Chevy Finally Puts Real Real People in Their Commercials [Language NSFW]

Kinja'd!!! by "Bourbon&JellyBeans" (bourbonandjellybeans)
Published 04/10/2017 at 14:50

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I don’t know how this guy’s channel hasn’t exploded yet, but I thought that these were hilarious and had to share. More Chevy ads and a bunch of other stuff in there too.

Replies (6)

Kinja'd!!! "nerd_racing" (nerd189)
04/10/2017 at 15:08, STARS: 2

I saw this the other day. I laughed so hard I forgot I read it!

Kinja'd!!! "Manwich - now Keto-Friendly" (manwich)
04/10/2017 at 15:45, STARS: 1

Yeah.. I thought about doing the same kind of thing when seeing that commercial.

Glad someone finally got to it.

Maybe it will turn into a series like Diabeetus did... LOL

Kinja'd!!! "Bourbon&JellyBeans" (bourbonandjellybeans)
04/10/2017 at 16:26, STARS: 1

“Cheryl are you high right now? ‘Cause that’s not a real thing.” Hahahaha!

Kinja'd!!! "BobintheMtns" (bobinthemtns)
04/10/2017 at 16:37, STARS: 1

I’m crying.

Fucking epic.

Kinja'd!!! "arl" (arl1968)
04/10/2017 at 17:04, STARS: 1

These are awesome......!!

”I wouldn’t pay more than fifteen and a half. “I hate all of you.”

Kinja'd!!! "ArmadaExpress drives a turbo outback" (armadaexpress)
04/11/2017 at 10:03, STARS: 1

These are so satisfying to to watch. Those commercials frustrate me to no end, so it’s great that someone was able to edit them this way. Make my day better