rootsplaining

Kinja'd!!! "John-Palazzo" (John-Palazzo)
09/26/2017 at 23:36, STARS: 0

I strongly disagree. Pretending that the color of my skin doesn’t change the way I’m treated by society is some next level crap. What strengthens the divide is people treating black folks differently and getting mad at them when they fight for equality.

Kinja'd!!! "John-Palazzo" (John-Palazzo)
09/26/2017 at 23:43, STARS: 0

Is not that white people that say they aren’t racists are actually white supremacists in disguise, is just that every single white person benefits from white supremacy and institutionalized racism, whether they like or not, and simply “not being racist” isn’t enough when you benefit from a system that marginalizes other people. Black people don’t need white “supporters” or whatever, they need white people to step the fuck out so they can fight for what they need, not for what white people think they need. Is not that complex really.

Kinja'd!!! "John-Palazzo" (John-Palazzo)
09/26/2017 at 23:49, STARS: 0

He’s not the one separating people by race, society is. “Us vs. Them” is not an argument, is a very unfortunate reality when you are not white, even if you are surrounded by white friends, a black person (or anyone who’s not white, to be fair) is still going to be treated differently, as an outcast. When society acts like being white is the pattern that everyone should uphold, it becomes “Us vs. Them”. Black people didn’t come up with that, they simply realized it eventually.

Kinja'd!!! "John-Palazzo" (John-Palazzo)
09/27/2017 at 00:14, STARS: 0

They wouldn’t need to since CNN, Fox News and the vast majority of news outlets already do that. So, yeah.

Kinja'd!!! "CobraJoe" (cobrajoe)
09/27/2017 at 10:55, STARS: 0

You’re absolutely right. There is some inherent unfairness in society that looks at color of skin or nationality.

But pointing out “He started it!” and continuing to fight based on difference in skin color is not going to help fix the problem.

Lumping in all white people in any kind of group (especially as a group that needs to be placated because they’re all a bunch of racists) is not going to help. Beyond maintaining the “Us vs Them” mentality, it could alienate people who are willing to help or change or whatever, and it could give the people who are already racist a confirmation bias at the minimum.

We absolutely need the protests. I can’t think of any way to solve the racial divide other than constantly reminding people about the social inequalities and holding up examples.

Kinja'd!!! "John-Palazzo" (John-Palazzo)
09/27/2017 at 11:42, STARS: 0

I agree that we absolutely need the protest. I disagree that the article and the general tone it choses helps maintain “Us vs. Them”, because I don’t think that is a mentality at all, is a very real and very unfortunate thing. Society is rigged as “Us vs. Them” and the “Us” part does not refer to minorities, but to white people. White people are the ones that benefit from white supremacy and they are the ones that don’t really understand the implications of it. White, straight males are the ones controlling society and putting everyone else (“Them”) down. (It should go without saying that YES, not all white people are like that and yadda yadda yadda.) I also disagree that it alienates people who are willing to help. If that is what it takes for you to not help, I don’t think you really were so interested in actually helping after all. Is not that black people don’t want white people to support their cause, is just that they don’t want people who say they help just to feel better about themselves, they people that actually take a seat and try to understand how they can help. Also, racists don’t need any confirmation, their whole belief system is built on bullshit, and they thrive on bullshit. They need to be removed from power.

Kinja'd!!! "CobraJoe" (cobrajoe)
09/27/2017 at 12:32, STARS: 0

White, straight males are the ones controlling society and putting everyone else (“Them”) down

That might be true, but it’s still a dangerous generalization. It’s judging people by their race and sexual orientation without looking at their actions or personalities.

Is not that black people don’t want white people to support their cause, is just that they don’t want people who say they help just to feel better about themselves, they people that actually take a seat and try to understand how they can help.

If it’s assumed that I won’t sit down and listen just because I’m a straight white male, it makes it really difficult to have that conversation. Don’t assume an enemy when they might be an ally.

And yes, walking away from someone because you assume they won’t help is alienating them.

Kinja'd!!! "John-Palazzo" (John-Palazzo)
09/27/2017 at 13:19, STARS: 0

What I’m trying to say is that is not their responsibility to come asking for you to help, is your responsibility to reach out if you really want to make a difference. Black people have a lot on their plate, dealing with people who might want to help or may just be another asshole can be draining. Also, I don’t think there is any conversation that needs to happen, because white people should just listen . If black people in general say something is offensive or a racial problem, white people are not in a position to say that it is not, because they don’t experience it. Also, regarding my own comment of: “White, straight males are the ones controlling society and putting everyone else (“Them”) down” I don’t mean white males on a personal level, but while males presence in society as a class of it’s own when it comes to power. Whenever black people talk about white folks, they never, ever mean “ you , yeah, you , white person reading this right now, this is personally about you”. It is about the place white people occupy in society, which is obviously not the same place as minorities. Society doesn’t care about your actions and personality, it absolutely judges you based exclusively on your color, sexual orientation and creed. Again, that doesn’t mean that individual people also judge others based on that. I also don’t mean to be a dick, but you saying that people shouldn’t assume you won’t sit and listen because you’re a white male while rebating an article written be black people instead of reading it and trying to understand why that person feels that way and where that kind of sentiment comes from kind of undermines the fact that you want to help in the first place.

Kinja'd!!! "CobraJoe" (cobrajoe)
09/27/2017 at 15:12, STARS: 0

I also don’t mean to be a dick, but you saying that people shouldn’t assume you won’t sit and listen because you’re a white male while rebating an article written be black people instead of reading it and trying to understand why that person feels that way and where that kind of sentiment comes from kind of undermines the fact that you want to help in the first place.

To use myself as my own example, I didn’t read the article because the headline lumped me in with racists who are complaining about a peaceful protest. If I was one of the intended audience, it absolutely pushed me away from listening.

Whenever black people talk about white folks, they never, ever mean “ you , yeah, you , white person reading this right now, this is personally about you”. It is about the place white people occupy in society, which is obviously not the same place as minorities

I understand the difference, but it’s still equating the actions of some to an entire race, and when viewed from this side, blaming society seems to reduce the worry about my personal actions.

I guess I might have made some assumptions about the article based on the title and how it was worded. I can give some suggestions on how to attract readers similar to my background, but if that was not the authors intent, I’ll just be quiet and listen.