I Need Advice, OPPO

Kinja'd!!! by "dtg11 - is probably on an adventure with Clifford" (dtg11)
Published 01/03/2017 at 01:11

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I need advice with my car. I’m starting to get bored of it, as well as the fact that it probably won’t last the next 5 years while I’m in college (or at least won’t last without more money than I’m willing to put in it). Don’t get me wrong, I still like it and it’s still a mostly good car, but I don’t think it’ll be a good match for me in the changing future. So what should I do?

My thought is keep it until May/June, maybe try and sell it as a graduation gift. That gives me 6 months to save money, as well as put some of my graduation money towards it. That’d give me $4000-4500 to spend on a newer, lower mileage car.

Should I do what I said and wait 6 months, or do I keep it and drive it into the ground? Keep in mind I’m $4200 into a $3500 car. Also my top contender for college is 5 hours/300 miles away round trip.

Replies (73)

Kinja'd!!! "dtg11 - is probably on an adventure with Clifford" (dtg11)
01/03/2017 at 01:11, STARS: 0

Semi-related: my current ideas for a replacement are:

Acura RSX +(safe, reliable, fun, quick, good fuel economy, practical [more cargo room than my Lexus] and nice to look at, VTEC)-(potentially poor on highway, a bit small and slow at low RPMs, hard to find a clean one)

2003+ Honda Accord with leather +(safe, reliable, V6 is quick, good fuel economy, as much cargo room as my Lexus, good highway cruiser)-(4-banger is slow, boring, potential transmission issues with the V6, higher mileage in budget)

2002+ Nissan Maxima with leather/Infiniti I35 +(safe, pretty reliable, quick, fun to drive, decent fuel economy, practical, good highway cruiser)-(can have head gasket or transmission problems, kinda boring to look at)

2004+Acura TL/TSX +(safe, reliable, good looking, quick, fun, comfortable on cruises, fuel economy, VTEC)-(small trunk, transmission issues, hard to find a good one in budget)

Scion TC +(fun, reliable, safe, good looking, fuel efficient)-(small cargo area, 4-speed is slow, base models don’t have cruise control, boy racer image)

Toyota Sequoia +(roomy, great on highway, practical, V8+4WD, luxurious, reliable)-(fuel economy, higher mileage for price, did I mention fuel economy?)

Acura MDX +(roomy, great on highway, practical, luxurious, reliable, engine, AWD) -(transmission problems, higher mileage for price, soccer mom image)

2000+ Toyota Avalon +(roomy, best highway cruiser I can think of, practical, luxurious, reliable, one of my favorite early 2000's interiors [very quiet too], available bench seats, fuel efficient)-(transmission problems begin to occur after 275k, higher mileage for price, old person image, boring exterior, hard to find a good one in budget)

2004+ Subaru Legacy +(looks great, AWD, reliable, fuel efficient, safe, nice interior even on base models)-(almost impossible to find for price, headgaskets)

Kinja'd!!! "V12 Jake- Hittin' Switches" (jbv12)
01/03/2017 at 01:13, STARS: 1

Have you considered an ls400 ?

Kinja'd!!! "E90M3" (e90m3)
01/03/2017 at 01:14, STARS: 1

I wish I had a car at college. Where you want to go and what are you planning on studying?

Kinja'd!!! "dtg11 - is probably on an adventure with Clifford" (dtg11)
01/03/2017 at 01:14, STARS: 0

Yes, too old and higher mileage for my budget. Good idea though. It’s kinda sad, but I’ll probably have to get something boring and sensible. *sigh*

Kinja'd!!! "Wacko" (wacko--)
01/03/2017 at 01:15, STARS: 3

I fail to see how the sequoia got on this list

Kinja'd!!! "dtg11 - is probably on an adventure with Clifford" (dtg11)
01/03/2017 at 01:16, STARS: 0

Olivet Nazarene University. At this point, I’m interesting in Civil Engineering, but business or ministry would also interest me if I decide to change majors.

Kinja'd!!! "dtg11 - is probably on an adventure with Clifford" (dtg11)
01/03/2017 at 01:17, STARS: 0

Idk I just like it. I want a big SUV just to see what it’s like plus it’d be great for moving to college.

Kinja'd!!! "V12 Jake- Hittin' Switches" (jbv12)
01/03/2017 at 01:19, STARS: 1

I guess. I drove a ‘98 accord through college.

Kinja'd!!! "E90M3" (e90m3)
01/03/2017 at 01:20, STARS: 2

Had to look that one up. I did ChemE, and as much as you want a fun car now your budget will be much bigger once you graduate and it might be in your best interest long term to just keep your car if everything is still fine on it. If not, get something that’s cheap and reliable and then get the fun car after college. I might be biased towards that cause it worked out really well for me.

Kinja'd!!! "dtg11 - is probably on an adventure with Clifford" (dtg11)
01/03/2017 at 01:22, STARS: 0

Also, LS400s are pretty rare in my area. Only 4 on CL right now, even with the local CL option selected. Newest is 1996, 4 years older than the oldest I’d like.

Kinja'd!!! "dtg11 - is probably on an adventure with Clifford" (dtg11)
01/03/2017 at 01:25, STARS: 0

I’d be getting a sensible, newer, lower mileage car. My car has been having minor hiccups here and there, just enough for me not to trust it to last me 5 years and a 300+ mile road trip per month. My dad basically said jump ship while you can, my mom said drive it into the ground (which could be 10 years or 5 days)

Kinja'd!!! "V12 Jake- Hittin' Switches" (jbv12)
01/03/2017 at 01:26, STARS: 1

I have a 97. I trust it to last for quite a while.

Kinja'd!!! "dtg11 - is probably on an adventure with Clifford" (dtg11)
01/03/2017 at 01:27, STARS: 0

How many miles and how much was it?

Kinja'd!!! "E90M3" (e90m3)
01/03/2017 at 01:29, STARS: 1

Sounds like it might be time to sell it and move on before something catastrophic happens, if you’re that afraid of it doing that. Also, once college gets started you might not go home as much as you think; make friends, engineering classes eat all your free time, etc.

Kinja'd!!! "dtg11 - is probably on an adventure with Clifford" (dtg11)
01/03/2017 at 01:35, STARS: 1

That’s possible, I won’t know until I start. But my car has had a very loud screeching sound twice in the past 3 day (possibly a compressor, not a belt), the sunroof leaks a little, the ABS and VSC are broken, it leaks a good bit of oil (2 quarts every 5k miles), and the battery light flashes about once a month. Other than that, 100% reliable. Oil, ABS, and VSC aren’t a big deal, but the battery light and screeching are concerning. Also a car with 265k miles might not be the best start for a road trip car.

Kinja'd!!! "Steve in Manhattan" (blogenfreude01)
01/03/2017 at 01:40, STARS: 1

Take it to a mechanic you trust, pay for an hour, and get a list of everything the car needs to be reliable. Then you can decide.

Kinja'd!!! "Dr. Zoidberg - RIP Oppo" (thetomselleck)
01/03/2017 at 01:47, STARS: 1

Is my memory betraying me? Didn’t you buy this car like two months ago?

Kinja'd!!! "V12 Jake- Hittin' Switches" (jbv12)
01/03/2017 at 01:47, STARS: 1

I bought it with 219 for $5000. I over paid though

Kinja'd!!! "gmctavish needs more space" (gmctavish)
01/03/2017 at 01:56, STARS: 2

What has gone wrong to make you not trust its reliability? I feel like of all the cars you’re considering, a 90s Lexus should be one of, if not the most reliable option

Kinja'd!!! "VonBootWilly - Likes Toyota, but it's still complicated." (vonbootwilly)
01/03/2017 at 04:43, STARS: 3

As much as I can advocate these cars, they do suffer small problems late I’m life, probably less than most cars, but yours is high miles, and the oil problem is pretty bad considering these never use oil ever unless neglected or very high miles.

I’d say if you haven’t actually had a fun light manual car, just go for it. When I was young, I had a different car about as often as an oil change, learned a lot about cars, how to fix things and just experiencing different cars. If you want to be a car guy, you’ll know what to do. I’ve sold amazing decent cars just to move on to new things. Was considering selling my GS430 I’ve had a record 4 years and loved DDing it, but I want something else.

Honest, the GS300 has one of the all time most reliable rwd drivetrains ever, it will likely just keep going anyway, even without fixing the problems, as long as there’s oil in it. Also if you want to drive it into the ground, drive it gently, I’ve driven terrible free GM vehicles on their last legs for months just treating them carefully. That’s just if your plan really hinges on you keeping the car rolling for now.

You can probably sell it without trouble, it’ll probably end up with a turbo and suspension after you sell it ;)

Kinja'd!!! "Arrivederci" (arrividerci)
01/03/2017 at 09:15, STARS: 1

Is that your GS in the pic? I’d just keep that, personally. I know it sucks dumping money in an old car that you’re not in love with, but I’m assuming it’s paid for, and each repair you’ve made should (theoretically) increase its reliability and longevity.

Everything I’ve been told says the drivetrain in those should be pretty bulletproof, but I suppose it can nickel and dime you over time.

Kinja'd!!! "Milky" (jordanmielke)
01/03/2017 at 09:43, STARS: 2

Unless I missed something, you drive a Lexus. A sedan with a L on it, how could it not match your future/last 5 years? My ‘ol SC lasted 210,ooo miles until I crashed it. It was my college car too. Just mod the exhaust and have fun.


(but do a better job with the bumper)

Kinja'd!!! "Funktheduck" (funktheduck)
01/03/2017 at 10:31, STARS: 1

I’ll give you $100 and a half eaten bag of cheetos

Kinja'd!!! "dtg11 - is probably on an adventure with Clifford" (dtg11)
01/03/2017 at 11:10, STARS: 0

Tempting, but I’ll pass for now.

Kinja'd!!! "Funktheduck" (funktheduck)
01/03/2017 at 11:16, STARS: 1

You drive a hard bargain but I’ll throw in a gas station hot dog. I’ll make it two if you detail the car first.

Kinja'd!!! "dtg11 - is probably on an adventure with Clifford" (dtg11)
01/03/2017 at 11:24, STARS: 0

Thing is, it has 265k miles on it. Also there’s a few problems and I don’t want to put a dime more into it. I’ve already spent $4200 total.

Kinja'd!!! "dtg11 - is probably on an adventure with Clifford" (dtg11)
01/03/2017 at 11:27, STARS: 0

It hasn’t been nickel and diming me. I’ve put $1400 into it in the last 8 months.

Kinja'd!!! "dtg11 - is probably on an adventure with Clifford" (dtg11)
01/03/2017 at 11:35, STARS: 0

I’m not worried about the engine, more worried about everything else around it, particularly the sensors and rubber. As reliable as it is, it’s still and old car and still breaks.

Kinja'd!!! "dtg11 - is probably on an adventure with Clifford" (dtg11)
01/03/2017 at 11:36, STARS: 0

Mostly the mileage and age are concerns. I’ve had some problems and continue to have a few, so I have no trust for reliability.

Kinja'd!!! "dtg11 - is probably on an adventure with Clifford" (dtg11)
01/03/2017 at 11:37, STARS: 0

I found a 1996 with 150k, but it’s a bit rough and old.

Kinja'd!!! "dtg11 - is probably on an adventure with Clifford" (dtg11)
01/03/2017 at 11:37, STARS: 0

Close to 8 months.

Kinja'd!!! "dtg11 - is probably on an adventure with Clifford" (dtg11)
01/03/2017 at 11:38, STARS: 0

I’d rather not. To fix all the problems I know of, it’d be about $2k.

Kinja'd!!! "gmctavish needs more space" (gmctavish)
01/03/2017 at 11:43, STARS: 2

Everything is gonna have problems though, unless your engine or transmission are having serious problems, the car should keep going. I can understand wanting to go newer for peace of mind, but it doesn’t always work that way. Plus you know this car, and you have an idea what it should need in the future. With a different car you have to get to know it as well

Kinja'd!!! "V12 Jake- Hittin' Switches" (jbv12)
01/03/2017 at 11:52, STARS: 1

Hmm. If you can find a clean one, traveling is worth it. At 150 it’s barely broken in drivetrain wise. There’s plenty of people with more than half a million miles on these cars. Pre 98 will be the cheapest to fix, especially if you can avoid air suspension.

Kinja'd!!! "Dr. Zoidberg - RIP Oppo" (thetomselleck)
01/03/2017 at 12:05, STARS: 1

Oh. So my memory IS shit.

Kinja'd!!! "dtg11 - is probably on an adventure with Clifford" (dtg11)
01/03/2017 at 15:43, STARS: 0


Kinja'd!!! "dtg11 - is probably on an adventure with Clifford" (dtg11)
01/03/2017 at 15:44, STARS: 0

But then I run into the problems I have with my car: age and use. There’s just no way getting around the fact that it’s 20 years old.

Kinja'd!!! "dtg11 - is probably on an adventure with Clifford" (dtg11)
01/03/2017 at 15:45, STARS: 0

Well it has had a few transmission glitches, but nothing more than a sensor if the problem persists.

Kinja'd!!! "Manwich - now Keto-Friendly" (manwich)
01/03/2017 at 15:51, STARS: 2

Keep it and drive it into the ground. Only do basic maintenance. Dump it when something big/expensive comes up.

Though I have to say that your car looks like it’s in very good condition.

What’s the mileage on it and what are the things wrong with it?

Kinja'd!!! "Milky" (jordanmielke)
01/03/2017 at 15:55, STARS: 1

Well poo. Get a lower mileage Lexus!

Kinja'd!!! "Manwich - now Keto-Friendly" (manwich)
01/03/2017 at 15:55, STARS: 1

I’ll give you $150 Canadian dollars in pretty looking $50 bills...


AND I’ll give you a bottle of Real Canadian Maple Syrup!

Kinja'd!!! "dtg11 - is probably on an adventure with Clifford" (dtg11)
01/03/2017 at 15:56, STARS: 1

265k miles and enough hiccups and glitches for me not to trust it to reliably or cheaply take me to and from college, which could be upto 300 miles from home.

Kinja'd!!! "dtg11 - is probably on an adventure with Clifford" (dtg11)
01/03/2017 at 15:57, STARS: 0

Isn’t that like $0.05 USD?

Kinja'd!!! "V12 Jake- Hittin' Switches" (jbv12)
01/03/2017 at 15:59, STARS: 0

What specifically is happening?

Kinja'd!!! "dtg11 - is probably on an adventure with Clifford" (dtg11)
01/03/2017 at 16:01, STARS: 0

Good low mileage Lexuses are too hard to find for my budget and in good shape, unless I want a Camry..er..ES300. Here’s my list of Contenders:

Semi-related: my current ideas for a replacement are:

Acura RSX +(safe, reliable, fun, quick, good fuel economy, practical [more cargo room than my Lexus] and nice to look at, VTEC)-(potentially poor on highway, a bit small and slow at low RPMs, hard to find a clean one)

2003+ Honda Accord with leather +(safe, reliable, V6 is quick, good fuel economy, as much cargo room as my Lexus, good highway cruiser)-(4-banger is slow, boring, potential transmission issues with the V6, higher mileage in budget)

2002+ Nissan Maxima with leather/Infiniti I35 +(safe, pretty reliable, quick, fun to drive, decent fuel economy, practical, good highway cruiser)-(can have head gasket or transmission problems, kinda boring to look at)

2004+Acura TL/TSX +(safe, reliable, good looking, quick, fun, comfortable on cruises, fuel economy, VTEC)-(small trunk, transmission issues, hard to find a good one in budget)

Scion TC +(fun, reliable, safe, good looking, fuel efficient)-(small cargo area, 4-speed is slow, base models don’t have cruise control, boy racer image)

Toyota Sequoia +(roomy, great on highway, practical, V8+4WD, luxurious, reliable)-(fuel economy, higher mileage for price, did I mention fuel economy?)

Acura MDX +(roomy, great on highway, practical, luxurious, reliable, engine, AWD) -(transmission problems, higher mileage for price, soccer mom image)

2000+ Toyota Avalon +(roomy, best highway cruiser I can think of, practical, luxurious, reliable, one of my favorite early 2000's interiors [very quiet too], available bench seats, fuel efficient)-(transmission problems begin to occur after 275k, higher mileage for price, old person image, boring exterior, hard to find a good one in budget)

2004+ Subaru Legacy +(looks great, AWD, reliable, fuel efficient, safe, nice interior even on base models)-(almost impossible to find for price, headgaskets)

Kinja'd!!! "dtg11 - is probably on an adventure with Clifford" (dtg11)
01/03/2017 at 16:03, STARS: 0

Just little glitches and hiccups, nothing major so far, but enough for me not to trust it to take me to college.

Kinja'd!!! "Manwich - now Keto-Friendly" (manwich)
01/03/2017 at 16:06, STARS: 0

You’ve got your Pesos and Dollars mixed up.

Kinja'd!!! "dtg11 - is probably on an adventure with Clifford" (dtg11)
01/03/2017 at 16:07, STARS: 0

Oh yeah, Canadian dollars is $15 USD I forgot.

Kinja'd!!! "Manwich - now Keto-Friendly" (manwich)
01/03/2017 at 16:11, STARS: 1

If you need something that is cheap, simple and reliable above all else, then I say sell it and replace it with a used Toyota Tercel/Echo/Yaris.

For $4000, you should be able to find a decent one with less than half the mileage. ANNND... your costs will be lower in numerous ways... cheaper tires, less oil needed for oil changes, fewer features (which means there’s fewer things that can break), cheaper tires, cheaper parts, uses less fuel, etc.

Only down sides are it won’t drive as nicely, it’s smaller and it will have zero snob appeal.

Kinja'd!!! "Manwich - now Keto-Friendly" (manwich)
01/03/2017 at 16:16, STARS: 1

But then it will be the other way around when oil goes back up to $100.

Kinja'd!!! "dtg11 - is probably on an adventure with Clifford" (dtg11)
01/03/2017 at 17:09, STARS: 0

It needs to be good on the highway, and that’s not.

Kinja'd!!! "gmctavish needs more space" (gmctavish)
01/03/2017 at 17:23, STARS: 1

Well that’s not too bad, as long as nothing is mechanically wrong, and it doesn’t have persistent electrical gremlins, I imagine it should be solid

Kinja'd!!! "Manwich - now Keto-Friendly" (manwich)
01/03/2017 at 17:51, STARS: 2


I’ve driven a Tercel from the late 1980s and a Yaris from the late 2000s on the highway... both automatics.

They’re fine.

They’re powerful enough to do at least 90mph (how much faster do you need to go?) and though it would be a big step down from any Lexus, after a couple of weeks you’ll get used to it.

But anyway, I just had a look on autotrader. You can get another used Lexus from the 1990s for $4000. I saw a 1999 and a 2001 GS300 with 125,000 to 150,000 miles... so you could always get something like that.

Or you can get something like a Camry or Corolla with less than 100,000 miles for that money.

Kinja'd!!! "V12 Jake- Hittin' Switches" (jbv12)
01/03/2017 at 18:57, STARS: 1

Hmm. Personally I’d trust this car more than most others but it’s a personal decision.

Kinja'd!!! "dtg11 - is probably on an adventure with Clifford" (dtg11)
01/03/2017 at 19:03, STARS: 0

Here’s my list of Contenders:

Acura RSX +(safe, reliable, fun, quick, good fuel economy, practical [more cargo room than my Lexus] and nice to look at, VTEC)-(potentially poor on highway, a bit small and slow at low RPMs, hard to find a clean one)

2003+ Honda Accord with leather +(safe, reliable, V6 is quick, good fuel economy, as much cargo room as my Lexus, good highway cruiser)-(4-banger is slow, boring, potential transmission issues with the V6, higher mileage in budget)

2002+ Nissan Maxima with leather/Infiniti I35 +(safe, pretty reliable, quick, fun to drive, decent fuel economy, practical, good highway cruiser)-(can have head gasket or transmission problems, kinda boring to look at)

2004+Acura TL/TSX +(safe, reliable, good looking, quick, fun, comfortable on cruises, fuel economy, VTEC)-(small trunk, transmission issues, hard to find a good one in budget)

Scion TC +(fun, reliable, safe, good looking, fuel efficient)-(small cargo area, 4-speed is slow, base models don’t have cruise control, boy racer image)

2000+ Toyota Avalon +(roomy, best highway cruiser I can think of, practical, luxurious, reliable, one of my favorite early 2000's interiors [very quiet too], available bench seats, fuel efficient)-(transmission problems begin to occur after 275k, higher mileage for price, old person image, boring exterior, hard to find a good one in budget)

Kinja'd!!! "dtg11 - is probably on an adventure with Clifford" (dtg11)
01/03/2017 at 19:06, STARS: 0

There are a few minor electrical gremlins, such as a windshield washer fluid light that comes and goes periodically despite it being full and the battery light comes on about 1 trip a month, independent of the amount of electricals I’m using.

Kinja'd!!! "Dr. Zoidberg - RIP Oppo" (thetomselleck)
01/03/2017 at 19:20, STARS: 1

Well as someone who sold his car after a mere 5 months, I say just do it.

Kinja'd!!! "dtg11 - is probably on an adventure with Clifford" (dtg11)
01/03/2017 at 19:21, STARS: 0

I’d be keeping it until April/May/June, so I’d have it for a year. Not like I’m selling it right away. Also the Tercel was a good swap for the Celica.

Kinja'd!!! "Manwich - now Keto-Friendly" (manwich)
01/03/2017 at 19:31, STARS: 1

I would rank that list as follows:

1. Acura RSX

2. Scion TC

3. Acura TSX - Note that the TL is a bigger car than the TSX. The TSX is basically the smaller Euro Accord. And it’s the TLX that replaced the TL

4. Acura TL/TLX

5. Honda Accord

6. Toyota Avalon

7. Nissan Maxima/Infinity I35 - Good cars, but not quite as reliable as the stuff from Honda/Toyota.

I have a preference for smaller cars that feel fast.

Kinja'd!!! "gmctavish needs more space" (gmctavish)
01/03/2017 at 19:39, STARS: 1

That’s not bad, but I can understand how it would be a bit misconcerting. My Blazer did some weird electrical shit, but it always started and it always got me home. I definitely had my doubts sometimes

Kinja'd!!! "dtg11 - is probably on an adventure with Clifford" (dtg11)
01/03/2017 at 19:45, STARS: 0

My personal rankings:

Acura RSX

2005 Toyota Avalon

Infiniti I35 (no one knows of them, I found an 04 with 133k miles for $3800 at a dealer in excellent shape. My thought is a pretty reliable car with that mileage would be more reliable than a very reliable car with 250k+ miles.)

Acura TSX, if one comes up for sale. They’re hard to find, at least within a 2 hour drive.

00-04 Avalon

Acura TL

Nissan Maxima

Honda Accord

Scion TC (potentially too small and too slow)

Kinja'd!!! "dtg11 - is probably on an adventure with Clifford" (dtg11)
01/03/2017 at 19:46, STARS: 0

That sums up my car, except once when I had a bad camshaft position sensor. Then it took 6 jumpstarts to get my car going.

Kinja'd!!! "Manwich - now Keto-Friendly" (manwich)
01/03/2017 at 20:25, STARS: 2

But clearly what you need is the turbocharged awesomeness of a PT Cruiser GT:



Kinja'd!!! "dtg11 - is probably on an adventure with Clifford" (dtg11)
01/03/2017 at 20:30, STARS: 1


Kinja'd!!! "Arrivederci" (arrividerci)
01/04/2017 at 07:56, STARS: 1

I suppose it just depends on if you think your recent spend on it is going to make it more reliable for awhile, or if it’s just the beginning of a trend. It’s the devil you know vs the devil you don’t argument - for the price range you’re considering, you could wind up with something worse.

Kinja'd!!! "TysMagic" (twjeffery)
01/04/2017 at 09:00, STARS: 1

Devil’s advocate here, $175 a month is less than a car note?

Kinja'd!!! "TysMagic" (twjeffery)
01/04/2017 at 09:23, STARS: 1

I missed some of the replies, but got a solid feel that you don’t want to step in to the typical entry econobox that is a college car due to the length of the trip back home.
From you list. I like the midsize luxury sedans. I’d put those over the RSX just for the sake of having 4 doors. I’d also make sure the seats fold down in the rear for maximum hauling space.
Dig your thoughts on the infiniti! Good deal for a very reliable ride with creature comforts. While I haven’t owned one, I wouldn’t say no to getting one for a deal. I’ve done a 2012ish accord with leather and it just feels like a middle management special. I did a 2006 TSX directly after that, it was more fun to drive and felt less like it was aimed at the guy who just got a small promotion...even though it is. The TL is a nice ride, but I’m speculating that a well kept one with reasonable miles will be out of budget.

Kinja'd!!! "dtg11 - is probably on an adventure with Clifford" (dtg11)
01/04/2017 at 10:28, STARS: 1

I see what you’re saying. My price range is conservative, adding in me having to put another $500 in my car in the next 5 months.

Kinja'd!!! "dtg11 - is probably on an adventure with Clifford" (dtg11)
01/04/2017 at 10:36, STARS: 0

Other than unusable backseats, the RSX actually has more cargo space than everything else on my list, other than the Sequoia and MDX, both of which I have since ruled out because of mileage. Not trying to argue, just thought that was crazy that a small hatchback has more cargo space than a midsize luxury sedan. In case you didn’t see, here’s how I rate my potential contenders:

Acura RSX

2005 Toyota Avalon

Infiniti I35 (no one knows of them, I found an 04 with 133k miles for $3800 at a dealer in excellent shape. My thought is a pretty reliable car with that mileage would be more reliable than a very reliable car with 250k+ miles.)

Acura TSX, if one comes up for sale. They’re hard to find, at least within a 2 hour drive.

00-04 Avalon

Acura TL

Nissan Maxima

Honda Accord

Scion TC (potentially too small and too slow)

I do see what you’re saying though. My first car/my parent’s car was an 2001 Corolla and my brother has 1998 Nissan Altima, so I know what econoboxes are like on the highway: not fun, especially around semis or when passing. The luxury part is me wanting to wean myself off of pure luxury, but still have a few nice things. Except the 05 Avalon, that’s got basically everything I’d want in a car.

Kinja'd!!! "dtg11 - is probably on an adventure with Clifford" (dtg11)
01/04/2017 at 10:38, STARS: 0

Yes, as I’ll be paying cash again.

Kinja'd!!! "TysMagic" (twjeffery)
01/04/2017 at 10:54, STARS: 0

Well, you just said it. Basically everything you’d want in a car, buy the Avalon.

I’ve already seen folks disagree with econoboxes on the highway so I’m not going to beat that horse, but they aren’t bad. I daily drove a focus for 5ish years with no complaints on 10 hour road trips, heavy city traffic driving, or anything in between

Kinja'd!!! "TysMagic" (twjeffery)
01/04/2017 at 10:54, STARS: 1

Well, you just said it. Basically everything you’d want in a car, buy the Avalon.

I’ve already seen folks disagree with econoboxes on the highway so I’m not going to beat that horse, but they aren’t bad. I daily drove a focus for 5ish years with no complaints on 10 hour road trips, heavy city traffic driving, or anything in between

Kinja'd!!! "dtg11 - is probably on an adventure with Clifford" (dtg11)
01/04/2017 at 13:36, STARS: 0

I also want it to be somewhat nice and be practical, neither of which many econoboxes can do. The Corolla/Civic/etc have small trunks and poorer rear leg room. And they’re just too boring and slow. I see their merits, but I don’t need most of them.

Also the downside of the Avalon is cost, availability, and milage. So not perfect, but if I could buy any car right now, it’d be this, assuming it’s all good:
