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Kinja'd!!! by "Takuro Spirit" (takurospirit)
Published 05/17/2017 at 10:40

Tags: worklopnik ; partslopnik ; fidget spinners


Replies (23)

Kinja'd!!! "Stapleface" (patrickgruden)
05/17/2017 at 10:46, STARS: 5

Estimated Delivery end of June . You know, when these stupid fucking spinners are no longer popular and you won’t be able to give them away for free.

Kinja'd!!! "ttyymmnn" (ttyymmnn)
05/17/2017 at 10:47, STARS: 0

Or you can spend 2x to 3x as much and have one right away. Which is what all three of my kids did.

Kinja'd!!! "facw" (facw)
05/17/2017 at 10:47, STARS: 0

Coworker tried four stores to find one of these things for her kid and failed. I still have no idea what they are or why you’d want one.

Kinja'd!!! "Takuro Spirit" (takurospirit)
05/17/2017 at 10:52, STARS: 0

Mine too. Wasted $12 when I wasn’t looking.

Kinja'd!!! "Takuro Spirit" (takurospirit)
05/17/2017 at 10:54, STARS: 1

Keeps your hands busy. Good for those than need to fidget constantly, and for those with learning disabilities I’ve heard.

One of my coworkers was given one by a customer because he’s always clicking pens and shit.

Kinja'd!!! "Ash78, voting early and often" (ash78)
05/17/2017 at 10:55, STARS: 2

These often come up at 3 for $10 online. But in local stores, you ’ re lucky to find one for $5. Most are $10+. I used to knock them, but they’re kind fun and can teach kids about gyroscopic stability.

Kinja'd!!! "Takuro Spirit" (takurospirit)
05/17/2017 at 10:56, STARS: 0

My daughter bought one for $12. I immediately showed her how many on Amazon Prime were going for less than $1.

Kinja'd!!! "TheRealBicycleBuck" (therealbicyclebuck)
05/17/2017 at 10:58, STARS: 0

There’s already been one near-choking event related to these. Kid accidentally swallowed one of the bearings and it got caught in her esophagus. Expect the consumer safety folks to jump on this soon.

Kinja'd!!! "Demon-Xanth knows how to operate a street." (demon-xanth)
05/17/2017 at 10:58, STARS: 0

I got one of those cubes because I’m always fidgiting while working on paperwork and such. Saves wear and tear on my tweezers and other actually useful items around my desk.

Kinja'd!!! "Chariotoflove" (chariotoflove)
05/17/2017 at 11:00, STARS: 0

We got ours at the grocery store for $4, a day before the school banned them from classes. :(

They’re the same bearing sets as on mu wheelchair castors.

Kinja'd!!! "RamblinRover Luxury-Yacht" (ramblininexile)
05/17/2017 at 11:00, STARS: 0


Three 6 Mafia approves.

Kinja'd!!! "Tekamul" (tekamulburner)
05/17/2017 at 11:08, STARS: 3


Kinja'd!!! "Jake - Has Bad Luck So You Don't Have To" (murdersofa)
05/17/2017 at 11:09, STARS: 1

I don’t get it. These have the little spinny bit of plastic in the middle that the rest of the spinner rotates around but why do they have a bearing in each arm? What are those for? I’ve never seen anyone try spinning them by the arm somehow so I’m at a complete loss why there’s *bearings* there

Kinja'd!!! "Takuro Spirit" (takurospirit)
05/17/2017 at 11:20, STARS: 0

Different holes for different fingers I guess. I’m sure there’s YouTube videos of all the different ways to play with ‘em.

Kinja'd!!! "Stapleface" (patrickgruden)
05/17/2017 at 11:29, STARS: 0

Why? They’re $5 at any Five Below store, if you have them near you. Kids are really clueless when it comes to money.

Kinja'd!!! "Chuckles" (chucklesw37)
05/17/2017 at 11:31, STARS: 0

I think that may have been a way for them to get more weight out near the ends of the spinner to help it spin better. Granted, that also could have been accomplished with just a metal weight.

Kinja'd!!! "Takuro Spirit" (takurospirit)
05/17/2017 at 11:31, STARS: 1

Because they had a table at the dance competition she was at filled with trinkets and crap and even though we told her not to buy anything, between performances while we were in the auditorium watching others, she left the dressing room and gave into peer pressure or some shit.

Its her money, and I taught her a lesson afterwards.

Kinja'd!!! "ttyymmnn" (ttyymmnn)
05/17/2017 at 11:32, STARS: 0

They’re not entirely useless. They can be used to explain some physics, gyroscopes, etc. Spin one between your fingers, rotate your hand, and feel how the weighted disc wants to right itself. Kind of cool.

Kinja'd!!! "Takuro Spirit" (takurospirit)
05/17/2017 at 11:34, STARS: 3

Learn pain suppression techniques! Try and stop it from spinning with your tongue, your ear lobe, your gentleman’s sausage!

Kinja'd!!! "Chris Clarke" (shiftsandgiggles)
05/17/2017 at 13:19, STARS: 0

Just don’t swallow the bearings.


Kinja'd!!! "Takuro Spirit" (takurospirit)
05/17/2017 at 14:42, STARS: 1

Sweet trach ring

Kinja'd!!! "awmaster10" (awmaster10)
05/17/2017 at 17:50, STARS: 0

Maybe dont let a kid young enough to pull a bearing out of something and eat it to have one of them

Kinja'd!!! "TheRealBicycleBuck" (therealbicyclebuck)
05/17/2017 at 19:51, STARS: 0

The kid is 10 years old that should be old enough, don’t you think?