Of all the stupid stuff Trump has done, this is the most galling.

Kinja'd!!! by "Rusty Vandura - www.tinyurl.com/keepoppo" (rustyvandura)
Published 05/11/2017 at 17:30

No Tags

Only allowing Russian reporters in the Whitehouse during the Russian ambassador’s visit. Make us laughingstocks to the Russians. #americanconservatismondisplay


Replies (38)

Kinja'd!!! "ttyymmnn" (ttyymmnn)
05/11/2017 at 17:36, STARS: 1

Russian photographers, actually. But not just any photographers, but photographers from Russian state-run media.


Kinja'd!!! "Rusty Vandura - www.tinyurl.com/keepoppo" (rustyvandura)
05/11/2017 at 17:38, STARS: 3

Mind boggling.

Kinja'd!!! "benjrblant" (benjblant)
05/11/2017 at 17:38, STARS: 1

It’s what the boss wanted.

Kinja'd!!! "ttyymmnn" (ttyymmnn)
05/11/2017 at 17:39, STARS: 4

My mind is beyond being boggled at this point.

Kinja'd!!! "Rusty Vandura - www.tinyurl.com/keepoppo" (rustyvandura)
05/11/2017 at 17:41, STARS: 1

And his worshippers just ignore it. Handing his country to the Russians like that.

Kinja'd!!! "gmctavish needs more space" (gmctavish)
05/11/2017 at 17:42, STARS: 3

Whenever I get mad about Canadian politics, I just have to look south to make myself feel better.

Kinja'd!!! "EL_ULY" (uly)
05/11/2017 at 17:44, STARS: 1

Russia is good or bad?

Kinja'd!!! "ttyymmnn" (ttyymmnn)
05/11/2017 at 17:45, STARS: 0


Kinja'd!!! "Rusty Vandura - www.tinyurl.com/keepoppo" (rustyvandura)
05/11/2017 at 17:46, STARS: 2

Oh, for the good old days of George Dubya Bush.

Kinja'd!!! "Ash78, voting early and often" (ash78)
05/11/2017 at 17:46, STARS: 6

Hey guys, member that time everyone thought Obama bowed for too long to Asian leaders? Ooooh, I member. MMmmmmmmm.

Kinja'd!!! "ttyymmnn" (ttyymmnn)
05/11/2017 at 17:47, STARS: 3

On the plus side, thank you for keeping out head warm.


Kinja'd!!! "ttyymmnn" (ttyymmnn)
05/11/2017 at 17:47, STARS: 1

Never thought you’d hear yourself say that , didja?

Kinja'd!!! "Rusty Vandura - www.tinyurl.com/keepoppo" (rustyvandura)
05/11/2017 at 17:47, STARS: 2

Depends upon whom you ask, and when you ask them. If you’d asked a Republican before Donald Trump became POTUS, the answer would have been, “BAD!” And now? Well, it’s a non-story, Liberals throwing a hissy fit, UNFAIR, fake news.

Kinja'd!!! "Rusty Vandura - www.tinyurl.com/keepoppo" (rustyvandura)
05/11/2017 at 17:48, STARS: 0

Well, it was hyperbole...

Kinja'd!!! "ttyymmnn" (ttyymmnn)
05/11/2017 at 17:49, STARS: 1

If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a million times, “Don’t exaggerate!”

Kinja'd!!! "Rusty Vandura - www.tinyurl.com/keepoppo" (rustyvandura)
05/11/2017 at 17:49, STARS: 4

Trump’s slick, though; he lets Spicer and the others take it in the butt for him.

Kinja'd!!! "fintail" (fintail)
05/11/2017 at 17:49, STARS: 0

He’s just priming the pump for a great future.


Kinja'd!!! "Rusty Vandura - www.tinyurl.com/keepoppo" (rustyvandura)
05/11/2017 at 17:50, STARS: 2

You’ve told me that at least a billions times.

Kinja'd!!! "Rusty Vandura - www.tinyurl.com/keepoppo" (rustyvandura)
05/11/2017 at 17:50, STARS: 2

Pence looks better by the day.

Kinja'd!!! "Rusty Vandura - www.tinyurl.com/keepoppo" (rustyvandura)
05/11/2017 at 17:54, STARS: 2


Kinja'd!!! "ZHP Sparky, the 5th" (e30s2k)
05/11/2017 at 17:55, STARS: 1

Priming the pump? I haven’t heard that term before. Did you come up with it? Can you explain it, please? :P

Kinja'd!!! "fintail" (fintail)
05/11/2017 at 17:59, STARS: 1

Actually, I came up with it a couple of days ago, and I thought it was good.

It’s my brilliant plan to make the economy great again via the indisputable truth of trickle down.


Kinja'd!!! "fintail" (fintail)
05/11/2017 at 18:00, STARS: 2

Not sure how Bannon and Putin would handle him, but it can’t be worse, right?

Kinja'd!!! "ttyymmnn" (ttyymmnn)
05/11/2017 at 18:01, STARS: 0

War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength.

Kinja'd!!! "ttyymmnn" (ttyymmnn)
05/11/2017 at 18:01, STARS: 1


Kinja'd!!! "Honeybunchesofgoats" (honeybunche0fgoats)
05/11/2017 at 18:04, STARS: 0

I think this is genuinely the thing that I find bewildering about this new political landscape. For years and years, Russia was where I differed most with people on the left and agreed most with people on the right.

Kinja'd!!! "ttyymmnn" (ttyymmnn)
05/11/2017 at 18:08, STARS: 2

Exactly. As a somewhat hawkish liberal, it’s been clear since 1945 that Russia is our enemy, and remains so. You can’t blame them for looking out for number 1, but that doesn’t mean that we have to stop defending our own interests.

Kinja'd!!! "EL_ULY" (uly)
05/11/2017 at 18:08, STARS: 1

That last bit...... that’s the one

Kinja'd!!! "victor" (victor)
05/11/2017 at 18:28, STARS: 0

I heard Pence was such a disaster for Indiana that basically the republican controlled state senate and officials all started reversing everything he did the day he left...

Kinja'd!!! "Rusty Vandura - www.tinyurl.com/keepoppo" (rustyvandura)
05/11/2017 at 18:59, STARS: 2

Alternative facts and Trump-following commentaters still referring to HRC as the most dishonest politician of all time. STILL: I blame the DNC for crowning HRC heir apparant.

Kinja'd!!! "Rusty Vandura - www.tinyurl.com/keepoppo" (rustyvandura)
05/11/2017 at 19:02, STARS: 0

Could be. I just cannot believe what a disaster this is, and conservatives are saying the Liberals are throwing the hissy fits about Trump’s legitimacy.

Kinja'd!!! "victor" (victor)
05/11/2017 at 19:14, STARS: 2

Too many actions by the GOP and by their most ardent supporters has shown that they care more about power than they care about the sanctity of the constitution.

Kinja'd!!! "Rusty Vandura - www.tinyurl.com/keepoppo" (rustyvandura)
05/11/2017 at 19:18, STARS: 0

The Clintons could be labeled, fairly, as power-intoxicated. When are reasonable Republicans going to stand up? They control both houses of Congress. Just impeach the guy.

Kinja'd!!! "gmporschenut also a fan of hondas" (gmporschenut)
05/11/2017 at 20:16, STARS: 1

because that would mean acknowledging that they have commited a major fuck up.


Kinja'd!!! "gmporschenut also a fan of hondas" (gmporschenut)
05/11/2017 at 20:22, STARS: 0


fake news

Kinja'd!!! "Rusty Vandura - www.tinyurl.com/keepoppo" (rustyvandura)
05/11/2017 at 20:31, STARS: 0


Kinja'd!!! "Hammerdown" (hammerdown32)
05/12/2017 at 14:32, STARS: 0

Go look at the polls. The people who voted those guys into office are 100% behind Trump. The white, male, working class put all their stock in him and don’t seem to be listening to any other opinion. Trump’s war on the media and bashing of Democrats has been especially impactful on them. They think that anything coming out against Trump is just liberals who are mad because Obama isn’t in office and they’re not in control anymore. There’s lots of animosity and pent up aggression from the last 8 years boiling to the surface which is blocking bi-partisan neutral thought. This was the guy that was going to un-fuck things after Obama ruined the country. They’ll stand by that for as long as they can, fearing that the Dems will take back over if he’s a failure.

Kinja'd!!! "Hammerdown" (hammerdown32)
05/12/2017 at 14:33, STARS: 0

The point of all that is that these elected officials, by staying by Trump’s side, are doing what their voters want.