Dodging speed bumps like

Kinja'd!!! by "Smallbear wants a modern Syclone, local Maple Leafs spammer" (smallbear94)
Published 05/02/2017 at 09:56

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Fuck speed bumps in general and these mini ones in particular. They’re like driving straight over curbs.

Replies (23)

Kinja'd!!! "G_Body_Man: Sponsored by the number 3" (gbodyman)
05/02/2017 at 10:21, STARS: 5

One neighbourhood in my town has the right idea. Instead of a speed bump, they installed a chicane with concrete flower planters as barriers.

Kinja'd!!! "SaigaShooter - He's got an Impreza" (saigashooter)
05/02/2017 at 10:21, STARS: 1

Parking lots are better with chicanes anyway.

Kinja'd!!! "Bryan doesn't drive a 1M" (bryantakespictures)
05/02/2017 at 10:29, STARS: 1

Challenge accepted!

Kinja'd!!! "Smallbear wants a modern Syclone, local Maple Leafs spammer" (smallbear94)
05/02/2017 at 10:31, STARS: 1

Like this?


Kinja'd!!! "Smallbear wants a modern Syclone, local Maple Leafs spammer" (smallbear94)
05/02/2017 at 10:32, STARS: 0

Better than speed bumps, anyway.

Kinja'd!!! "Scary__goongala!" (corymagee)
05/02/2017 at 10:39, STARS: 1

Its quite a challenge to drive into the parking garage at my school’s student union without landing on my frame rails. I can angle in and get over both without a problem so long as no one else is behind or in front.

Kinja'd!!! "PotbellyJoe and 42 others" (potbellyjoe)
05/02/2017 at 10:50, STARS: 4

It’s called “Traffic Calming”


My town is currently exploring the best method to bring speeds down on the roads that lead to the train station. A park is on one side and during baseball games, the street is full of parked cars and kids, but people still drive 38+ mph in the 25, it’s insane. All because they are late for a train.

Kinja'd!!! "Urambo Tauro" (urambotauro)
05/02/2017 at 11:02, STARS: 1

“Some people are driving too fast through here. So let’s punish EVERYBODY for it by installing speed bumps.”

Kinja'd!!! "Smallbear wants a modern Syclone, local Maple Leafs spammer" (smallbear94)
05/02/2017 at 11:10, STARS: 2

We think Some people are driving too fast through here.

Not saying they aren’t, but my experience is the kind of person who advocates speed bumps tends to be the same person screaming “maniac” if someone blows by them while they’re sitting at 10 under the limit.

Kinja'd!!! "Smallbear wants a modern Syclone, local Maple Leafs spammer" (smallbear94)
05/02/2017 at 11:15, STARS: 0

They shouldn’t have built a 40MPH road in the first place, then. They should have built a 25MPH road.*

Speed limit signs do next to nothing. Changing the actual surface of the road helps. BUT DAMMIT THERE ARE BETTER WAYS THAN SPEED BUMPS. These chicanes are good examples.

*Assuming, of course, that they care about safety and not ticket revenue. This situation you describe sounds like a genuine safety concern. Sorry if I sound cynical, Ontario has jaded me.

Kinja'd!!! "Rico" (ricorich)
05/02/2017 at 11:24, STARS: 0

Challenge Accepted!

Kinja'd!!! "PotbellyJoe and 42 others" (potbellyjoe)
05/02/2017 at 11:33, STARS: 1

It’s an old neighborhood, my house is from 1917. So when they built it this was actually an old main st for this side of town. They’ve never narrowed the road, but if they did they would lose the ability to street park both sides in the summer and they have no place to put a parking lot without removing a portion of the park for it (I’d vote that down as would my neighbors) so it’s 3.75 lanes wide when no one is parked on it.

It is what it is.

I just want the park to stay the name it is and not be named as a memorial for a kid when a careless driver kills one.

Kinja'd!!! "Smallbear wants a modern Syclone, local Maple Leafs spammer" (smallbear94)
05/02/2017 at 11:51, STARS: 0

Gotcha. How about something like this though?


This was a 50km/h limit street that was really more of a 65-80km/h road, construction-wise. There were no bike lanes, just really wide lanes. For obvious reasons you don’t really want people going those speeds through here, what with housing on one side and a park on the other, so when they repaved it they added bike lanes and in some places took chunks out of the middle (which got used as gardens). That parking lane was actually an addition here, but in your case why not take that directly out of the roadway on each side? Make it distinctly different like adding the concrete strip shown here. Or maybe cobble the parking area? Either way the end result is a slower road that keeps it’s parking capacity.

Kinja'd!!! "PotbellyJoe and 42 others" (potbellyjoe)
05/02/2017 at 11:56, STARS: 1

Yeah, that’s called a road diet. We did that in another part of town. It’s severely reduced both traffic (no merges anymore) and accidents (only one lane to have to read.)

Our street will probably go to raised, hump-style, pedestrian crosswalks. 4 of them for the length of the street. That way cars have to slow down in the places where the pedestrians should be. It’s better all around.

Kinja'd!!! "Smallbear wants a modern Syclone, local Maple Leafs spammer" (smallbear94)
05/02/2017 at 12:13, STARS: 0

Just not mini bumps. Big bumps are OK.

On another note, do you ever see these?,-79.9869136,3a,75y,270.1h,65.56t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sXEWIoW5AaupNoPH3ccUH3A!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en

They are the absolute worse. Can’t go beside them, can’t straddle them, they aren’t humped like most but pointy instead, they have a large step-up on the edge before the main slope--they’re basically the worst features of mini bumps and regular bumps all rolled into one. Stupidest part? The reason they put these in is because people are always stopping at the side of the road (off the roadway), and they wanted to slow people down around them. Problem--this is, by and large, a bikers road. There’s oodles of them. And they can go right between the bumps, whereas cars have to come to a virtual standstill to avoid breaking stuff. So instead of making the road safer by slowing people down around sightseers, they’ve created a speed differential.

Kinja'd!!! "Akio Ohtori - RIP Oppo" (akioohtori)
05/02/2017 at 12:23, STARS: 1

My neighborhood has become a bypass for some really gnarly construction and people decided highway speeds were appropriate, so the city put in speed humps (not bumps).

The other night I was out walking the pups and a Lamborghini (sorry, my Oppo isn’t strong enough to tell you which) comes down the road going... slightly too fast, sees the humps, hits the brakes and *scraaaaaaaaaaaape*. The car guy in me was sad, the rest smiled a little.

Worst part is he proceeded to scrape on every subsequent hump (there are many) rather than just turning onto a road that didn’t have any (literally every adjacent road).

Moral of both stories: Don’t be the guy (or gal) that ruins it for everyone else.

Kinja'd!!! "Smallbear wants a modern Syclone, local Maple Leafs spammer" (smallbear94)
05/02/2017 at 12:30, STARS: 1

**This is me thinking out loud, not pointing fingers at you. What you’re saying is totally different, you just got me thinking**

Most neighbourhoods have that one paranoid person. You know the one. The one who hears the fart-canned Civic crawling past well under the limit and flips out at them for going too fast. In other words, the “If I can hear your engine you’re going too fast” person who is seemingly incapable of realizing that some cars make more noise than others and that noise=/=speed.

I was thinking, [NOTE NOBODY DO THIS REPEAT DO NOT] if you happened to acquire a Tesla and head down the street right under their nose at 100km/h, would they even blink?

Oh, and your moral. Yeah, that.

Kinja'd!!! "PotbellyJoe and 42 others" (potbellyjoe)
05/02/2017 at 12:36, STARS: 1

We also get the fun ones around here that are seasonal. They pull them up during plowing season. So one day in April you can take the road at speed, the next day there’s rubber mounds in the way.


This is the basic form of what we are looking to do in 3-4 places down the stretch of road and park. Ours would involve lines of some form (similar to “Western lines”) to warn cars on approach to the hump they will be going over. We think it should be effective while helping pedestrians know where they are safest for crossing.

Kinja'd!!! "Smallbear wants a modern Syclone, local Maple Leafs spammer" (smallbear94)
05/02/2017 at 12:55, STARS: 0

I think that’s what these are. I went through last fall, no bumps.

And that looks OK, a slow down bump rather than a stop bump.

Kinja'd!!! "G_Body_Man: Sponsored by the number 3" (gbodyman)
05/02/2017 at 19:40, STARS: 0

It’s not really tight enough to even be a challenge. I was still able to safely carry the speed limit (25 MPH) through it in a GMT800 Yukon XL without crossing the center line or getting the inside wheel up on the ramped curbing.

Kinja'd!!! "wafflesnfalafel" (wafflesnfalafel1)
05/09/2017 at 22:13, STARS: 1

I hate speed bumps. They are needed only because people don’t pay attention. They hurt my back and kill my shocks. I avoid them whenever I can.

Kinja'd!!! "Smallbear wants a modern Syclone, local Maple Leafs spammer" (smallbear94)
05/09/2017 at 22:15, STARS: 1

They are not needed only because people don’t pay attention . There are other, better solutions.


Kinja'd!!! "merged-5876237249235911857-hrw8uc" (merged-5876237249235911857-hrw8uc)
10/19/2017 at 09:58, STARS: 1

I’d like to see more use of the non-Newtonian type, that only become a bump if you hit them at higher speeds, otherwise they give as you drive over. That way you don’t beat up a car, unless you are traveling too fast. Not sure if they can adjust the fluid to work for specific speeds, but it would be cool.