When You Are the Best Then You’re Going to Disappoint

Kinja'd!!! by "Wobbles the Mind" (wobblesthemind)
Published 01/05/2017 at 09:30

Tags: Thoughts


I cant exacerbate that my standards are higher than everyone elses. I was raised to expect the best and except no compromises. If a car isn’t the best than why even buy it? No company I’d ever buy from is running around highering “B” students, so why would I spend money on cars that are even 1% short of prefection?!

This post has been found to deliver 95% of what the 100% benchmark for the class offers. How many times did you cringe and find this completely unacceptable to the point of giving up? Though you received 95% of the benchmark isnt it odd that you would likely rate your satisfaction level as closer to that missing 5%. The biggest problem with becoming better and better is that eventually minor flaws become painfully obvious, even to those that have no experience in the field. Those few absolutely miniscule flaws within the grand scheme of things detract so much from the overall presentetion that everything else around them is lost.

The consequences of achievement are that your shortcomings become impossible to ignore. Or to say it another way, when you are the best then you’re going to disappoint, eventually if not currently.


Replies (34)

Kinja'd!!! "Nick Has an Exocet" (nickallain)
01/05/2017 at 09:36, STARS: 0

I think that’s true of the 911. The M3 however is flawed in all the wrong ways. It’s what happens when you drink your own Kool aid.

Kinja'd!!! "Wobbles the Mind" (wobblesthemind)
01/05/2017 at 09:40, STARS: 1

My Kool-Aid is legit, gtfo!

Nah I’m just messing around. I think the M3 is a 95% car which is a terrible place to be. Either be closer to the benchmark or move far enough away to be considered something different.

Kinja'd!!! "Eric @ opposite-lock.com" (theyrerolling)
01/05/2017 at 09:43, STARS: 0

Your opening paragraph is so full of homophones, punctuation, and grammar mistakes that aid be shocked if you were more than a C student.

Just sayin’.

Kinja'd!!! "Tekamul" (tekamulburner)
01/05/2017 at 09:45, STARS: 0

No company I’d ever buy from is running around highering “B” students

Most companies employ a lot of B students. Those that don’t only have C and below. In STEM college courses, B is the greatest minority.

Kinja'd!!! "random001" (random001)
01/05/2017 at 09:48, STARS: 0

In regards to this post, I can’t even.

Kinja'd!!! "Wobbles the Mind" (wobblesthemind)
01/05/2017 at 09:52, STARS: 0

Well that’s odd...

Kinja'd!!! "jimz" (jimz)
01/05/2017 at 09:56, STARS: 0

define “best” car.

Kinja'd!!! "random001" (random001)
01/05/2017 at 09:56, STARS: 0

I don’t think exacerbate was the correct word to use in that first sentence. You are essentially saying that you “can’t [make worse] that your standards are higher.” I are confused.

Kinja'd!!! "fintail" (fintail)
01/05/2017 at 09:59, STARS: 0

Did someone have about 25 cups of coffee this morning? :)

“No company I’d ever buy from is running around highering “B” students”

Then you’ll have a lot of money in savings, and won’t be buying any oddball KDM flair cars either.

Kinja'd!!! "fintail" (fintail)
01/05/2017 at 09:59, STARS: 3

Did someone have about 25 cups of coffee this morning? :)

“No company I’d ever buy from is running around highering “B” students”

Then you’ll have a lot of money in savings, and won’t be buying any oddball KDM flair cars either.

Kinja'd!!! "Comes over to help work on your car and only drinks beer" (cyclonefan94)
01/05/2017 at 10:01, STARS: 1



Your spelling is severely compromised.

* accept

** hiring

Kinja'd!!! "Wobbles the Mind" (wobblesthemind)
01/05/2017 at 10:01, STARS: 0

I know, that dissonance is freaking delicious! I love it!!

Kinja'd!!! "functionoverfashion" (functionoverfashion)
01/05/2017 at 10:03, STARS: 0

I think that’s the idea of the whole paragraph? Unless I’m missing something too. The idea being that this paragraph makes a point, yet all I can see are the handful of errors. I think, anyway.

I cant exacerbate that my standards are higher than everyone elses . I was raised to expect the best and except no compromises. If a car isn’t the best than why even buy it? No company I’d ever buy from is running around highering “B” students, so why would I spend money on cars that are even 1% short of prefection ?!

I might have even missed some.

Kinja'd!!! "Wobbles the Mind" (wobblesthemind)
01/05/2017 at 10:03, STARS: 0

I always have peak energy at the beginning and end of my days, it’s midday when I’m depressing to be around like everybody else!

Kinja'd!!! "Wobbles the Mind" (wobblesthemind)
01/05/2017 at 10:06, STARS: 2

My spelling is impregnateable!

Kinja'd!!! "random001" (random001)
01/05/2017 at 10:11, STARS: 1

But there’s no operand to your verb! I mean, that’s like a dangling participle! It....makes...no sense! Spock!

Kinja'd!!! "Wobbles the Mind" (wobblesthemind)
01/05/2017 at 10:12, STARS: 0

Ooo, now that’s a great question! Especially when everyone dismisses measurements and favors subjectivity as the foundation of comparison.

Kinja'd!!! "random001" (random001)
01/05/2017 at 10:12, STARS: 0

It’s too early for this shit....

Kinja'd!!! "yamahog" (yamahog)
01/05/2017 at 10:19, STARS: 0

Everyone knows it’s the C students who get shit done.

Kinja'd!!! "davesaddiction @ opposite-lock.com" (davesaddiction)
01/05/2017 at 10:20, STARS: 0

I learned so much about you just now. =)

Kinja'd!!! "davesaddiction @ opposite-lock.com" (davesaddiction)
01/05/2017 at 10:29, STARS: 3

It is really interesting: the transition to EPS and turbocharged engines that many automakers feel like they’ve had to make in recent years has really crystallized how important feel and sound and responsiveness are to some enthusiasts. This group is very small, but very vocal, and very well-represented among professional automotive journalists.

What car(s) do you think Alfa benchmarked the new Giulia against?

Edit: We are declaring the Giulia Quadrifoglio the new benchmark among sports sedans. - C&D http://www.caranddriver.com/reviews/2017-alfa-romeo-giulia-quadrifoglio-test-review

Kinja'd!!! "Wrong Wheel Drive (41%)" (rduncan5678)
01/05/2017 at 10:57, STARS: 1


Kinja'd!!! "DipodomysDeserti" (dipodomysdeserti)
01/05/2017 at 10:57, STARS: 0

I’m hoping Wobbles is typing this pantless, on a city bus.

Kinja'd!!! "CobraJoe" (cobrajoe)
01/05/2017 at 11:05, STARS: 0

Even worse is when people try to create a measured system out of subjectivity.

Points scales for comfort and “sportiness” and looks...

Kinja'd!!! "CobraJoe" (cobrajoe)
01/05/2017 at 11:16, STARS: 1

Personally, I find some cars highly entertaining when they do have flaws, or at least personalities that other people would consider flawed.

Twitchy oversteer, twitchy throttle, heavy clutch, mechanical feeling shifter....

Why is being “refined” such a great thing?

Kinja'd!!! "fintail" (fintail)
01/05/2017 at 11:21, STARS: 1

That explains the Hyunkia enthusiasm that exceeds even the most rabid Korean nationalist :)

Kinja'd!!! "Wobbles the Mind" (wobblesthemind)
01/05/2017 at 11:30, STARS: 0

Lol, that one got me!

Kinja'd!!! "Wobbles the Mind" (wobblesthemind)
01/05/2017 at 11:33, STARS: 1

I see you’ve attended some of my live performances.

Kinja'd!!! "Wobbles the Mind" (wobblesthemind)
01/05/2017 at 11:35, STARS: 1

Thank you, I knew someone would know what was playing in the background!

Kinja'd!!! "Wobbles the Mind" (wobblesthemind)
01/05/2017 at 11:44, STARS: 1

I have been arguing that the Giulia Quadrifoglio, as well as the AMG C63 S, have pushed past the M3's benchmark and moved into a new performance class all together. I still think everyone uses the M3 as a benchmark but that class of performance is no longer the “top” level offered. BMW would need to create an M3 CS to be rated in the same category as the C63 S and QV, and I have no doubt that it would become the new benchmark of this brand new segment.

I messed around with this back in May it seems.


Kinja'd!!! "BiTurbo228 - Dr Frankenstein of Spitfires" (biturbo228)
01/05/2017 at 11:45, STARS: 1

I’m wondering whether the post was carefully crafted to be 95% grammatically correct to make a point ;)

Kinja'd!!! "Wrong Wheel Drive (41%)" (rduncan5678)
01/05/2017 at 12:38, STARS: 1

I consider “perfection” to actually be a flaw. And lack of character is the greatest possible flaw a car can have. The numbers mean nothing if there isnt a visceral experience. What you are describing I would certainly consider positive features, especially compared to some very numb newer cars.

Kinja'd!!! "CobraJoe" (cobrajoe)
01/05/2017 at 13:46, STARS: 1

The numbers mean nothing if there isnt a visceral experience.

It took me far too long to figure that out.

Kinja'd!!! "yamahog" (yamahog)
01/05/2017 at 13:51, STARS: 0

Lol in college at least.